Registros recuperados: 63 | |
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Neste boletim encontram-se as informações sobre a pesca profissional artesanal e esportiva (pesca recreativa) coletadas e analisadas por meio do Sistema de Controle da Pesca de Mato Grosso do Sul (SCPESCA/MS) no ano de 2015. Os dados obtidos são provenientes do pescado capturado em toda a Bacia do Alto Paraguai em Mato Grosso do Sul (BAP/MS) e vistoriado pela Polícia Militar Ambiental/MS. Foi registrado um total de 363 t de pescado, das quais 180 t (49,5%) foram capturadas pela pesca profissional (estimativa de captura) e 183 t (50,5%) pela pesca esportiva. As espécies mais capturadas pelas duas categorias juntas foram: pintado Pseudoplatystoma corruscans (79,5 t, 22%), pacu Piaractus mesopotamicus (60,8 t, 17 %) e cachara Pseudoplatystoma reticulatum... |
Tipo: Livros |
Palavras-chave: Bacia do Alto Paraguai; Upper Paraguay River Basin; Fishery statistics; Peixe; Estatística pesqueira; Pesca; Fisheries statistics; Fisheries management; Fisheries; Pantanal. |
Ano: 2016 |
URL: http://www.infoteca.cnptia.embrapa.br/infoteca/handle/doc/1065674 |
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Neste boletim encontram-se as informações sobre a pesca profissional e esportiva coletadas e analisadas pelo Sistema de Controle da Pesca de Mato Grosso do Sul (SCPESCA/MS) no ano de 2013. Os dados obtidos são provenientes do pescado capturado em toda a Bacia do Alto Paraguai em Mato Grosso do Sul (BAP/MS) e vistoriado pela Polícia Militar Ambiental/MS. Foi registrado um total de 333 t de pescado, das quais 165 t (49,5%) foram capturadas pela pesca profissional (estimativa de captura) e 168 t (50,5%) pela pesca esportiva. As espécies mais capturadas pelas duas categorias juntas foram: pintado Pseudoplatystoma corruscans (83 t, 26%), cachara Pseudoplatystoma reticulatum (79 t, 25%) e pacu Piaractus mesopotamicus (32 t, 10 %). Os rios que mais contribuíram... |
Tipo: Livros |
Palavras-chave: Bacia do Alto Paraguai; Brasil; Pesca esportiva; Upper Paraguay River Basin; Fishery statistics; Inland fisheries; Small scale fisheries; Sport fisheries; Estatística Pesqueira; Pesca Continental; Pesca Artesanal; Pantanal. |
Ano: 2014 |
URL: http://www.infoteca.cnptia.embrapa.br/infoteca/handle/doc/1010105 |
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Neste boletim encontram-se as informações sobre a pesca profissional e esportiva (pesca recreativa) coletadas e analisadas pelo Sistema de Controle da Pesca de Mato Grosso do Sul (SCPESCA/MS) no ano de 2014. Os dados obtidos são provenientes do pescado capturado em toda a Bacia do Alto Paraguai em Mato Grosso do Sul (BAP/MS) e vistoriado pela Polícia Militar Ambiental/MS. Foi registrado um total de 306 t de pescado, das quais 136 t (44,4%) foram capturadas pela pesca profissional (estimativa de captura) e 170 t (55,6%) pela pesca esportiva. As espécies mais capturadas pelas duas categorias juntas foram: cachara Pseudoplatystoma reticulatum (69 t, 22,6%) pintado Pseudoplatystoma corruscans (67 t, 22,1%), e pacu Piaractus mesopotamicus (43 t, 14,3 %). Os... |
Tipo: Livros |
Palavras-chave: Bacia do Alto Paraguai; Pesca esportiva; Pesca recreativa; Upper Paraguay River Basin; Fishery statistics; Small scale fisheries; Sport fisheries; Recreational fisheries; Produção pesqueira; Estatística pesqueira; Pesca Continental; Pesca Artesanal; Fishery resources; Pantanal. |
Ano: 2015 |
URL: http://www.infoteca.cnptia.embrapa.br/infoteca/handle/doc/1036670 |
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Kalaydjian, Regis. |
The purpose of this book is to value the economic significance of marine-related activities in France. Each industrial, or public non-commercial, sector is characterized by key figures relating to annual turnover, value added, employment and budget. These figures are accompanied with qualitative information on the recent development, current situation and future perspectives of the sector in terms of markets, employment and technological progress. Public and private R&D is also allowed for. Given the diversity of marine-related activities, this information aims at enabling the reader to assess their importance from a comparative angle. From the sector-based approach it is possible to draw certain conclusions. Notably, commercial activities contributed... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: France; Fishery economics; Living resources; Marine transportation; Fishery statistics. |
Ano: 1997 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/2001/rapport-1347.pdf |
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Kalaydjian, Regis. |
The purpose of this book is to value the economic significance of marine-related activities in France. Each industrial, or public non-commercial, sector is characterized by key figures relating to annual turnover, value added, employment and budget. These figures are accompanied with qualitative information on the recent development, current situation and future perspectives of the sector in terms of markets, employment and technological progress. Public and private R&D, and the protection of coastal and marine environment are also allowed for. Given the diversity of marine-related activities, this information aims at enabling the reader to assess their importance from a comparative angle. |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: France; Fishery economics; Living resources; Marine transportation; Fishery statistics. |
Ano: 1999 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/1999/rapport-1312.pdf |
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Kalaydjian, Regis. |
This document presents a survey of the sea-related activities in France, i.e. those of the commercial sector (exploitation of mineral and living resources, manufacturing industries, services) and those of the non-commercial public sector (Navy, State services, education, safety, marine research). A chapter is devoted to the protection of the coastal and marine environment. Each activity of the commercial sector is described by key-figures (turnover, value added, employment); the description of the non-commercial public sector includes data on costs, including personnel costs. In addition to these figures, qualitative information is given on the recent development, present situation and future prospect of each activity. This set of data and information... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: France; Fishery economics; Living resources; Marine transportation; Fishery statistics. |
Ano: 2000 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/2000/rapport-1346.pdf |
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Gascuel, Didier; Elie, Pierre. |
The study of 41 samples, which were perfomed in the Loire and Vilaine estuaries, during elver fishing seasons 1979-80 and 1980-81, allowed us to define a rapid method of sample analysis in laboratory. The fish catches of one-year old and over were not abundant (eel, mullet, sprat, flounder, sole); on the other hand, larval stages of herring, flounder and also of mullet, sole and sprat were caught in large quantities. In addition, there were numerous catches of brown shrimp and species of trophic interest such as goby and macroplanktonic crustaceans. It is noteworthy that the by-catches are numerous during the fishing season. |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Anguilla anguilla; Fishery statistics. |
Ano: 1982 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/1982/publication-1882.pdf |
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Junquera, Susana. |
Using the fishing records from the most relevant ports of the Cantabrian and Galician coasts, th history of the anchovy (Engraulis encrasicholus ) fishery in this area is reconstituted. The crisis observed and the variations in the fishing areas throughout the time are analyzed. An estimation of the age classes composition in the catches founded on commercial classification data can be made. The hypothesis of existence of a core population in the Southern part of the Bay of Biscay is presented and that only under certain advantageous condition the expansion of this species throughout all the Cantabrian Sea was possible. |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Pisces; Age composition; Population dynamics; Catch/effort; Fishery statistics. |
Ano: 1984 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/1984/publication-1795.pdf |
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Guénette, S.; Baddyr, M.. |
The reported landings for the whole coastline off Morocco have been assembled from FAO statistics, Moroccan and Spanish Ministries records, and FAO working group reports. The resulting estimate of reported landings is close to the published statistics from FAO for the years 1975-1997. For the period 1950-1974, the landings obtained are considered to be under-estimates as the reporting structure was not fully in place. Because the Spanish fisheries have been historically important on the coast of Morocco, a more complete description of their catch statistics have been included. In addition, discard rates and unreported landings have been estimated based on several studies in the region. |
Tipo: Book Section |
Palavras-chave: Fishery statistics. |
Ano: 2001 |
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/1834/535 |
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A partir de la firma del Proyecto de Gestión Pesquera DINARA-FAO (UTF/URU/025/URU), en septiembre de 2007, se comenzó a conformar una Unidad de Economía Pesquera. Sus objetivos se focalizaron en fortalecer la capacidad de recolección y análisis estadístico de la información socio-económica del sector. En el 2008 esta Unidad compiló y realizó un análisis de la información comprendida entre los años 2002 y 2007, reanudando luego de varios años esta publicación histórica. La misma fue un éxito en todo sentido, especialmente para consulta de los diferentes actores del sector. La aceptación y receptividad que ha tenido dicha publicación nos motiva y obliga a continuar en esta línea, rumbo a la obtención de un producto de valor y utilidad, basado exclusivamente... |
Tipo: Book |
Palavras-chave: Fishery statistics; Fisheries; Trade; Fisheries; Trade; Http://aims.fao.org/aos/agrovoc/c_2934; Http://aims.fao.org/aos/agrovoc/c_7848. |
Ano: 2009 |
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/1834/3244 |
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Thomas, A.; Dufour, O.; Pianet, R.; Morón, J.. |
The present data-recording system used in the Seychelles to compile the tuna purse-seine statistics in the WIO was established by ORSTOM at the beginning of the fishery (1982/3) for the French fleet, and then extended to the Seychelles Fishing Authority (SFA) and Madagascar in 1991-92 for all fleets. After several modifications, it has been working efficiently for the last ten years, making it possible to build a very comprehensive tuna database for the purse-seine fleets since the beginning of the fishery. The extension to Madagascar started in 1992, within the framework of the Regional Tuna Project. A specific laboratory, the(Unité Statistique Thonière d’Antsiranana (USTA) was installed, the work being done in collaboration between ORSTOM, the Direction... |
Tipo: Report |
Palavras-chave: Fishery statistics; Purse seiners; Fishery data. |
Ano: 1995 |
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/1834/515 |
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Registros recuperados: 63 | |