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Effects of chronic corticosterone and imipramine administration on panic and anxiety-related responses BJMBR
Diniz,L.; dos Reis,B.B.; de Castro,G.M.; Medalha,C.C.; Viana,M.B..
It is known that chronic high levels of corticosterone (CORT) enhance aversive responses such as avoidance and contextual freezing. In contrast, chronic CORT does not alter defensive behavior induced by the exposure to a predator odor. Since different defense-related responses have been associated with specific anxiety disorders found in clinical settings, the observation that chronic CORT alters some defensive behaviors but not others might be relevant to the understanding of the neurobiology of anxiety. In the present study, we investigated the effects of chronic CORT administration (through surgical implantation of a 21-day release 200 mg pellet) on avoidance acquisition and escape expression by male Wistar rats (200 g in weight at the beginning of the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/other Palavras-chave: Corticosterone; Imipramine; Generalized anxiety disorder; Panic disorder; Elevated T-maze.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Effects of reversible inactivation of the dorsomedial hypothalamus on panic- and anxiety-related responses in rats BJMBR
Nascimento,J.O.G.; Zangrossi Jr.,H.; Viana,M.B..
The medial hypothalamus is part of a neurobiological substrate controlling defensive behavior. It has been shown that a hypothalamic nucleus, the dorsomedial hypothalamus (DMH), is involved in the regulation of escape, a defensive behavior related to panic attacks. The role played by the DMH in the organization of conditioned fear responses, however, is less clear. In the present study, we investigated the effects of reversible inactivation of the DMH with the GABA A agonist muscimol on inhibitory avoidance acquisition and escape expression by male Wistar rats (approximately 280 g in weight) tested in the elevated T-maze (ETM). In the ETM, inhibitory avoidance, a conditioned defensive response, has been associated with generalized anxiety disorder. Results...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/other Palavras-chave: Muscimol; Generalized anxiety disorder; Panic disorder; Dorsomedial hypothalamus; Elevated T-maze.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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The inactivation of the basolateral nucleus of the rat amygdala has an anxiolytic effect in the elevated T-maze and light/dark transition tests BJMBR
Bueno,C.H.; Zangrossi Jr.,H.; Viana,M.B..
Pharmacological evidence indicates that the basolateral nucleus of the amygdala (BLA) is involved in the mediation of inhibitory avoidance but not of escape behavior in the elevated T-maze test. These defensive responses have been associated with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and panic disorder, respectively. In the present study, we determined whether the BLA plays a differential role in the control of inhibitory avoidance and escape responses in the elevated T-maze. Male Wistar rats (250-280 g, N = 9-10 in each treatment group) were pre-exposed to one of the open arms of the maze for 30 min and 24 h later tested in the model after inactivation of the BLA by a local injection of the GABA A receptor agonist muscimol (8 nmol in 0.2 µL). It has been...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/other Palavras-chave: Muscimol; Generalized anxiety disorder; Panic disorder; Amygdala; Elevated T-maze; Light/dark transition test in the rat.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Attentional bias modulation by reappraisal in patients with generalized anxiety disorder: an event-related potential study BJMBR
Han,H.Y.; Gan,T.; Li,P.; Li,Z.J.; Guo,M.; Yao,S.M..
Affective states influence subsequent attention allocation. We evaluated emotional negativity bias modulation by reappraisal in patients with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) relative to normal controls. Event-related potential (ERP) recordings were obtained, and changes in P200 and P300 amplitudes in response to negative or neutral words were noted after decreasing negative emotion or establishing a neutral condition. We found that in GAD patients only, the mean P200 amplitude after negative word presentation was much higher than after the presentation of neutral words. In normal controls, after downregulation of negative emotion, the mean P300 amplitude in response to negative words was much lower than after neutral words, and this was significant in...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Reappraisal; Generalized anxiety disorder; Event-related potential; P200; P300.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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