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Microbial contamination of single-and multiple-dose vials after opening in a pulmonary teaching hospital BJID
Baniasadi,Shadi; Dorudinia,Atosa; Mobarhan,Mandana; Gamishan,Masoumeh Karimi; Fahimi,Fanak.
OBJECTIVES: Intravenous therapy is a complex procedure usually requiring the preparation of the medication in the clinical area before administration to the patient. Breaches in aseptic technique may result in microbial contaminations of vials which is a potential cause of different avoidable infections. We aimed to investigate the prevalence and pattern of microbial contamination of single- and multiple-dose vials in the largest pulmonary teaching hospital in Iran. METHODS: In a period of 2 months, opened single- and multiple-dose vials from different wards were sampled by a pharmacist. The name of the medication, ward, labeling of the vials, the date of opening, and storing temperature were recorded for each vial. Remained contents of each vial were...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Hospital; Infection control; Injection; Intravenous.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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O que é simples pode complicar. Infoteca-e
O QUE e simples pode complicar..
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Injecoes; Injection.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Efeito da terapia de injeção em ponto de acupuntura em coelhos. Infoteca-e
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Terapy; Acupuntura; Coelho; Injeção; Terapia; Acupuncture; Injection; Rabbits.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Median Nerve Location Change Evaluated by Soft Cadaver Dissection According to the Forearm Movement International Journal of Morphology
Kwon,Seongoh; Jeong,Young Gil; Lee,Nam Seob; Han,Seung Yun; Uhm,Chang Sub; Kim,Dasom; Lee,Je-Hun.
The aim of this study was to examine the change in median nerve location according to forearm movement. Thirty fresh specimens from 15 adult Korean cadavers (10 males and five females; age range, 53­91 years) were examined. We measured the motor entry point according to normal and pronated positions of the forearm. The x and y coordinates of the first motor entry point (MEP) in the normal position were 1.6±0.6 cm and 2.8±1.3 cm, respectively. The depth of the MEP was 1.5±0.3 cm. The x and y coordinates of the second MEP were 1.3±0.3 cm and 4.7±1.7 cm, respectively. The depth of the MEP was 1.4±0.2 cm. The x and y coordinates of first MEP with the forearm in the pronated position were 1.9±0.7 cm and 2.3±0.8 cm. respectively. The depth of the MEP was 1.7±0.4...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Anatomy; Median nerve; Forearm movement; Motor entry point; Injection.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Teres Minor Innervation and Injection Site International Journal of Morphology
Lee,Je-Hun; Jeon,Anna; Seo,ChangMin; Kim,Sooil; Jeong,Young-Gil.
The aim of this study was to elucidate the injection point on the teres minor (TM) for effective injection. Thirty-two specimens from 16 adult Korean cadavers (10 males and 6 females, age ranging from 42 to 102 years) were used in the study. The reference line between the inferior point on the inferior angle of the scapula (IA) and the most prominent point on the acromial angle of the scapula (AA) on the surface were identified. The measurements expressed the two above-mentioned parameters as X and Y coordinates in relation to the reference line. The X coordinate was located at 128.1±10.4 mm (78.1±5.7 %) and the Y coordinate was located at 25.3±7.6 mm (15.5±4.8 %). The recommended site according to this can be used for injections in patients with TM...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Teres minor; Nerve branch; Botulinum toxin; Injection.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Bush, Eric J..
A national survey on swine health was conducted by the National Animal Health Monitoring System ( NAHMS ) from December 1989 through January 1991. The survey sample was designed in collaboration with the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS ) in order to provide inferences about the nation's hog population, 95 percent of which was represented. The program consisted of two parts: the first was a general farm management and policy questionnaire that was completed by 1,661 producers. The second part of the program was a monitoring phase that took place over a three-month period for each of 712 participating producers. Per litter estimates for the national population showed an average of 9.9 piglets born alive and 8.4 weaned. Estimates attributed 57...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: NAHMS; Swine; Monitoring; Epidemiology; Production; Morbidity; Mortality; Births; Litter size; Prevention; Disease; Docking; Teeth clipping; Vaccination; Injection; Antibiotics; Water quality; Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 1992 URL:
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