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Portal hypertensive response to kinin Anais da ABC (AABC)
Kouyoumdjian,Maria; Nagaoka,Marcia R.; Loureiro-Silva,Mauricio R.; Borges,Durval R..
Portal hypertension is the most common complication of chronic liver diseases, such as cirrhosis. The increased intrahepatic vascular resistance seen in hepatic disease is due to changes in cellular architecture and active contraction of stellate cells. In this article, we review the historical aspects of the kallikrein-kinin system, the role of bradykinin in the development of disease, and our main findings regarding the role of this nonapeptide in normal and experimentalmodels of hepatic injury using the isolated rat liver perfusion model (mono and bivascular) and isolated liver cells. We demonstrated that: 1) the increase in intrahepatic vascular resistance induced by bradykinin is mediated by B2 receptors, involving sinusoidal endothelial and stellate...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bradykinin; Hepatic metabolism; Portal hypertension; Bradykinin receptors.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Glucose administration inhibits the hepatic activation of gluconeogenesis promoted by insulin-induced hypoglycemia BABT
Galende,Sharize Betoni; Oliveira Neto,Oswaldo Custódio de; Santos,Leandro Freire dos; Peicher,Márcia Vardanega; Souza,Helenir Medri de; Bazotte,Roberto Barbosa.
The activation of hepatic gluconeogenesis in male Wistar adult 6 h fasted rats during insulin-induced hypoglycemia (IIH) was previously demonstrated. In this study, the effects of intraperitoneal (ip) glucose (100 mg/kg) on the activation of liver gluconeogenesis during IIH was investigated. Thus, 6 h fasted rats that received ip regular insulin (1 U/kg) and 30 min later ip saline (Control group) or glucose (Experimental group) were compared. All the experiments were executed 60 min after insulin injection. The glycemia of Control and Experimental groups were not different (P > 0.05). To investigate gluconeogenesis, liver perfusion experiments were performed. The results demonstrated that excepting glycerol, livers from rats which received ip glucose...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Hypoglycemia; Glycemia recovery; Hepatic metabolism; Gluconeogenesis; Ureagenesis.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Effects of supplementation of calcium salts of polyunsaturated fatty acids on serum concentrations of progesterone and insulin of pregnant dairy cows R. Bras. Zootec.
Moriel,Philipe; Cappellozza,Bruno Ieda; Ferraretto,Luiz Felipe; Aboin,Augusto Cossolino; Vieira,Fernanda Victor Rodrigues; Rodrigues,Ricardo de Oliveira; Cooke,Reinaldo Fernandes; Vasconcelos,José Luiz Moraes.
Forty-five non-lactating, pregnant Holstein animals (18 heifers and 27 multiparous cows; BW = 561±114 kg; BCS = 2.9±0.3; days pregnant = 110±56 d) were stratified by initial BW and BCS, and randomly assigned to receive daily (as-fed basis) 0.50 kg of ground corn plus 0.22 kg of kaolin (CON), calcium salts of saturated fatty acids (SFA) or polyunsaturated fatty acids (PF) for 14 d. Blood samples were collected on days 0, 7 and 14, immediately prior to (0 h) and 3, 6, 9 and 12 h after feeding, to determine the serum concentrations of P4 and insulin. No treatment effects were detected for serum concentrations of P4 (5.52, 6.13 and 5.63±0.41 ng/mL for CON, SFA and PF, respectively). No treatment effects were detected for serum concentrations of insulin (11.5,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Hepatic metabolism; Linoleic; Linolenic; PUFA.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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