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Sistema de Controle de Pesca de Mato Grosso do Sul SCPESCA/MS 22-2016. Infoteca-e
Este é o 23º Boletim de Pesquisa do Sistema de Controle da Pesca de Mato Grosso do Sul - SCPESCA/MS. A Embrapa Pantanal publica essas informações em parceria com a Secretaria de Estado de Meio Ambiente, Desenvolvimento Econômico, Produção e Agricultura Familiar por meio do Instituto de Meio Ambiente de Mato Grosso do Sul, juntamente com o 15º Batalhão de Polícia Militar Ambiental de Mato Grosso do Sul. A pesca é uma atividade de considerável expressão econômica e social no Estado e seu monitoramento na Bacia do Alto Paraguai pelo SCPESCA/MS constitui um exemplo gratificante de parceria entre instituições que atuam no Pantanal. Por meio deste Sistema, que não seria possível sem esse esforço conjunto, são obtidos dados sobre a pesca profissional artesanal,...
Tipo: Livros Palavras-chave: Bacia do Alto Paraguai; Fishery statistics; Upper Paraguay River Basin; Estatística pesqueira; Peixe; Pesca; Fisheries statistics; Fisheries; Fisheries management; Pantanal.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Sistema de Controle de Pesca de Mato Grosso do Sul SCPESCA/MS 22-2015. Infoteca-e
Neste boletim encontram-se as informações sobre a pesca profissional artesanal e esportiva (pesca recreativa) coletadas e analisadas por meio do Sistema de Controle da Pesca de Mato Grosso do Sul (SCPESCA/MS) no ano de 2015. Os dados obtidos são provenientes do pescado capturado em toda a Bacia do Alto Paraguai em Mato Grosso do Sul (BAP/MS) e vistoriado pela Polícia Militar Ambiental/MS. Foi registrado um total de 363 t de pescado, das quais 180 t (49,5%) foram capturadas pela pesca profissional (estimativa de captura) e 183 t (50,5%) pela pesca esportiva. As espécies mais capturadas pelas duas categorias juntas foram: pintado Pseudoplatystoma corruscans (79,5 t, 22%), pacu Piaractus mesopotamicus (60,8 t, 17 %) e cachara Pseudoplatystoma reticulatum...
Tipo: Livros Palavras-chave: Bacia do Alto Paraguai; Upper Paraguay River Basin; Fishery statistics; Peixe; Estatística pesqueira; Pesca; Fisheries statistics; Fisheries management; Fisheries; Pantanal.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Sistema de Controle de Pesca de Mato Grosso do Sul SCPESCA/MS20-2013. Infoteca-e
Neste boletim encontram-se as informações sobre a pesca profissional e esportiva coletadas e analisadas pelo Sistema de Controle da Pesca de Mato Grosso do Sul (SCPESCA/MS) no ano de 2013. Os dados obtidos são provenientes do pescado capturado em toda a Bacia do Alto Paraguai em Mato Grosso do Sul (BAP/MS) e vistoriado pela Polícia Militar Ambiental/MS. Foi registrado um total de 333 t de pescado, das quais 165 t (49,5%) foram capturadas pela pesca profissional (estimativa de captura) e 168 t (50,5%) pela pesca esportiva. As espécies mais capturadas pelas duas categorias juntas foram: pintado Pseudoplatystoma corruscans (83 t, 26%), cachara Pseudoplatystoma reticulatum (79 t, 25%) e pacu Piaractus mesopotamicus (32 t, 10 %). Os rios que mais contribuíram...
Tipo: Livros Palavras-chave: Bacia do Alto Paraguai; Brasil; Pesca esportiva; Upper Paraguay River Basin; Fishery statistics; Inland fisheries; Small scale fisheries; Sport fisheries; Estatística Pesqueira; Pesca Continental; Pesca Artesanal; Pantanal.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Sistema de Controle de Pesca de Mato Grosso do Sul SCPESCA/MS 21-2014. Infoteca-e
Neste boletim encontram-se as informações sobre a pesca profissional e esportiva (pesca recreativa) coletadas e analisadas pelo Sistema de Controle da Pesca de Mato Grosso do Sul (SCPESCA/MS) no ano de 2014. Os dados obtidos são provenientes do pescado capturado em toda a Bacia do Alto Paraguai em Mato Grosso do Sul (BAP/MS) e vistoriado pela Polícia Militar Ambiental/MS. Foi registrado um total de 306 t de pescado, das quais 136 t (44,4%) foram capturadas pela pesca profissional (estimativa de captura) e 170 t (55,6%) pela pesca esportiva. As espécies mais capturadas pelas duas categorias juntas foram: cachara Pseudoplatystoma reticulatum (69 t, 22,6%) pintado Pseudoplatystoma corruscans (67 t, 22,1%), e pacu Piaractus mesopotamicus (43 t, 14,3 %). Os...
Tipo: Livros Palavras-chave: Bacia do Alto Paraguai; Pesca esportiva; Pesca recreativa; Upper Paraguay River Basin; Fishery statistics; Small scale fisheries; Sport fisheries; Recreational fisheries; Produção pesqueira; Estatística pesqueira; Pesca Continental; Pesca Artesanal; Fishery resources; Pantanal.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Etat de la Peche des Sparides du Golfe du Lion. Application de Deux Modeles de Gestion (Schaefer, 1957; Beverton et Holt, 1957) aux Stocks de Pagellus erythrinus et Boops boops. ArchiMer
In the Gulf of Lion, only three species of Sparidae present a true economical interest : The pandora, the bogue and the gilt head bream. They totalize 90% of the catches of this family. The model of Schaefer is inapplicable to the pandora and bogue stocks and the author could not determine an optimal fishing effort for these two species. The important heterogeneity of size and equipment of the trawlers and the notable imprecision of the fishery statistics explain, perhaps, the inadequacies of this logistic model to this fishing. The author has defined the potentialities of the production of the pandora and bogue stock using the analytical model of Beverton and Holt. He verifies that an increase of the yield corresponds to a decrease of the fishing effort....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Boops boops; Pagellus erythrinus; Boops boops; Fishery statistics; Pagellus erythrinus; Yield; Fishery statistics; Fishing effort; Yield; Stock assessment; Fishing effort; Mathematical models; Stock assessment; Fishery management; Mathematical models.
Ano: 1980 URL:
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Données économiques maritimes françaises 1997 ArchiMer
Kalaydjian, Regis.
The purpose of this book is to value the economic significance of marine-related activities in France. Each industrial, or public non-commercial, sector is characterized by key figures relating to annual turnover, value added, employment and budget. These figures are accompanied with qualitative information on the recent development, current situation and future perspectives of the sector in terms of markets, employment and technological progress. Public and private R&D is also allowed for. Given the diversity of marine-related activities, this information aims at enabling the reader to assess their importance from a comparative angle. From the sector-based approach it is possible to draw certain conclusions. Notably, commercial activities contributed...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: France; Fishery economics; Living resources; Marine transportation; Fishery statistics.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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A multimetric-index approach using fisheries data to assess fish assemblage structure in relation to salinity gradient in a tropical West African estuary ArchiMer
Kantoussan, J.; Ecoutin, J. M.; Lae, R.; Thiaw, O. T.; Tito De Morais, L..
This study examines the effects of increasing salinity on fish assemblage structure in the Casamance Estuary, Senegal. using a series of indices. The study data were derived from commercial fishery surveys conducted between April and July 2005. Analysis of within-trophic-group diversity in the Casamance Estuary shows a significant drop in the diversity of apex predators in the upper. more saline reaches of the estuary. By contrast. primary consumers adapted well to salinity changes and exhibited higher taxonomic diversity in the upper reaches of the estuary than in the lower reaches. The findings also indicate decreases in average sizes of the landed species and the trophic levels among fish catches in the direction of the upper reaches. However, the catch...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Biological indicators; Casamance Estuary; Ecosystem monitoring; Fishery statistics; Inverse hypersaline estuary; Senegal; Taxonomic diversity.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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La necessite d'un systeme statistique integre pour l'evaluation des resultats economiques de la peche maritime. ArchiMer
Abgrall, J; Congar, R.
This study highlights the economic interrelations among all boats, focusing on two particular cases, on the one hand the French Channel trawler fleet (1978 to 1980), the Quebec trawler fleet (1974 to 1982) on the other. The present results show the extent of changes in vessel profit or loss productivity and the sacrifice owners and crew have to make in order to survive. Results also show the disparities of situations between the different sorts of vessels within a common bioeconomic environment.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Quebec; Canada; ANW; Marketing; Fishery statistics; Economic analysis; Fishery economics.
Ano: 1984 URL:
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Les statistiques de pêche ArchiMer
Delpech, Jean-paul.
The french statistical fishery system is briefly presented and informations are given relative to landings, fishing effort, data network and system actors.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fishery statistics; Production; Fishing effort.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Données économiques maritimes françaises 1998 ArchiMer
Kalaydjian, Regis.
The purpose of this book is to value the economic significance of marine-related activities in France. Each industrial, or public non-commercial, sector is characterized by key figures relating to annual turnover, value added, employment and budget. These figures are accompanied with qualitative information on the recent development, current situation and future perspectives of the sector in terms of markets, employment and technological progress. Public and private R&D, and the protection of coastal and marine environment are also allowed for. Given the diversity of marine-related activities, this information aims at enabling the reader to assess their importance from a comparative angle.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: France; Fishery economics; Living resources; Marine transportation; Fishery statistics.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Le ceteau Dicologoglossa cunetata (Moreau), sa biologie et sa peche dans le sud du golfe de Gasgogne. ArchiMer
Forest, A.
This study deals with D.cuneata, a small soleid listed among the spp of NEAFC Recommendation 2 and exploited by the 'artisanal' trawlers in the South of the Bay of Biscay. The gonads/gutted fish wt ratio has been calculated throughout a yr, and shows that young Dicologoglossa are able to reproduce at age-group II. Spawning takes place during the 3rd quarter. Growth has been determined by otolith reading and length frequency analysis; Bertalanffy's and Gompertz's equations parameters have been studied, and attempts to estimate the instantaneous rate of total mortality have been made. The results are: male Z 3-5=0.74 and 0.83, female Z 3-5=0.96 and 1.35. Selectivity experiments carried out on board of R/V 'La Palagia' give a selection factor of 3.9. The...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Microchirus; Dicologoglossa cuneata; Population structure; Gear selectivity; Total mortality; Population characteristics; Fishing effort; Artisanal fishing; Reproductive organs; Growth; Fishery statistics.
Ano: 1975 URL:
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Données économiques maritimes françaises 1999 ArchiMer
Kalaydjian, Regis.
This document presents a survey of the sea-related activities in France, i.e. those of the commercial sector (exploitation of mineral and living resources, manufacturing industries, services) and those of the non-commercial public sector (Navy, State services, education, safety, marine research). A chapter is devoted to the protection of the coastal and marine environment. Each activity of the commercial sector is described by key-figures (turnover, value added, employment); the description of the non-commercial public sector includes data on costs, including personnel costs. In addition to these figures, qualitative information is given on the recent development, present situation and future prospect of each activity. This set of data and information...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: France; Fishery economics; Living resources; Marine transportation; Fishery statistics.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Les prises accessoires effectuees lors de la peche de la Civelle d'anguille (Anguilla anguilla L.), Etude preliminaire en Loire et en Vilaine. ArchiMer
Gascuel, Didier; Elie, Pierre.
The study of 41 samples, which were perfomed in the Loire and Vilaine estuaries, during elver fishing seasons 1979-80 and 1980-81, allowed us to define a rapid method of sample analysis in laboratory. The fish catches of one-year old and over were not abundant (eel, mullet, sprat, flounder, sole); on the other hand, larval stages of herring, flounder and also of mullet, sole and sprat were caught in large quantities. In addition, there were numerous catches of brown shrimp and species of trophic interest such as goby and macroplanktonic crustaceans. It is noteworthy that the by-catches are numerous during the fishing season.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Anguilla anguilla; Fishery statistics.
Ano: 1982 URL:
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Le Maigre, Argyrosomus regius (Asso, 1801) (Pisces, Perciformes, Sciaenidae) du Golfe de Gascogne et des eaux plus septentrionales ArchiMer
Quero, Jean-claude; Vayne, Jean-jacques.
The meagre (Argyrosmus regius ) of Bay of Biscay is found along the coast and in the Gironde Estuary from spring to autumn, and in deeper waters during the cold season. It is never abundant at the north of the Pertuis charentais. The young individuals and adults do not have the same distribution. Spawning takes place between mid May and late July in the Gironde Estuary. The young fish feed on small crustaceans and the adults on pelagic fishes. Growth is rapid. The meagre emits loud grunts and the fishermen of the Gironde use these noises to locate the fish and to position their nets.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pisces; Environmental effects; Fishery statistics; Fishery biology; Distribution records.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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Peche de l'anchois (Engraulis encrasicholus ) dans le golfe de Gascogne et sur le littoral atlantique de Galice depuis 1920. Variations quantitatives. ArchiMer
Junquera, Susana.
Using the fishing records from the most relevant ports of the Cantabrian and Galician coasts, th history of the anchovy (Engraulis encrasicholus ) fishery in this area is reconstituted. The crisis observed and the variations in the fishing areas throughout the time are analyzed. An estimation of the age classes composition in the catches founded on commercial classification data can be made. The hypothesis of existence of a core population in the Southern part of the Bay of Biscay is presented and that only under certain advantageous condition the expansion of this species throughout all the Cantabrian Sea was possible.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pisces; Age composition; Population dynamics; Catch/effort; Fishery statistics.
Ano: 1984 URL:
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The industrial tuna fishing activity in the Western Indian Ocean: report for the year 1998 OceanDocs
Marguerite, M.A..
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Western Indian Ocean; Seychelles; Fishery statistics; Tuna fishery; Fishery economics; Fishery industry; Tuna fisheries; Fishery industry.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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The Fisheries Off The Atlantic Coast of Morocco 1950-1997 OceanDocs
Guénette, S.; Baddyr, M..
The reported landings for the whole coastline off Morocco have been assembled from FAO statistics, Moroccan and Spanish Ministries records, and FAO working group reports. The resulting estimate of reported landings is close to the published statistics from FAO for the years 1975-1997. For the period 1950-1974, the landings obtained are considered to be under-estimates as the reporting structure was not fully in place. Because the Spanish fisheries have been historically important on the coast of Morocco, a more complete description of their catch statistics have been included. In addition, discard rates and unreported landings have been estimated based on several studies in the region.
Tipo: Book Section Palavras-chave: Fishery statistics.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Boletín Estadístico Pesquero 2008 OceanDocs
A partir de la firma del Proyecto de Gestión Pesquera DINARA-FAO (UTF/URU/025/URU), en septiembre de 2007, se comenzó a conformar una Unidad de Economía Pesquera. Sus objetivos se focalizaron en fortalecer la capacidad de recolección y análisis estadístico de la información socio-económica del sector. En el 2008 esta Unidad compiló y realizó un análisis de la información comprendida entre los años 2002 y 2007, reanudando luego de varios años esta publicación histórica. La misma fue un éxito en todo sentido, especialmente para consulta de los diferentes actores del sector. La aceptación y receptividad que ha tenido dicha publicación nos motiva y obliga a continuar en esta línea, rumbo a la obtención de un producto de valor y utilidad, basado exclusivamente...
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: Fishery statistics; Fisheries; Trade; Fisheries; Trade; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Data-Recording System and Sampling Strategy in the Western Indian Ocean Purse-Seine Fishery OceanDocs
Thomas, A.; Dufour, O.; Pianet, R.; Morón, J..
The present data-recording system used in the Seychelles to compile the tuna purse-seine statistics in the WIO was established by ORSTOM at the beginning of the fishery (1982/3) for the French fleet, and then extended to the Seychelles Fishing Authority (SFA) and Madagascar in 1991-92 for all fleets. After several modifications, it has been working efficiently for the last ten years, making it possible to build a very comprehensive tuna database for the purse-seine fleets since the beginning of the fishery. The extension to Madagascar started in 1992, within the framework of the Regional Tuna Project. A specific laboratory, the(Unité Statistique Thonière d’Antsiranana (USTA) was installed, the work being done in collaboration between ORSTOM, the Direction...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Fishery statistics; Purse seiners; Fishery data.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Résultats généraux des pêches maritimes 2003 OceanDocs
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Artisanal fishing; Fishery economics; Capture fishery economics; Fishery statistics.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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