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Fuzzy Water Irrigation System using Internet of Things CIGR Journal
Dhumale, Rakesh Dhumale.
Water is basic source of the farming with limited storage. Out of available land 64% is engaged by the farming and needs nearly 85 % of clean water of total water storage. Proper irrigation helps to improve quality of soil and the growth of crops. The farmer depending upon condition of soil and available water resource has to apply intelligence to get realistic decisions to reduce the wastage of water and ensure full utilization of the water. This gives challenging opportunity to pertain theory and idea of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the process of water irrigation. In this paper, an intelligent approach for the water irrigation of crop is proposed. Smart Fuzzy Water Irrigation System (FWIS) using Internet of Things (IoT) includes two types of nodes...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Irrigation system; Fuzzy logic; Internet of Things; Soil parameters..
Ano: 2023 URL:
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Impacts of fertigation via surface and subsurface drip irrigation on growth rate, yield and flower quality of Zinnia elegans Bragantia
Elhindi,Khalid; El-Hendawy,Salah; Abdel-Salam,Eslam; Elgorban,Abdallah; Ahmed,Mukhtar.
ABSTRACT Drip irrigation combined with split application of fertilizer nitrogen (N) dissolved in the irrigation water (i.e. drip fertigation) is commonly considered best management practice for water and nutrient efficiency. This research was conducted to study the influence of drip fertigation in combination with or without N fertilizers on vegetative growth, flowering quality, nutrients concentration in plants and soil fertility after the harvest of zinnia ( Zinnia elegans). A field experiment was conducted using a randomized complete block split plot design with two systems of drip irrigation (surface and subsurface drip irrigation) and 4 nitrogen rates (0, 30, 60, and 120 kg∙ha–1) as the main and split plots, respectively. The results revealed that...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Available soil nutrients; Irrigation system; Sandy soil; Yield attributes; Zinnia elegans.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Automatización del riego en sustratos Colegio de Postgraduados
Ríos González, Pedro.
En México existe la necesidad de desarrollar tecnología de bajo costo para sistemas de producción agrícola por tal razón, se desarrolló un sistema de riego automatizado para sustratos, que controla la frecuencia de riego a partir de los requerimientos de la especie y naturaleza del sustrato. Se realizó la caracterización física de los sustratos (agrolita, fibra de coco, arena, peat-moss, tezontle y tepojal) y se diseñó un sustrato (mezcla) con el método de Zamora (2005). Se seleccionó el sensor de humedad ECHO EC5 por su baja respuesta a la conductividad eléctrica y se obtuvo la función de ajuste del contenido de humedad y la señal del sensor. El sistema de riego se integró por: un sistema electrónico de adquisición de datos y control (microcontrolador...
Tipo: Thesis Palavras-chave: Automatización; Sistema de riego; Microcontrolador; Sustratos; Sensor de humedad del suelo; Automation; Irrigation system; Micro controller; Substrates; Soil moisture sensor; Maestría; Hidrociencias.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Automatización del riego en sustratos Colegio de Postgraduados
Ríos González, Pedro.
En México existe la necesidad de desarrollar tecnología de bajo costo para sistemas de producción agrícola por tal razón, se desarrolló un sistema de riego automatizado para sustratos, que controla la frecuencia de riego a partir de los requerimientos de la especie y naturaleza del sustrato. Se realizó la caracterización física de los sustratos (agrolita, fibra de coco, arena, peat-moss, tezontle y tepojal) y se diseñó un sustrato (mezcla) con el método de Zamora (2005). Se seleccionó el sensor de humedad ECHO EC5 por su baja respuesta a la conductividad eléctrica y se obtuvo la función de ajuste del contenido de humedad y la señal del sensor. El sistema de riego se integró por: un sistema electrónico de adquisición de datos y control (microcontrolador...
Tipo: Thesis Palavras-chave: Automatización; Sistema de riego; Microcontrolador; Sustratos; Sensor de humedad del suelo; Automation; Irrigation system; Micro controller; Substrates; Soil moisture sensor; Maestría; Hidrociencias.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Development of capacitive sensor for measuring soil water content REA
Segundo,Alan K. Rêgo; Martins,José H.; Monteiro,Paulo M. de B.; Oliveira,Rrubens A. de; Oliveira Filho,Delly.
The irrigation management based on the monitoring of the soil water content allows for the minimization of the amount of water applied, making its use more efficient. Taking into account these aspects, in this work, a sensor for measuring the soil water content was developed to allow real time automation of irrigation systems. This way, problems affecting crop yielding such as irregularities in the time to turn on or turn off the pump, and excess or deficit of water can be solved. To develop the sensors were used stainless steel rods, resin, and insulating varnish. The sensors measuring circuit was based on a microcontroller, which gives its output signal in the digital format. The sensors were calibrated using soil of the type “Quartzarenic Neosoil”. A...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Process control; Control system; Irrigation system.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Caracterização dos produtores do Núcleo Rural do Buriti Vermelho: aspectos sociais, geográficos e de uso do solo e da água. Infoteca-e
MOREIRA, J. M. M. A. P.; SOUSA, T. C. R. de; SOUZA, M. A.; AGUIAR, J. L. P. de; BELCHIOR, E. B.; RODRIGUES, L. N..
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Produtor rural; Production systems; Irrigation system; Irrigação; Solo; Farmers; Land use; Socioeconomic factors.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Application technology for the entomopathogenic nematodes Heterorhabditis indica and Steinernema sp. (Rhabditida: Heterorhabditidae and Steinernematidae) to control Spodoptera frugiperda (Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in corn Neotropical Entomology
Garcia,Luiz C.; Raetano,Carlos G.; Leite,Luis G..
The effects of different application technologies were evaluated on the concentration, viability, and efficiency of infective juveniles of the nematodes Heterorhabditis indica Poinar, Karunakar & David and Steinernema sp. (IBCB-n6) to control Spodoptera frugiperda Smith on corn plants. Two hundred and eighty infective juveniles of Steinernema sp. were required to kill 100% third-instar fall armyworms in petri dishes, as compared to 400 infective juveniles of the H. indica nematode to obtain 75% fall armyworm control. It is possible to spray entomopathogenic nematodes without significant loss in their concentration and viability, with equipment that produces electrical charges to the spraying mix, and with those using hydraulic and rotary nozzle...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Biological control; Irrigation system; Fall armyworm; Entomopathogenic nematoda.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Study on water use efficiency, root distribution and yields of some maize cultivars grown under the line-source sprinkler system Thai Agricultural
Nimitr Vorasoot; Pongsak Yangyuen; Suwat Boonjan.
3 ill., 2 tables
Palavras-chave: Corn; Maize; Irrigation system; Water use efficiency; Root distribution; Yields; Line-source sprinkler; ข้าวโพด; การใช้น้ำ; การกระจายของราก; การเจริญเติบโต; การให้น้ำชลประทาน; ผลผลิต.
Ano: 1989 URL:
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