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ASCAT/MetOp scatterometer data : first results for sea ice study ArchiMer
Ardhuin, Fanny; Ezraty, Robert; Croize-fillon, Denis.
Backscatter values from scatterometers are commonly used to estimate wind field over oceans, their ability to monitor sea ice coverage, age and drift has been also demonstrated. Here, ASCAT backscatter coefficient has been processed for sea ice geophysical interpretation in order to increase the long time series of ice parameters already available. It has been shown that incidence- adjustment is mandatory for geophysical meaning, the backscatter maps enable the discrimination between multi year ice and first year ice, these maps can also be used as a basic product for sea ice drift estimation. (Copyright : European Space Agency ISBN 978-92-9221-239-1 ISSN 1609-042X)
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sea ice; Wind; Scatterometer; ASCAT; MetOp; Glaces de mer; Vent; Diffusiomètre; ASCAT; MetOp.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Validation and analysis of ocean parameters using ASCAT data ArchiMer
Bentamy, Abderrahim; Ardhuin, Fanny; Croize-fillon, Denis; Queffeulou, Pierre.
This project aims to investigate the quality of ASCAT measurements as well as their use for oceanographic purposes. The accuracy of ASCAT retrievals will be mainly based on the use of collocated data from moored buoys, numerical weather prediction models, and satellites. The resulting collocated data will be used to explore the accuracy of the geophysical model function which relates the backscatter coefficients to surface wind vectors, as well as to assess the quality of ASCAT vector winds at global and local scales. Once this objective reached, it will enable to fully utilize the MetOp data for oceanographic applications. They will contribute to evaluate various estimates of ocean surface flux parameters required to force ocean general circulation...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fluxes; Sea ice; Wind; Scatterometer; ASCAT; MetOp; Flux; Glaces de mer; Vent; Diffusiomètre; ASCAT; MetOp.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Validation of Arctic sea ice drift with IABP buoys ArchiMer
Ardhuin, Fanny; Ezraty, Robert.
Satellites enable daily and global coverage of the polar oceans, providing an unique monitoring capability of sea ice dynamics over Arctic and Antarctic. Available geophysical parameters include ice concentration, extent, type and sea ice drift. Backscatter map from SeaWinds/QuikSCAT and brightness temperature maps from Special Sensor Microwave Imager (SSM/I) are available at a pixel resolution of 12,5 km from which ice drift can be estimated for each sensor. Since 1999, IFREMER makes available a "Merged" sea ice drift data set based on the combination of these drifts at 3 and 6-day lags at the grid resolution of 62,5 km. It has been demonstrated that combining these drifts increases the number of valid vectors. In this paper, the validation of this...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Arctic; Buoys; Drift; Sea ice; AMSR E; Radiometer; Scatterometer; Arctique; Bouées; Dérive; Glaces de mer; AMSR E; Radiomètre; Diffusiomètre.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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