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Lessons from the Physics Education Reform Effort Ecology and Society
Hake, Richard; Indiana University;
Several years ago, I reported a survey of pretest and posttest data for 62 introductory physics courses attended by a total of 6542 students. The present article provides a summary of that survey and offers 14 lessons from the physics education reform effort that may assist in the general upgrading of education and science literacy.
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Cognitive science; Education reform; Education research; Interactive engagement; Physics education; Science literacy.
Ano: 2002
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Introduction to the Special Feature: Educating for Integration and Sustainability Ecology and Society
Gass, Clifton Lee; University of British Columbia;
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Interactive engagement; Interdisciplinary education; Introduction.
Ano: 2002
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Reflections on Integration, Interaction, and Community: the Science One Program and Beyond Ecology and Society
Gass, Clifton Lee; University of British Columbia;
We describe three interrelated programs in interdisciplinary, undergraduate science education, two at the first-year level and the third an upper-division degree program. They are administered through the Faculty of Science, rather than through individual departments, and are taught by multidisciplinary teams of professors from various departments. In contrast to many programs discussed in the literature, these programs are intended for majors and honors students in all scientific disciplines. They aim to develop transferable skills and a broad outlook on science, in addition to a rigorous foundation in disciplinary knowledge. Interactive engagement and integration of content across disciplines are at the core of the approach. Each program brings...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Integrated Sciences program; Science One program; University of British Columbia; Diffusion of innovation; Integration of knowledge; Interactive engagement; Interdisciplinary programs; Interdisciplinary science education; Learning community; University administration.
Ano: 2002
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