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Polarized Preferences In Homegrown Value Auctions AgEcon
Hurley, Terrance M.; Yue, Chengyan; Anderson, Neil O..
Incentive compatible auction experiments, often referred to as homegrown value auctions, have become a popular tool for exploring how controversial product attributes and knowledge of these attributes affect consumer willingness to pay. A common observation in these experiments is a prevalence of zero bids and bimodal bid distributions. One possible explanation is that individuals have polarized preferences: find all products with a particular attribute desirable (positive polarization) or undesirable (negative polarization). The purpose of this paper is to explore three questions. Do polarized preferences exist? If they do exist, can they be identified? If they can be identified, does their identification provide useful information? To answer these...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Experiment; Auctions; Polarized Preferences; Invasive Plants; Homegrown Values; Demand and Price Analysis; Environmental Economics and Policy; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods; D01; C18; C19; Q13.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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