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The Sustainability of Cotton Production in China and in Australia: Comparative Economic and Environmental Issues AgEcon
Zhao, Xufu; Tisdell, Clement A..
After providing some background about the importance of cotton as a fibre, this article provides information about the global relevance of China’s and Australia’s cotton industries and compares the structure and other significant features of their cotton industries. Attention is given to trends in overall cotton yields and the volume of production of cotton globally, in Australia, and in China as indicators of the sustainability of cotton supplies. Some simple economic theory is applied to indicate the relationship between market conditions and the sustainability of global cotton supplies. Then the environmental and economic factors that challenge the sustainability of Australian cotton production are outlined and analysed and this is done subsequently for...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Australia; China; Cotton production; Fibre markets; Hysteresis of supplies; Sustainable agriculture; Water resources.; Environmental Economics and Policy; Q01; Q11; Q15; Q24; Q50..
Ano: 2009 URL:
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A Comparative Study of China's and Australia's Cotton Production AgEcon
Zhao, Xufu; Tisdell, Clement A..
After providing information about the global importance of cotton as a textile and China’s and Australia’s contribution to global cotton production, this paper examines and compares trends in the time-series of cotton production of China and Australia for the period 1980-2007. In doing so, it takes account of changes in the area planted with cotton and its yield. Correlation estimates and decomposition analysis are used to determine the relative contribution to variations in the total output of cotton of changes in the total area planted with cotton and its yield in both countries. These relative contributions are found to be quite different for Australia and China. In addition, there is a comparative analysis of fluctuations in the production of cotton,...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Australia; Agricultural economics; China; Cotton production; Cotton supply responses; Fibre markets; Fluctuations in agricultural production; Crop Production/Industries; International Relations/Trade; Q00; Q10; Q11; Q13; Q18; Q19.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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