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Wake characterization of an undulating membrane tidal energy converter ArchiMer
Träsch, Martin; Déporte, Astrid; Delacroix, Sylvain; Germain, Gregory; Gaurier, Benoit; Drevet, Jean-baptiste.
Most of the research done on tidal energy focuses on marine current turbines. Therefore, tidal turbine’s wake is well-documented. The tidal energy converter studied here is based on the fluid-structure interactions that occur between a flexible membrane and an axial flow, resulting in an undulating motion that can be used to harvest energy. This device’s performance had been studied but it is the first time its wake is experimentally characterized from two-dimensional Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) measurements. PIV is synchronized with a motion tracking system that gives information on trajectory and power conversion. Wake measurement gives access to velocity deficit, turbulence intensity and vorticity. Three configurations are tested in order to...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Marine Renewable Energy; Tidal Energy; Undulation; Power Take-Off; Wake characteristics; Flume tank.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Experimental study of the turbulence intensity effects on marine current turbines behaviour. Part I: One single turbine ArchiMer
Mycek, Paul; Gaurier, Benoit; Germain, Gregory; Pinon, Gregory; Rivoalen, Elie.
The ambient turbulence intensity in the upstream flow plays a decisive role in the behaviour of horizontal axis marine current turbines. Experimental trials, run in the IFREMER flume tank in Boulogne-Sur-Mer (France) for two different turbulence intensity rates, namely 3% and 15%, are presented. They show, for the studied turbine configuration, that while the wake of the turbine is deeply influenced by the ambient turbulence conditions, its mean performances turn out to be slightly modified. The presented conclusions are crucial in the view of implanting second generation turbines arrays. In addition, complete and detailed data sets (wake profiles and performance graphs) are made available to the scientific community in order to encourage further...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Marine current turbine; Performance; Wake; Turbulence; Experiment; Flume tank.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Amélioration de la sélectivité des chalutiers Pêcherie multispécifique – Manche - Mer du Nord (selecmer) ArchiMer
Leonardi, Sophie; Rubin, Alex; Meillat, Marc; Coppin, Franck; Delpech, Jean-paul; Morandeau, Fabien; Larnaud, Pascal.
Ce rapport fait la synthèse des travaux réalisés en 2008 et en 2009 au cours du programme Selecmer. Celui-ci, réalisé à l'initiative des professionnels de la pêche en partenariat avec l'Ifremer, avait pour objectif de travailler à améliorer la sélectivité du chalut de fond qu'ils utilisent afin de diminuer les rejets des individus hors-tailles1, en particulier pour le merlan, tout en limitant les pertes commerciales immédiates. Une première phase a consisté à tester l'efficacité de fenêtres à mailles carrées. La deuxième phase a eu pour objectif de développer une grille sélective. Des essais en bassin et des campagnes vidéo en mer ont permis d'apporter des ajustements aux dispositifs sélectifs. L'ensemble des essais de sélectivité à bord des navires de...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Professional fishermen; Square mehs; Flume tank; Selective grid; North Sea; Channel; Bottom trawl; Selectivity; Fishing; Professionnels; Mailles carrées; Campagnes à la mer; Bassin d'essais; Grille sélective; Mer du Nord; Manche; Chalut de fond; Sélectivité; Pêche.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Mesures sur chaluts jumeaux au bassin d'essai de pêche de Lorient ArchiMer
Meillat, Marc.
These basin tests follow up the campaign done on board the n/o GWEN-DREZ from 12 November to 6 December 1985 with the goal of observing the respective behaviours of the twin trawls and the single trawl of the same type. The mock-ups created for the basin are derived from 23.90 metre shrimp trawls assembled by LE DREZEN Company following an IFREMER plan for COTONEC Company in Guyana.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Model; Flume tank; Twin trawls; Fising technology; Maquette; Technologie des pêches; Bassin d'essai; Chaluts jumeaux.
Ano: 1986 URL:
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Observation en bassin du chalut pélagique a recouvrement de ventre ArchiMer
Meillat, Marc.
Following a mission made by J.P. George on board trawls testing tunny fishing by using a pelagic "boeuf" trawl in September 1987 (because these tests were very promising), IFREMER became interested in designing a trawl more adapted to this type of fishing, known as surface fishing, it was therefore decided to create a mock-up to scale of the trawl that folds down from the bottom.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fishing technology; Pelagic trawl; Flume tank; Technologie des peches; Chalut pelagique; Bassin d'essai.
Ano: 1988 URL:
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Dynamic behaviour of an undulating membrane tidal energy converter under wave and current loading ArchiMer
Träsch, Martin; Delacroix, Sylvain; Déporte, Astrid; Drevet, Jean-baptiste; Gaurier, Benoit; Germain, Gregory.
The dynamic behaviour of an undulating tidal energy converter under wave and current loadings is studied. Therefore, a small scale prototype of a damped pre-stressed undulating membrane is tested in a wave and current recirculatory tank. The membrane’s dynamic profile and hydrodynamic forces are measured synchronously with the surface elevation for both regular and irregular waves in current direction. Spectrum analysis reveals that the response to wave loading depends on the wave frequency and is reduced by damping-type power take-off. Coupling between the wave frequency and the main undulation frequency or its harmonics is also observed. An increase of 30% of the forces must be foreseen in case of wave condition in the tested range.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fluid-structure interaction; Renewable energy; Tidal energy; Undulating membrane; Flume tank; Wave-current interaction.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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A 3D study of the bubble sweep-down phenomenon around a 1/30 scale ship model ArchiMer
Mallat, Bachar; Germain, Gregory; Billard, Jean-yves; Gaurier, Benoit.
The bubble sweep-down phenomenon around oceanographic research vessels generates acoustic disturbances. A specific experimental protocol in a wave and current circulating tank is used to study this phenomenon around a 1/30 scale ship model in a configuration with current, waves and ship motions. 3D visualizations of the bubble clouds and Stereo-PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry) measurements results, both obtained in the bow vicinity of the ship model, are presented in this paper. The behaviour of the breaking wave with bubble generation is studied and the spatial evolution of the bubble clouds is investigated. It is demonstrated that the bubble cloud generation is mainly conditioned by the ascending vertical velocity of the flow near the bow. It is observed...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bubble sweep-down; Breaking wave; Bow wave; Fluid-structure interaction; Flume tank.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Evaluation of the durability of composite tidal turbine blades ArchiMer
Davies, Peter; Germain, Gregory; Gaurier, Benoit; Boisseau, Amelie; Perreux, Dominique.
The long term reliability of tidal turbines is critical if these structures are to be cost-effective. Optimised design requires a combination of material durability models and structural analyses. Composites are a natural choice for turbine blades but there are few data available to predict material behaviour under coupled environmental and cycling loading. This paper addresses this problem, by introducing a multi-level framework for turbine blade qualification. At the material scale static and cyclic tests have been performed, both in air and in seawater. The influence of ageing in seawater on fatigue performance is then quantified and much lower fatigue lives are measured after ageing. At a higher level flume tank tests have been performed on three-blade...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Composite; Fatigue; Ageing; Tidal turbine; Flume tank; Finite-element model.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Power estimates of an undulating membrane tidal energy converter ArchiMer
Trasch, Martin; Deporte, Astrid; Delacroix, Sylvain; Drevet, Jean-baptiste; Gaurier, Benoit; Germain, Gregory.
An experimental study of an undulating membrane based on the Eel Energy device is presented in this paper. This system uses interaction between a semi-rigid plate and an axial flow to generate undulation. At full scale, the deformation of the structure is then converted into electrical power using linear electromagnetic generators. In order to simulate the power take-off on a 1/20th scale prototype, hydraulic dampers are located all over the length of the device. The dampers have non-linear behaviour. A representative damping parameter have been introduced to study their impact. Results are presented in function of fluid velocity and damping adjustment. Undulation mode, frequency and forces on the structure are described. Results show that fluid velocity...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Marine renewable energy; Tidal energy converter; Power take-off; Fluid-structure interaction; Flume tank.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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