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Inovação, empreendedorismo e a vitalidade econômica global. 14
Tipo: Artigo de periódico Palavras-chave: G20; Conhecimento; Empreendedorismo; Crise econômica; Comércio exterior; Inovação; Pesquisa; Desenvolvimento econômico; China.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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The Road to Financial Sustainability. Comparative Analysis of Russia and the Caucasus Region 31
Sheremenko, Ganna; Escalante, Cesar L.; Florkowski, Wojciech J..
This paper examines delinquency, profitability, and outreach determinants of microfinance institutions’ (MFIs) performance in Russia and the Caucasus. The estimation is done using the Seemingly Unrelated Regression (SUR) technique. The estimation results suggest that Russian and Caucasian MFIs are profit-driven but are expected to improve outreach in the long-run.
Tipo: Working Paper Palavras-chave: Microfinance institution; SUR; Financial sustainability; Delinquency; Profitability; Social outreach; Agricultural Finance; Financial Economics; G20; G21.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Buying Fields and Marrying Daughters: An Empirical Analysis of Rosca Auctions in a South Indian Village 31
Klonner, Stefan.
A bidding rotating savings and credit association (Rosca) is modeled as a sequence of symmetric-independent-private-value auctions with price-proportional benefits to bidders. We estimate a structural econometric model which, by introducing an altruistic component into each bidder's utility function, allows for socially favorable deviations from the private information, non-altruistic bidding equilibrium. We find that bidding is more altruistic in groups managed by experienced organizers and in Roscas whose current members have already run through more than one Rosca cycle of the current group, implying that effective leadership and enduring relationships help mitigate the social cost of strategic behavior. When a bidder has to meet an unforeseen...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Roscas; Auctions; Consumer/Household Economics; D44; G20.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Price Risk Management Alternatives for Farmers in the Absence of Forward Contracts with Grain Merchants 31
Mark, Darrell R.; Brorsen, B. Wade; Anderson, Kim B.; Small, Rebecca M..
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Crop Production/Industries; Risk and Uncertainty; G13; G20; Q13.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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The Trade-Off Between Liquidity and Precision of Position in Option Contracts 31
Koch, Alexander K.; Lazarov, Zdravetz.
More liquid financial contracts are claimed to draw trading volume from contracts for which they are close substitutes. We provide the first analysis of how trading volume across existing financial contracts is affected by changes in the factors that govern the degree to which they are substitutes. Using data on DAX options with different strike prices, we identify these factors and their impact on the distribution of trades across contracts. The results are relevant for exchange design since they help gauge when options with different strike prices are good (bad) substitutes and the strike price grid should be coarse (fine).
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Clustering; Exchange Design; Options; Risk and Uncertainty; G10; G20; L15.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Innovation and Institutional Ownership 31
Aghion, Philippe; Van Reenen, John; Zingales, Luigi.
We find that institutional ownership in publicly traded companies is associated with more innovation (measured by cite-weighted patents). To explore the mechanism through which this link arises, we build a model that nests the lazy-manager hypothesis with career-concerns, where institutional owners increase managerial incentives to innovate by reducing the career risk of risky projects. The data supports the career concerns model. First, whereas the lazy manager hypothesis predicts a substitution effect between institutional ownership and product market competition (and managerial entrenchment generally), the career-concern model allows for complementarity. Empirically, we reject substitution effects. Second, CEOs are less likely to be fired in the face of...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Career Concerns; Innovation; Institutional Ownership; Productivity and R&D; Financial Economics; G20; G32; O31; O32; O33.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Credit Risk Assessment and Racial Minority Lending at the Farm Service Agency 31
Escalante, Cesar L.; Brooks, Rodney L.; Epperson, James E.; Stegelin, Forrest E..
The nature of credit risk assessment and basis of loan approval decisions of the Farm Service Agency are analyzed in the aftermath of the black farmers’ 1997 class action suit against the U.S. Department of Agriculture. This study did not uncover convincing evidence of racial discrimination against nonwhite borrowers under a binomial logistic framework based on the probability of a loan application’s approval. Moreover, the collective use of more stringent and objective credit-scoring measures usually employed by commercial lenders is less evident in the Farm Service Agency’s evaluation of loan applications.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Binomial logistic regression; Credit risk; Credit-scoring model; Direct lending; Farm Service Agency; Guaranteed lending; Racial bias; Agricultural Finance; Risk and Uncertainty; G20; G21; G28; Q10; Q14.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Strategies in Financial Services, the Shareholders and the System Is Bigger and Broader Better? 31
Walter, Ingo.
The financial services industry is "special" in a variety of ways, including the fiduciary nature of the business, its role at the center of the payments and capital allocation process with all its static and dynamic implications for economic performance, and the systemic nature of problems that can arise in the industry. So the structure, conduct and performance of the industry has unusually important public interest dimensions. One facet of the discussion has focused on size of financial firms, however measured, and the range of activities conducted by them. Is size positively related to total returns to shareholders? If so, does this involve gains in efficiency or transfers of wealth to shareholders from other constituencies, or maybe both? Does greater...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Financial services; Shareholders; Size of financial firms; Financial Economics; G20; L10.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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The Universality of Microfinance Operations Model in Eastern Europe and Central Asia: Financial Sustainability vs. Poverty Outreach 31
Sheremenko, Ganna; Escalante, Cesar L.; Florkowski, Wojciech J..
This paper examines delinquency, profitability, and outreach determinants of microfinance institutions’ (MFIs) performance in Russia, the Caucasus, and Central Asia. The estimation is done using the Seemingly Unrelated Regression (SUR) technique. The estimation results suggest that the regions' MFIs are profit-driven but are expected to improve outreach in the long-run.
Tipo: Presentation Palavras-chave: Microfinance institution; SUR; Financial sustainability; Delinquency; Profitability; Social outreach; Agricultural Finance; Financial Economics; International Development; G20; G21.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Financial Development, Institutional Quality and Economic Performance in East Asian Economies 31
Law, Siong Hook; Habibullah, Muzafar Shah.
This paper examines the effects of financial development and institutional quality on economic performance in the East Asian economies using the panel cointegration and panel group mean fully modified OLS estimations. The empirical results based on the Solow growth model indicate that well developed institutional quality and financial market lead to the improved output per capita in East Asian economies. The effect of financial development on economic performance is larger when the financial system is embedded within a sound institutional framework. Thus, institutional improvements in these economies are important, not only in promoting economic development but also to deliver the benefits of financial development.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Financial development; Quality of institutions; Economic performance; Financial Economics; G20; E44.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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FSA Direct Farm Loan Program Graduation Rates and Reasons for Exiting 31
Dixon, Bruce L.; Ahrendsen, Bruce L.; Nwoha, Ogbonnaya John; Hamm, Sandra J.; Danforth, Diana M..
Farm Service Agency (FSA) direct loans are intended to provide transitory credit to creditworthy borrowers unable to obtain conventional credit at reasonable terms. Farm loan program (FLP) effectiveness is measured in part by how readily direct loan borrowers graduate to conventional credit. A survey of FSA borrowers originating direct loans during fiscal years 1994-1996 is used to estimate graduation rates. A majority of 1994-1996 loan originators did exit the direct FLP by November 2004. A multinomial logit model indicates financial strength at origination resulted in greater likelihood of farming without direct loans approximately 9 years after loan origination.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Direct loans; Farm Service Agency; Graduation; Multinomial logit; Agricultural and Food Policy; G20; G28; Q12; Q14.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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