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Revisiting the Rich's formula: an update about granulomas in human tuberculosis BJID
Coelho Filho,João Carlos; Takenami,Iukary; Arruda,Sérgio.
The formula proposed by Rich in 1951 explained the formation in a tuberculous lesion in a period that was unknown cellular functions, cytokines and other immunological aspects involved in granuloma formation by tuberculosis; its components are assembled conceptually to explain the pathogenic mechanisms involved in the granulomatous lesion in tuberculosis. In this manuscript, we report an update of Rich's formula based on the new and old concepts about pathogenic mechanisms involved in the granulomatous lesion in tuberculosis. Current knowledge allows us to conclude that the balance between the characteristics of the bacillus and host protective response is necessary to indicate the outcome of pathogenesis, infection or active disease and the necrosis...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Rich's formula; Tuberculosis; Immunopathogenesis; Granuloma; Hypersensitivity.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Low frequency of hypersensitivity reactions to abacavir in HIV infected patients in a referral center in Bahia, Brazil BJID
Barreto,Raphael Gusmão; Brites,Carlos.
Abstract Abacavir can cause a multi-systemic hypersensitivity reaction (HSR) in 5-8% of the patients, which is related to HLA-B*57-01 allele. In Brazil, the HLA-B*57-01 screening test became available only in March 2018, several years after abacavir was in use. In this retrospective study we reviewed medical charts of all patients receiving an abacavir-containing regimen to evaluate the frequency of HSR in patients followed at a referral center in Salvador, Brazil. A total of 192 patients who received abacavir were identified, most male (67.1%), black or racially mixed (77.8%), and having diagnosis of a previous AIDS defining conditions (83.7%). Only one patient developed HSR (incidence: 0.52%). The main reasons for abacavir-containing antiretroviral...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/other Palavras-chave: Hypersensitivity; Antiretroviral; HIV; Abacavir.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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A model of chronic IgE-mediated food allergy in ovalbumin-sensitized mice BJMBR
Saldanha,J.C.S.; Gargiulo,D.L.; Silva,S.S.; Carmo-Pinto,F.H.; Andrade,M.C.; Alvarez-Leite,J.I.; Teixeira,M.M.; Cara,D.C..
Food allergy is most frequently the result of IgE-mediated hypersensitivity reactions. Here, we describe a chronic model in which some of the intestinal and systemic consequences of continuous egg white solution ingestion by ovalbumin-sensitized eight-week-old BALB/c mice, 6 animals per group, of both sexes, were investigated. There was a 20% loss of body weight that began one week after antigen exposure and persisted throughout the experiment (3 weeks). The sensitization procedure induced the production of anti-ovalbumin IgG1 and IgE, which were enhanced by oral antigen exposure (129% for IgG1 and 164% for IgE, compared to sensitization values). Intestinal changes were determined by jejunum edema at 6 h (45% Evans blue extravasation) and by a significant...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Food allergy; Ovalbumin; Murine model; IgE; Hypersensitivity.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Atypical bovine interstitial pneumonia in a semi-intensive beef cattle system Ciência Rural
Coelho,Ana Carolina Barreto; Oliveira,Plínio Aguiar; Santos,Bianca Lemos dos; Estima-Silva,Pablo; Scheid,Haide Valeska; Leal,Sofia del Carmen Bonilla de Souza; Marcolongo-Pereira,Clairton; Schild,Ana Lucia.
ABSTRACT: The aim of the present study was to describe an outbreak of atypical interstitial pneumonia affecting 15 Angus cattle aged 7-30 months in the south of Rio Grande do Sul. The clinical course of the disease was approximately 1-3 days. The cattle were kept in the native field and had received feed containing the remains of wafers from a food factory before the outbreak. Clinical signs included dyspnea and abdominal breathing, with a clinical evolution period of up to 3 days. Nine animals presented apathy and respiratory difficulty and died within 24h, while three animals exhibited a clinical evolution period of 36-48h. Three other animals died without any clinical signs. The main macroscopic lesions were observed in the lungs, which did not collapse...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Pulmonary edema; Emphysema; Respiratory disorder; Cattle; Hypersensitivity; Interstitial pneumonia.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Anaphylactic shock following the bite of a wild Kayan slow loris (Nycticebus kayan): implications for slow loris conservation J. Venom. Anim. Toxins incl. Trop. Dis.
Madani,George; Nekaris,K Anne-Isola.
Background Asian slow lorises (Nycticebus spp.) are one of few known venomous mammals, yet until now only one published case report has documented the impact of their venomous bite on humans. We describe the reaction of a patient to the bite of a subadult Nycticebus kayan, which occurred in the Mulu District of Sarawak in 2012.Findings Within minutes of the bite, the patient experienced paraesthesia in the right side of the jaw, ear and right foot. By 40 minutes, swelling of the face was pronounced. The patient was admitted to Mulu National Park Health Clinic/Klinik Kesihatan Taman Mulu Tarikh, at which time he was experiencing: swollen mouth, chest pain, mild abdominal pain, nausea, numbness of the lips and mouth, shortness of breath, weakness, agitation...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/other Palavras-chave: Anaphylaxis; Hypersensitivity; Systemic reaction; Malaysia; Adrenaline; Necrosis; Paresthesia; Animal bite; Mammal venom; Hematuria.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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