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Emvalomatis, Grigorios; Stefanou, Spiro E.; Oude Lansink, Alfons G.J.M.. |
The main objective of this paper is to generate measures of TFP change for the food, beverages, and tobacco industry in the EU. Explicitly taking into account the fact that some of the inputs used in the industry are fixed in the short run, the generated measures of TFP change reflects the dynamic nature of the problem. The second objective is to analyse TFP change into its components and explicitly examine the effect of Research and Development (R&D) effort on TFP growth. Data are collected from EU KLEMS and the OECD Structural Analysis database. The data contain country-level information on output volume, input prices and capital stock, as well as R&D expenditure for the food, beverages, and tobacco industry for the 15 “old” EU Member States.... |
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation |
Palavras-chave: TFP change; Food Industry; R&D.; Agricultural and Food Policy. |
Ano: 2009 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/58011 |
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Cho, Khin Mar; Tobias, Donald Jerome. |
In recent years there has been a growth in the interest of consumers to buy more locally. An increasing number of farmers are trying to meet the growing demand for locally produced products. Here in New York State, farmers who are direct marketing their product, either direct to consumer or direct to wholesale markets constantly are looking for additional avenues to connect to current customers or grow their customer base. NY MarketMaker is one avenue farmers across New York can utilize to make connections with their customers. This powerhouse database connects buyers, sellers and transportation services and is easily searchable, even for the „technologically‟ challenged. Cornell Cooperative Extension (CUCE) in New York City began this project with the... |
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation |
Palavras-chave: Food Industry; Market; Producers; Processors; Retailers; Consumers; New York; Marketing. |
Ano: 2010 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/56564 |
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