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Interaction of antimicrobial peptide Plantaricin149a and four analogs with lipid bilayers and bacterial membranes BJM
Lopes,José Luiz de Souza; Hissa,Denise Cavalcante; Melo,Vânia Maria Maciel; Beltramini,Leila Maria.
The amidated analog of Plantaricin149, an antimicrobial peptide from Lactobacillus plantarum NRIC 149, directly interacts with negatively charged liposomes and bacterial membranes, leading to their lysis. In this study, four Pln149-analogs were synthesized with different hydrophobic groups at their N-terminus with the goal of evaluating the effect of the modifications at this region in the peptide's antimicrobial properties. The interaction of these peptides with membrane models, surface activity, their hemolytic effect on red blood cells, and antibacterial activity against microorganisms were evaluated. The analogs presented similar action of Plantaricin149a; three of them with no hemolytic effect (< 5%) until 0.5 mM, in addition to the induction of a...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Antimicrobial activity antimicrobial peptide calcein leakage; Hemolytic assay.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Criblage bioguidé et analyse CL - SMHR des toxines et d'au tres métabolites d'intérêt chez les dinoflagellés G ambierdiscus et Fukuyoa ArchiMer
Pisapia, Francesco.
The epi-benthic dinoflagellates Gambierdiscus and Fukuyoa produce ciguatoxins (CTXs) and maitotoxins (MTXs), which are among the most potent marine toxins known. CTXs are bio-accumulated and bio-transformed along the marine food chain and cause Ciguatera Fish Poisoning (CFP), the most common non-bacterial foodborne intoxication worldwide. Recently, CFP has been reported from areas previously not considered endemic, namely the Canary Islands, and an increasing number of species has been discovered in these genera. Little is known about the relative toxicity between different species and the toxin congeners produced by these dinoflagellates, especially by strains outside the Pacific Ocean. Several strains of Gambierdiscus and Fukuyoa were screened for their...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ciguatéra; Gambierdiscus; Fukuyoa; Ciguatoxines; Maïtotoxines; Test neuro-2a; Test hémolytique; Spectrométrie de masse.; Keywords: Ciguatera Fish Poisoning; Gambierdiscus; Fukuyoa; Ciguatoxins; Maitotoxins; Neuro-2a assay; Hemolytic assay; Mass spectrometry.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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