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Evolution de l’activité des flottilles ciblant le Lieu noir en Mer du Nord. Quels impacts sur les captures par unité d’effort de pêche de la flottille de tuning ? ArchiMer
Faillettaz, Robin.
The 2011’s stock assessment pointed out an important decrease in the biomass of the North Sea saithe within 2009, while it was regarded for several years as a symbol of the sustainable management of the North Sea stocks. Meanwhile, an increasing spatial competition with other fleets has been reported since 2008 in the North of Shetland, where the majority of catches occur. This study was carried out to confirm and assess the extent of the changes in the distribution of fishing effort and to define if it could be linked to the collapse of the Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE) in 2009. Exploratory analyses were held to calibrate the tuning fleet and to identify areas of the North Sea specific to certain species. These factors were then used as explanatory...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Dynamique des pêcheries; Captures Par Unité d’Effort; Standardisation; Échantillonnage; Lieu noir; Fisheries dynamics; Catch Per Unit Effort; Standardization; Sampling; North Sea saithe.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Impacts de l’émergence d’un top-prédateur dans un ecosystème exploité : le merlu et le lieu noir de mer du Nord. Quelles interactions ? Quelles conséquences ? ArchiMer
Cormon, Xochitl.
North Sea saithe (Pollachius virens) has high economic value for European fisheries. In recent years, North Sea saithe abundance has decreased, while abundance of hake (Merluccius merluccius), which was rarely fished in the North Sea, has increased dramatically in the area. This work investigates the nature of the ecological interactions between saithe and hake in the North Sea, in order to understand if recent hake emergence in this area could explain, at least partially, the recent decline of the saithe stock. The results obtained during this research suggested competitive interactions between saithe and hake predators in the area. In addition, this investigation revealed potential negative effects of hake on the resident saithe stock. Therefore, hake...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Compétition; Lieu noir; Merlu; Simple réseau trophique; Émergence d’un prédateur; Mer du nord; Exploitative competition; Saithe; Hake; Simple foodweb; Up-coming predator; North sea.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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