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Characterization saprobic fungi on leaf litter of two species of trees in the Atlantic Forest, Brazil BJM
Costa,Loise Araujo; Gusmão,Luís Fernando Pascholati.
Abstract We investigated the composition and structure of fungal communities associated with leaf litter generated by Clusia nemorosa and Vismia guianensis that belong to phylogenetically-related botanical families and exist together in a remnant of the Atlantic Forest in Bahia, Brazil. Samplings were conducted during wet (June 2011) and dry (January 2013) seasons in Serra da Jibóia. The fungi were isolated using particle filtration and the 1,832 isolates represented 92 taxa. The wet season yielded the largest number of isolates (1,141) and taxa (76) compared with the dry season (641 isolates and 37 taxa). The richness and diversity of fungal species associated with C. nemorosa (64 taxa, Simpson=0.95)were higher compared with those of V.guianensis (59...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Fungal communities; Seasonality; Rainforest; Diversity; Fungal ecology.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Diversity of mycobiota in colonies of different species of leaf-cutting ants and sampling sites across Argentina Ecología austral
Marfetan,Jorge A; Folgarait,Patricia J.
Attine ants are a monophyletic group comprising more than 230 species, distributed exclusively in the New World. All higher Attini ants depend on the cultivation of fungus gardens for food, and those gardens are continuously exposed to alien microorganisms. The present work describes, for the first time, the composition, relative frequency and the richness of the fungal species comprising the mycobiota from the garden of the most abundant Acromyrmex species from different regions of Argentina. We also compared, using a multivariate approach, the mycobiota composition with the purpose of testing two hypotheses: 1) whether mycobiota is defined by the ant species, or 2) whether mycobiota is determined by the geographical region. We found that each fungal...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Abundance; Acromyrmex; Ascomycota; Fungal communities; Richness; Zygomycetes.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and phosphorus fertilization on post vitro growth of micropropagated Zingiber officinale roscoe Rev. Bras. Ciênc. Solo
Santos,Rosilda dos; Girardi,Carla Giovana; Pescador,Rosete; Stürmer,Sidney Luiz.
The rhizomes of Zingiber officinale Roscoe (ginger) are widely used for their medicinal and flavoring properties, whereas the influence of root symbionts on their growth is poorly understood. In this study, the effects of phosphate fertilization and inoculation with a mixture of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) (isolates Glomus clarum RGS101A, Entrophospora colombiana SCT115A and Acaulospora koskei SPL102A) on survival, growth and development of micropropagated ginger were investigated. After transplanting to post vitro conditions, the ginger microplants were subjected to the following treatments: a) AMF mixture, b) P addition (25 mg kg-1), c) AMF + P, and d) non-mycorrhizal control without P addition. After eight months of growth, survival ranged from...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Acclimatization; Root colonization; Fungal communities.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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