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Mise en évidence et suivi de l'oxydation des lipides au cours de la conservation et de la transformation du chinchard (Trachurus trachurus) : choix des procédés ArchiMer
Eymard, Sylvie.
Critical steps of the process of horse mackerel surimi manufacturing were identified. This led to propose technical and chemical solutions in order to limit development of lipid oxidation reactions. In this way, analytical methods of lipids and lipid oxidation compounds were adapted to the studied products. A method to determine hydroperoxyde concentrations was developed. The front face fluorescence technique was tested to evaluate the degree of surimi alteration. Lipid oxidation kinetics were determined during horse mackerel storage on ice or at 17°C. The formation of lipid oxidation products was followed during manufacturing and horse mackerel surimi frozen storage. The impact of raw material freshness on the development of lipid oxidation during surimi...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Processing; Conservation; Surimi; Pelagic fish; Lipid oxidation; Lipids; Transformation; Conservation; Surimi; Petits pélagiques; Oxydation des lipides; Lipides.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Détermination de la condition des juvéniles de sole (Solea solea) dans les pertuis Charentais (suivi saisonnier d'avril à juillet) ArchiMer
Pinaudeau, Graziella.
Les zones côtières et estuariennes des pertuis Charenta is abritent des nourriceries indispensables à l'accomplissement du cycle biologique de la sole commune (Solea solea). Une récente étude a mis en évidence un parasitisme élevé chez les juvéniles pouvant être lié aux activités conchylicoles soutenues dans cette zone. La cond ition au sens large (croisance en taille et masse, statut lipidique et immunitaire) des juvéniles de sole (GO) est étudiée et un suivi saisonnier de mai à juillet est effectué dans le pertuis Breton. L' indice de condition des juvéniles à leur arrivée sur la nourricerie est de 1,1 g cm-3 ce qui traduit une bonne condition. La croissance plus é levée en mai (0,8 mm j-1) semble ralentir en juillet (0,3 mm j-1). Les réserves lipidiques...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Solea solea; Condition; Trématodes; Digènes; Lipides; Leucocytes; Activité hémolytique du complément.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Relations entre le contenu lipidique des ovocytes de Pecten maximus (Mollusque, bivalve) et les performances des larves en élevage ArchiMer
Le Pennec, Marcel; Gueguen,.
The lipid content of spawned oocytes of Pecten maximus was studied by image analysis of semi -thin histological sections and a lipid index was defined. The female gametes were obtained by thermic stimulations of mature adults scallops from different populations after out of season conditioning or sampled in situ during the spawning season. After fertilization, the larval development was followed. The results reveal a large variability in lipid content of normal oocytes. The lipid content can be regarded as homogeneous inside a spawning but the heterogeneity is greater for wild scallops than for conditioned ones. A strong relationship appears between the lipid index and the hatching success, and the number of abnormal larvae after two days rearing. But no...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mollusques; Bivalves; Pecten maximus; Ovocytes; Lipides; Elevages larvaires; Mollusc; Bivalve; Pecten maximus; Oocytes; Lipids; Larval development.
Ano: 1990 URL:
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Effets d’une alimentation végétale sur la biosynthèse des acides gras et le métabolisme du bar européen (Dicentrarchus labrax) ArchiMer
Geay, Florian.
In the context of the fish farming industry needing to substitute the animal food (meal and oil) by vegetable ingredients, the main objective of this thesis was to study the long-term effects of a diet exclusively composed by plant products on the metabolism of the european sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) and more particularly, on its capacity to biosynthesis the Highly Unsaturated Fatty Acids (HUFA) from the PolyUnsaturated Fatty acids (PUFA) brought by this vegetal diet. Our transcriptomic approaches showed that the use of a plant food disrupted the lipids metabolism (cholesterol and fatty acids) and the energy metabolism (carbohydrates, amino acids) in the liver, but also affected other physiological processes such as the immune system. In spite of the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Aquaculture; Nutrition; Métabolisme; Lipides; Désaturase; Delat-6-désaturase (D6D); Huile végétale; Farine végétale; Acides gras à longues chaînes carbonées polyinsaturés (AGLPI); Aquaculture; Nutrition; Metabolism; Lipids; Desaturase; Fatty acids desaturase 2 (fads2); Vegetable oil; Vegetable meal; Highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFA).
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Allocation du carbone et métabolisme azoté chez l'haptophyte Tisochrysis lutea ArchiMer
Garnier, Matthieu.
The aim of this thesis is to improve knowledge on mechanisms involved in the response to nitrogen limitation and in lipid accumulation in the microalgae haptophyte Tisochrysis lutea. The wild type strain and a lipid accumulating mutant strain were grown under different nitrogen limitation and starvation and analyzed by functional genomics. Four genes of high-affinity nitrate/nitrite transporter (Nrt2) were identified and characterized to reveal the mechanisms involved in mineral absorption in this species. Transcriptomes of both strains were sequenced and proteins affected by nitrogen starvation and differentially expressed between the two strains were identified. We so identified the functions regulated by nitrogen deficiency and potentially involved in...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Microalgues; Métabolisme; Azote; Carbone; Lipides; Genomique fonctionelle; Protéomique; Transcriptomique; Microalgae; Metabolism; Nitrogen; Carbon; Lipids; Functional genomics; Proteomics; Transcriptomics.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Extraction de lipides en voie aqueuse par bioréacteur enzymatique combine à l'ultrafiltration : application a la valorisation de co-produits de poisson (Sardina pilchardus) ArchiMer
Dumay, Justine.
The main goal of this work was to up-grade sardine (Sardina pilchardus) by-products using mild procedure, environmentally sound, in order to obtain valuable compounds involving moderate investment and low energy consumption. Hydrolysis and ultrafiltration techniques have been investigated. Firstly, selected enzymes have been calibrated in order to determine their optimal conditions with a model substrate and to permit the comparison between them. Then, hydrolysis on sardine head and viscera have been carried out in two steps. The first one had the objective to determine the enzyme efficiency and the study area. The second step was to optimise enzymatic hydrolysis using experimental designs. The aim of this second step was to obtain the highest lipid...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Up grading; By products; Ultrafiltration; Enzymes; Lipids; Sardina pilchardus; Valorisation; Co produits; Ultrafiltration; Enzymes; Lipides; Sardina pilchardus.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Valorisation de matières premières marines de faible valeur ajoutée : application aux co-produits de thon ArchiMer
Nguyen, Thi-my-huong.
The main objective of this study is the valorisation of by-products coming from processed tuna (Thunnus albacares). Therefore, enzymatic hydrolysis was selected, using an industrial large spectrum protease (Protamex). In a first phase, hydrolyses of these by-products (heads, tails, viscera) were carried out for long periods of time (12h) in order to establish the kinetics of the proteolysis of those different by-products and to obtain the approximate composition of the different resulting fractions and to determine the conditions which would allow the valorisation of these fractions. In a second phase the valorisation in animal nutrition (shrimp culture) and in human nutrition (fish sauce) of the fractions coming from the hydrolysis of the head of tunas...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Feed; Food; Lipids; Peptids; Protamex; Proteolysis; By products; Thuna; Alimentation; Lipides; Peptides; Protamex; Protéolyse; Co produits; Thon.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Effect of sediment nearness on the metabolic enzyme activity and energy state of the oyster Crassostrea gigas ArchiMer
Le Moullac, Gilles; Fleury, Pierre-gildas; Le Coz, Jean-rene; Moal, Jeanne; Samain, Jean-francois.
This study was designed to assess in situ the effects of sediment nearness on Crassostrea gigas metabolism. One year-old oysters were reared for 5 months (April-August) in plastic bags on metallic frames at 10 and 60 cm off the sediment at the beginning of April. The management of the energetic resources (storage, consumption) was estimated with respect to biochemical changes of proteins, lipids and carbohydrates. In order to evaluate the effect of the sediment nearness at cellular level, the metabolic rate was evaluated by assessing pyruvate kinase (PK) and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) enzyme activities and electron transport system (ETS) activity. The metabolic pathways were assessed by measuring ATP and intermediary metabolites such as...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Aspartate; Succinate; Alanine; ETS; PEPCK; PK; Carbohydrate; Lipids; Proteins; Sediment; Oyster; Aspartate; Succinate; Alanine; ETS; PEPCK; PK; Glucides; Lipides; Proteines; Sédiment; Huître.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Matière en suspension et sédimentation dans la lagune de Thau ArchiMer
Pichot, Paul; Deslous-paoli, Jean-marc; Juge, Claude.
Thau is a mediterranean lagoon with a large productive stock of molluscs (oysters, mussels) cultivated on suspended tines and colonised by epibionta (ascidia and others invertebrates, algae, etc ... ). This study was developed as part of the PNOC-OXYTHAU.programme. Its aim was to analyze the effects of oyster farrning on water-mass surrounding structures loaded with suspended molluscs and proximal watermass separating these structures. This study concems particulate suspended matter and deposits of particulate organic matter on the bottom after sedimnentation. Biochemical measurements were carried out for nitrogen, carbon,  proteins, lipids and carbohydrates. ln order to estimate sedimentaton, bottom sediment traps were used
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Méditérranée; Etang de Thau; Matière en suspension; Azote; Carbone; Protites; Lipides; Glucides; Sédimentation; Mediterranean; Lagoon of Thau; Particulate suspended mattter; Nitrogen; Carbon; Proteins; Lipids; Carbohydraes; Sedimentation.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Croissance et qualité de l'huître ceuse Crassostrea gigas dans le bassin de Thau (Hérault) : Résultats d'une étude réalisée en 1990-1991 ArchiMer
Pichot, Paul; Landrein, Sonia; Juge, Claude.
During years 1990-1991, a study was carried ouI in order to precise the relationship between sorne physiological features and the biochemical characteristics of dry flesh and hemolymf of oyster Crassostrea gigas, cultivated in the mediterranean lagoon of Thau. Growth rates and biochemical analysis for proteins, lipids and carbohydrates were estimated. The results of this study are given. They include many other data from a study on trophic relationships developed between 1985-1989.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Méditerranée; Etang de Thau; Crassostrea gigas; Croissance; Composition biochimique; Protides; Lipides; Glucides; Mediterranean; Lagoon of Thau; Crassostrea gigas; Growth; Biochemical composition; Proteins; Lipids; Carbohydrates.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Etude comparative des lipides de la boutargue du mulet à grosse tête (<Mugil cephalus>, linné 1758) de l’océan Atlantique : Nouakchott (Mauritanie) et de la mer Méditerranée : Tunis (Tunisie) OceanDocs
Romdhane, M.S.; El Cafsi, M.; Beddih, M.L.O.A.; Marzouk, B.; Zarrouk, K..
The boutargue is the salty and dried ovary of the mullet (Mugil cephalus) from Nouakchott (Mauritania) and Tunis (Tunisia). In order to know the nutritional quality of the boutargue, we have used an analytic analysis and dosages of lipids and their fat acids. For this study, we used two different methods of extraction of the lipids: method of Folch modified by Bligh and Dyer and the method of Soxhlet. These experiences show that the boutargue of mullet is rich in lipids, 30.9% in Nouakchott (Atlantic Ocean) and 27,4% in Tunis (Mediterranean Sea). The boutargue is with good nutritional quality. Indeed, each gram of boutargue contains 28,1 mg of fatty acids in Nouakchott and 19,7 mg in Tunisia. Theses fatty acids are subdivide in 3 essential groups: - Fatty...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Boutargue; Lipides; Acides gras; Mulet Mauritania Tunisia <; Mugil cephalus>; Comparative studies Fatty acids Lipids Nutritive value Dried fish Fatty acids Nutritive value Lipids
Ano: 2004 URL:
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