Registros recuperados: 21 | |
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Unigarro-Muñoz,Carlos Andrés; Hernández-Arredondo,Juan David; Montoya-Restrepo,Esther Cecilia; Medina-Rivera,Ruben Darío; Ibarra-Ruales,Lizardo Norbey; Carmona-González,Claudia Yoana; Flórez-Ramos,Claudia Patricia. |
Allometric models based on measurements of single leaf dimensions or a combination there are useful tools for determining individual leaf area (LA) because they are non-destructive, precise, simple and economical methods. The present study was carried out at the Central Station Naranjal of Cenicafé, located in the Department of Caldas (Colombia), four models were defined using the variables length (L) and/or width (W) to estimate LA in coffee leaves of the Castillo® variety (Coffea arabica L.). Estimation of regression coefficients was performed using information recorded from 6,441 leaves (group 1), and their validation was performed using records from another 992 leaves (group 2). Leaves were collected from all strata of the canopy and ranged from 0.76... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Modeling; Length; Width. |
Ano: 2015 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0006-87052015000400412 |
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SANTANA, J. C. F. de; FREIRE, E. C.; CARVALHO, L. P.; COSTA, J. N. da; GUSMAO, J. L. de; SILVA, J. A. da. |
Estudaram-se as características físicas da fibra e do fio das cultivares dos algodoeiros arbóreo e herbáceo, em teste e em distribuição no Nordeste, utilizando-se os ensaios regionais de algodoeiro herbáceo conduzidos nos anos de 1986 e 1987, em Surubim e Caruaru, PE, Sousa, Itaporanga e Riacho dos Cavalos, PB, Igatu, CE, e em Eliseu Martins, PI, além dos ensaios regionais de algodoeiro mocó de ciclos precoce e tardio, conduzidos em 1987, em Patos, PB. As cultivares de algodoeiro herbáceo em distribuição no Nordeste, CNPA Precoce 1 e CNPA 6H, atendem às exigências da indústria têxtil nacional na faixa de comprimento comercial de 30/32 mm e 32/34mm e de uniformidade de comprimento de fibra superior a 45%. A 'CNPA Precoce 1' atende, também, ao aspecto de... |
Tipo: Folhetos |
Palavras-chave: Algodão Arbóreo; Algodão Herbáceo; Algodão Moco; Fibra; Gossypium Hirsutum; Indústria Têxtil; Linhagem; Melhoramento Vegetal; Cotton; Cultivars; Length; Fineness. |
Ano: 1989 |
URL: http://www.infoteca.cnptia.embrapa.br/infoteca/handle/doc/262827 |
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Murlimanju,B.V; Kumar,Buraje Madhuri; Kumar,Naveen; Prashanth,K.U; Rao,Chitra Prakash; Guru,Anitha; Prabhu,Latha V; Kumar,Chettiar Ganesh. |
The purpose of this study was to determine the anatomic parameters of the kidney in adults. The Renal lengths, width at superior and inferior poles, thickness at the superior and inferior poles were measured in 151 adult cadaver kidneys. A digital vernier caliper was used for performing the measurements. The data were statistically analyzed. The mean renal length was 8.9 ± 0.9 cm on the right side and 9.1 ± 0.9 cm on the left side. The mean width of the superior pole of the right kidney was 4.9 ± 0.6 cm and the left kidney was 5 ± 0.7 cm. The width of inferior pole of the right and left kidneys were 4.8 ± 0.6 cm and 4.5 ± 0.7 cm respectively. The mean thickness of the superior pole of the right kidney was 3 ± 0.4 cm and left kidney was 3.2 ± 0.5 cm. The... |
Tipo: Journal article |
Palavras-chave: Inferior pole; Kidney; Length; Morphometry; Superior pole. |
Ano: 2014 |
URL: http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0717-95022014000200045 |
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Fonseca,Alinca Peres da; Volcan,Matheus Vieira; Sampaio,Luís André; Romano,Luís Alberto; Robaldo,Ricardo Berteaux. |
Given the importance of knowledge of the biology of endangered species for the planning of conservation and management efforts, the aim of this study was to investigate the influence of temperature on the growth of Austrolebias wolterstorffi (Ahl, 1924). To clarify the thermal influence on the growth of the species, temperatures of 16, 20, 24 , and 28°C were tested in triplicate. The present study showed that a water temperature of 28°C is detrimental to the growth of the species. Among the other tested temperatures, it was found that the optimum temperature for growth decreases as an individual ages and is slightly lower for females. It was demonstrated here that males reach a higher weight and length, and grow faster than females, reaching sexual... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Endangered species; Length; Maturity; Weight. |
Ano: 2013 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1679-62252013000400837 |
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Mili, S.; Ennouri, R.; Jarboui, O.; Missawi, H.. |
Les distributions des tailles de la squille Squilla mantis (L., 1758) pêchée dans les eaux tunisiennes (golfes de Tunis, Hammamet et Gabès) ont été analysées par différentes méthodes pour étudier la croissance de ce crustacé. La décomposition modale des distributions de taille des captures de cette espèce a permis de calculer les paramètres de croissance L∞ (mm), K (an-1) et t0 de S. mantis en utilisant le modèle de Von Bertalanffy (1938). La fonction mathématique de Von Bertalanffy a permis de montrer que dans les trois golfes de la Tunisie, la croissance des femelles est inférieure à celle des mâles. Le taux de croissance est supérieur pour les squilles du golfe de Gabès par rapport à celui du golfe de Hammamet et du golfe de Tunis. La population totale... |
Tipo: Journal Contribution |
Palavras-chave: Shrimp culture; Length; Growth. |
Ano: 2013 |
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/1834/5920 |
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Lopeztegui, A.; Suárez, G.; Capetillo, N.; Alzugaray, R.. |
Las diferentes metodologías descritas para la estimaciónde la condición nutricional en langostas,presentan particularidades que constituyen ventajas o desventajas según las circunstancias en que se apliquen.El objetivo de estetrabajofueestimarlacondiciónnutricionaldelangostas Panulirusargus mediantedosmetodologías,elíndicederefraccióndelahemolinfa(IRH)ylatasa pesototal(PT)/largototal(LT)=K,ydeterminarlafactibilidaddeemplearunau otramediantelacomparacióndelosresultados.SetrabajóenlaregióndelGolfo deBatabanó,Cuba,conlangostasprovenientesdeseiszonasdepesca.Se determinópesototal,largototal,sexoyelestadíodemudadecadaejemplar.Se encontróqueelIRHpresentadiferenciassignificativasentrelosestadíosdemuda,... |
Tipo: Journal Contribution |
Palavras-chave: Nutritional requirements; Lobster culture; Weight; Length. |
Ano: 2012 |
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/1834/5372 |
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Jorge,André Mendes; Fontes,Carlos Augusto de Alencar; Paulino,Mário Fonseca; Gomes Júnior,Paulo; Ferreira,Juliana Nardelli. |
Com a finalidade de estudar as características da carcaça, nove animais Gir, nove Guzerá, nove Nelore e nove Mocho-Tabapuã não-castrados, com idade média de 24 meses e pesos vivos médios iniciais de 357,6; 362,0; 368,6; e 376,4 kg, respectivamente, foram usados neste estudo. Em cada raça, os animais foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em baias individuais, recebendo ração contendo 50% de concentrado na matéria seca à vontade e divididos em três pesos de abate (categorias 405, 450 e 500 kg PV). No abate, determinou-se o peso de corpo vazio. Não houve diferenças entre raças ou pesos de abate para as variáveis estudadas, exceto para rendimento de alcatra completa. Para esta característica, houve efeito de interação entre raça e categoria, sendo que o rendimento... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Área de olho de lombo; Bovino de corte; Características de carcaça; Composição física; Comprimento; Espessura de gordura; Zebuínos; Length. |
Ano: 1999 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1516-35981999000200023 |
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Registros recuperados: 21 | |