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Temporal change in deep-sea benthic ecosystems: a review of the evidence from recent time-series studies ArchiMer
Glover, A. G.; Gooday, A. J.; Bailey, D. M.; Billett, D. S. M.; Chevaldonne, P.; Colaco, Ana; Copley, J.; Cuvelier, Daphne; Desbruyeres, Daniel; Kalogeropoulou, V.; Klages, M.; Lampadariou, N.; Lejeusne, C.; Mestre, Nelia; Paterson, G. L. J.; Perez, T.; Ruhl, H.; Sarrazin, Jozee; Soltwedel, T.; Soto, E. H.; Thatje, S.; Tselepides, A.; Van Gaever, S.; Vanreusel, A..
Societal concerns over the potential impacts of recent global change have prompted renewed interest in the long term ecological monitoring of large ecosystems The deep sea is the largest ecosystem on the planet the least accessible and perhaps the least understood Nevertheless deep sea data collected over the last few decades are now being synthesised with a view to both measuring global change and predicting the future impacts of further rises in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations For many years it was assumed by many that the deep sea is a stable habitat buffered from short term changes in the atmosphere or upper ocean However recent studies suggest that deep seafloor ecosystems may respond relatively quickly to seasonal inter annual and decadal...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mid atlantic ridge; East pacific rise; Gulf of Mexico; Hydrothermal vent communities; Long term change; Portuguese continental margin; Abyssal northeast pacific; Azores triple junction; Cold seep ecosystems; Dark submarine caves.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Biogeography and Potential Exchanges Among the Atlantic Equatorial Belt Cold-Seep Faunas ArchiMer
Olu, Karine; Cordes, Erik E.; Fisher, Charles R.; Brooks, James M.; Sibuet, Myriam; Desbruyeres, Daniel.
Like hydrothermal vents along oceanic ridges, cold seeps are patchy and isolated ecosystems along continental margins, extending from bathyal to abyssal depths. The Atlantic Equatorial Belt (AEB), from the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of Guinea, was one focus of the Census of Marine Life ChEss (Chemosynthetic Ecosystems) program to study biogeography of seep and vent fauna. We present a review and analysis of collections from five seep regions along the AEB: the Gulf of Mexico where extensive faunal sampling has been conducted from 400 to 3300m, the Barbados accretionary prism, the Blake ridge diapir, and in the Eastern Atlantic from the Congo and Gabon margins and the recently explored Nigeria margin. Of the 72 taxa identified at the species level, a total...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Gulf of mexico; Barbados accretionary prism; Mussel bathymodiolus childressi; Hydrothermal vent communities; Deep sea vent; Spatial distribution; Family veiscomyidae; Dispersal barriers; Hydrocarbon seeps; Species diversity.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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