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Report on activities of the responsible National Oceanographic Data Centres RNODC Drifting Buoy Data OceanDocs
Supported by IOC/IODE
Tipo: Conference Material Palavras-chave: Information handling; Drifting data buoys; Marine environment; Marine environment; Http://
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Vers un système de gestion concertée et durable des aires marines protégées au Sénégal OceanDocs
Diop, M..
Par décret No. 2004-1408 du 4 novembre 2004, le Sénégal a créé 5 aires marines protégées pour assurer la protection sur des bases scientifiques des ressources naturelles et culturelles importantes des écosystèmes représentatifs de l’environnement marin au bénéfice des générations actuelles et futures. Du nord au sud, il s’agit des aires marines protégées de Saint-Louis, Kayar, Joal-Fadiouth, Bamboung et Abene. Ces AMP seront gérées sur la base des conventions internationales, des législations et des politiques nationales d’environnement et de pêche en vigueur. Les décisions seront prises à travers d’arr ê t é s conjoints des ministres chargés de l’environnement et de la pêche. Chaque aire marine protégée fera l’objet d’un plan de gestion sous la...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Protected resources; Environmental protection; Marine environment; Marine environment; Environmental protection; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2004 URL:
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A Reference Guide on t he Use o f Indicators for Integrated Coastal Management OceanDocs
Belfiore, S.; Balgos, M.; McLean, B.; Galofre, J.; Blaydes, M.; Tesch, D..
This first issue is devoted to the use of indicators for ICAM, and is a direct result of the IOC-DFO-NOAA-CSMP International Workshop on the same topic, organised in May 2002, in Ottawa. Based on a background paper prepared by the Center for the Study of Marine Policy (University of Delaware) in preparation for the workshop, the aim of this Reference Guide is to present a literature review on the use of indicators around the world, from various programmes and projects, at global, regional, national and local scale.The need for indicators and reporting techniques which reflects the performance of coastal management projects and programmes and reveals the complex relationship that exist between coastal ecosystem health and anthropogenic activities,...
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: Oceanography; Coastal oceanography; Coastal zone management; Marine ecology; Marine environment; Environment management; Socioeconomic aspects; Policies; Marine environment; Marine ecology; Policies; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Actividad antioxidante del alga Ulva fasciata Delile sometida a distintos niveles de contaminación marina OceanDocs
Hernández, Y.; Laguna, A.; Fernández, M.D.; Valdés, O.; Regalado, E.L..
Ha sido demostrado, por otros autores, que el alga Ulva fasciata Delile posee una actividad antioxidante promisoria y en el presente trabajo evaluamos si la actividad antioxidante de muestras de esta alga puede ser influenciada por la adsorción de metales, pesados y otros por parte del alga. U. fasciata fue colectada en tres zonas de las costas de la Ciudad de la Habana que presentan diferentes niveles de eutrofización: 1) la desembocadura del Río Quibú, un río que atraviesa una importante zona industrial de la capital cubana y en la cual la concentración de metales acumulados por el alga fue mayor; 2) la zona del Malecón habanero, que recibe la contaminación de la bahía de la Habana y del Río Almendares pero no de forma directa, donde presentó valores...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Algae; Marine environment; Heavy metals; Marine environment; Heavy metals; Algae; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Guide to satellite remote sensing of the marine environment OceanDocs
Tipo: Other Palavras-chave: Oceanography; Remote sensing equipment; Remote sensing; Satellite sensing; Satellite photography; Marine environment; Marine environment; Remote sensing; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1992 URL:
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Crecimiento de la merluza (Merluccius hubbsi) del Atlántico sudoccidental entre 1993-2003 al norte y sur de 41º S OceanDocs
Renzi, M.A.; Santos, B.A.; Abachian, V..
The reading of otoliths sagittae collected during the INIDEP (National Institute for Fisheries Research and Development, Argentina) assessment cruises carried out in the 1993-2003 period allowed to estimate length and weight growth parameters and the condition factor of hake (Merluccius hubbsi) and to prospect the two management units of the species north and south of 41ºS (Argentine Sea, SW Atlantic). A great variability in total length and weight in each age group was observed; nevertheless, stable mean length and weight values per age group were observed in the period analyzed. Besides, the values estimated to determine possible growth variations in each and between both management units north and south of 41ºS were compared. The comparison of growth...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Growth curves; Stock identification; Condition factor; Marine environment; Marine environment; Http://
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Chemical analysis of some macrophytes in Mariut and Edku lakes, Egypt OceanDocs
El-Sarraf, W.M..
Results of the investigation carried out in Lakes Mariut and Edku revealed that the trace metals concentrations in ceratophyllum demersum is relatively higher than that in Potamogeton pectinatus. The protein and trace metals in macrophytes collected from unpolluted areas is lower thjan that form polluted ones. Eichhornia crassipes can have a restricted role for the treatment of lake water. In Lake Edku, the results of chemical composition of sediments agree with the previous studies. The trace metal content of C. demersum was higher than that of P. pectinatus. The higher organic carbon level was recorded in stems of submerged plants and in leaves of floating ones. On the other hand, the high concentration of trace metal was observed in leaves of submerged...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Accumulation; Marine environment; Marine environment; Http://
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Actividades desarrolladas en la colección de bacterias marinas. OceanDocs
Morales, M.; Ortiz, E.; Villaverde, M.; Caballero, V.; Miranda, A.; Fonseca, E.; Núñez, R..
En la Colección de Bacterias Marinas se conservan aislamientos procedentes de diferentes regiones del archipiélago cubano. Aquí se desarrollan actividades de investigación y servicios, entre las primeras se encuentran los estudios para la conservación de las cepas a mediano y largo plazo, la determinación taxonómica de sus componentes, la evaluación de bioactividades con aplicación en la industria médico-farmacéutica y en el saneamiento ambiental y la actualización de la base de datos asociada. Entre las actividades de servicios se encuentran el mantenimiento y caracterización de las cepas, así como el suministro a los usuarios.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Marine organisms; Marine environment; Marine environment; Http://
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and aromatic plasticiser materials in the sea water of alexandria coastal area OceanDocs
Emara, H.I.; El-Deeb, M.K.Z..
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), the real contaminants of petroleum, were detected in the surface seawater of Alexandria coastal area in winter and spring seasons of 1995. Their order of predominance, particularly for the individual components were principally due to the processes of input, transport and fluxes. Variation of PAHs was not following seasonal changes but it was slightly affected by partial dissolution of the lowerboiling aromatic hydrocarbons. The most abundant component of aromatic hydrocarbons was pyrene (PAH),112ngI-1 followed by naphthalene(56ngI-1) and its alkylated derivatives (dicyclic), then phenanthrene(14ngI-1) and its methylated derivatives (tricyclic). The potential fish carcinogenic PAH, dibenz [a & c] anthracene was...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Chemical analysis; Environments; Marine environment; Marine pollution; Oil pollution; Marine environment; Environment; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Bioactive peptides from marine sources: pharmacological properties and isolation procedures OceanDocs
Aneiros, A.; Garateix, A..
Marine organisms represent a valuable source of new compounds. The biodiversity of the marine environment and the associated chemical diversity constitute a practically unlimited resource of new active substances in the field of the development of bioactive products. In this paper, the molecular diversity of different marine peptides is described as well as information about their biological properties and mechanisms of action is provided. Moreover, a short review about isolation procedures of selected bioactive marine peptides is offered. Novel peptides from sponges, ascidians, mollusks, sea anemones and seaweeds are presented in association with their pharmacological properties and obtainment methods.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Marine environment; Marine organisms; Peptides; Bioactive compounds; Marine environment; Peptides; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Methodological Guide :Steps and Tools Towards Integrated Coastal Area Management OceanDocs
Hénocque, Y.; Denis, J..
This second volume of a guide to integrated coastal zone management opens a new dimension by discussing the processes involved in a more complete and dynamic way than the first, To fulfil1 this requirement, an expanded work group, drawing upon the knowledge of experts in political science, economics, and sociology, devoted over two years of effort (1999 - 2001) to its completion, following a disciplined working method. A dual principle prevailed in the application of this method. On one hand, it prescribed an approach structured as a series of steps, and on the other, it demanded that real situations be brought to light, emphasizing case studies of experience with or analysis of coastal management.
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: Marine Environment Management; Coastal zone; Ecological zonation; Ecosystem management; Environmental factors; Environmental impact; Environmental monitoring; Environmental surveys; Environmental assessment; Marine ecology; Marine environment; Marine sciences; Ecological zonation; Environmental factors; Environmental impact; Environmental monitoring; Marine environment; Environmental assessment; Marine ecology; Marine sciences; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Découverte inédite d'un lamantin d'Afrique échoué au niveau de l'Aire MArine Protégée (AMP) de Joal-Fadiouth OceanDocs
Ndoye, A,; Dossa, J.; Mané, A.H..
Joal, la ville rendue célébre dans le monde entier par les pôêmes du défunt poéte président sénégalais, LéopoldSédar Senghor, a été le théatre de la découverte inédite d'un lamantin d'Afrique échoué sur ses rivages. La découverte, faite en début mai 2007 au niveau de l'une des toutes premières AMPs sénégalaises, est une preuve irréfutable de la présence de ces mammifères marins sur la Petite Côte Sénégalaise. Votre revue Diiso revient sur ce scoop écologique un mois jour pour jour avant la célébration de la 35e Journée Mondiale de l'Environnement (JME 2007)
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Mangroves; Marine parks; Marine environment; Marine environment; Mangroves; Marine parks; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Marine environmental data information referral catalogue OceanDocs
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: Marine Environment; Marine ecology; Marine environment; Information retrieval; Information handling; Information centres; Marine environment; Marine ecology; Information retrieval; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1979 URL:
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Análisis de la utilización de la captura por unidad de esfuerzo de pescadilla de red (Cynoscion guatucupa) como índice de abundancia anual. Período 1992-2004 OceanDocs
Perrotta, R.G.; Ruarte, C.O..
The stripped weakfish (Cynoscion guatucupa) caught in Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina (SW Atlantic) has a wide latitudinal distribution (22° S-43° S). In Argentina there are two main fishing areas, the Argentine-Uruguayan Common Fishing Zone and 'El Rincón', southern zone of the Buenos Aires littoral. The importance of the species makes it necessary to define an annual abundance index that would allow to diagnose the state of the stock. The model adjusted to calculate the index is the General Linear Model. The factors used were Year, Quarter, Length, Stratum (4 categories) and sub-areas (5 categories), all statistically significant. The problem generated by the presence in the model of first order interactions that include the Year factor is discussed. The...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Catch/effort; Mathematical models; Coastal fisheries; Marine environment; Marine environment; Mathematical models; Coastal fisheries; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Las condiciones oceanográficas en el área marplatense (37° 00' S-38° 24' S) y su relación con la distribución de la caballa (Scomber japonicus). Octubre-noviembre de 1999 OceanDocs
Reta, R.; Perrotta, R.G.; Garciarena, A.D..
Results obtained during a research cruise carried out along the coastal area of Mar del Plata (Buenos Aires, Argentina) in November 1999 are presented. The objective of the research cruise was to estimate chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus) abundance with acoustic methods and establish its relation to the hydrographic conditions. The information gathered was complemented with data of catches obtained by a commercial vessel that operated simultaneously in the study area. Environmental data from other research cruises and satellite information were also taken into account to obtain contemporary sea surface temperature and wind speed and direction data. The main species of catches of the research cruise and commercial vessel were horse mackerel (Trachurus...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Environmental conditions; Oceanic fronts; Wind fields; Coastal fisheries; Marine environment; Marine environment; Environmental conditions; Coastal fisheries; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Northwest Pacific Action Plan (NOWPAP). OceanDocs
Baba, Norio; Wang, Jianguo.
The Northwest Pacific Action Plan (NOWPAP, is an integral part of the UNEP Regional Seas Programme (RSP) initiated in 1974. The overall goal of NOWPAP is “the wise use, development and management of the coastal and marine environment so as to obtain the utmost long-term benefits for the human populations of the region, while protecting human health, ecological integrity and the region’s sustainability for future generations”. NOWPAP was adopted in 1994 and currently has four member states: the People’s Republic of China, Japan, the Republic of Korea and the Russian Federation. The RSP covers in total 18 regions across the world at present.
Tipo: Conference Material Palavras-chave: Marine environment; Marine environment; Http://
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Evaluation de la contamination chimique par les metaux traces (cd, pb, hg et zn) du zooplancton et de la sardinelle (Sardinella aurita) dans le golfe de tunis OceanDocs
Chouba, L.; Ennouri, R.; Kraiem, M.M..
La présente étude a pour but de déterminer l’organotropisme de quatre métaux traces (Cd, Pb, Hg et Zn) ainsi que leurs concentrations dans le zooplancton et dans trois organes (muscle, foie et branchies) de la sardinelle (Sardinella aurita) provenant du golfe de Tunis. Les résultats ont montré que les concentrations moyennes des quatre métaux dosés (Cd, Pb, Hg et Zn) sont plus élevées dans la sardinelle que dans le zooplancton. Ceci est dû à la bioamplification de ces éléments dans la sardinelle qui occupe un niveau trophique élevé de la chaîne alimentaire marine. Pour le Pb, le Hg et le Zn, les teneurs le plus élevées ont été enregistrées dans les branchies de la sardinelle, alors que le Cd est concentré davantage au niveau du foie. Les concentrations...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Bioaccumulation; Marine pollution; Pollution indicators; Trace elements; Zooplankton; Sardinella aurita; Marine environment; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Marine Environmental Data Inventory (MEDI) OceanDocs
Reed, Greg.
This document provides information on the MEDI Programme and its Steering Group (SG MEDI). The committee is invited to note the information on the activities of SG-MEDI and note the proposal that the Steering Group be terminated and future development and administration of MEDI should be managed by the IODE/JCOMM ETDMP.
Tipo: Conference Material Palavras-chave: Marine environment; Data; Marine environment; Data; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2009 URL:
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ICSU World Data Center for Marine Environmental Sciences (WDC-MARE) OceanDocs
Diepenbroek, M.; Grobe, H..
Supported by IOC/IODE
Tipo: Conference Material Palavras-chave: Marine environment; Marine sciences; Marine environment; Marine sciences; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Inventario íctico del litoral costero bonaerense y uruguayo OceanDocs
Ruarte, C.O.; Rico, M.R.; Lucifora, L..
The bibliography and the registries of fish caught in the Buenos Aires (Argentina) and Uruguay coastal littoral area during 33 research cruises were analyzed to elaborate the first ichthyic inventory of the region. A total of 147 species belonging to 71 families was registered. The figure represents 48% of the specimens reported for the Argentine-Uruguayan Common Fishing Zone and 37% of the marine species mentioned for the SW Atlantic. The list of coastal marine fishes of Uruguay and north of Argentina is the first attempt to provide basic information to evaluate possible temporal changes of the ichthyic composition in the area. The lists or inventories constitute an essential tool for fisheries management, the generation of statistic data and gathering of...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Check lists; Inventories; Exclusive economic zone; Littoral zone; Marine fish; Marine environment; Inventories; Marine environment; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2009 URL:
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