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Contribution à la construction de mosaïques d'images sous-marines géo-référencées par l'introduction de méthodes de localisation ArchiMer
Borgetto, Manon.
In the underwater environment, an image mosaic allows to obtain a panoramic view of a site of interest. The image sequence, used to create such mosaic, is acquired by a moving vehicle. The vehicle trajectory is estimated by a simple speed vector integration. As a consequence, a drift appears. This is directly palpable on the mosaic, especially when the vehicle crosses its own trajectory (at "rendezvous" times). This work consists in estimating as precisely as possible, the trajectory from angle and speed measurements, by taking into account the rendezvous times. First, the couples of rendezvous times are detected, then they are introduced in the vehicle localization algorithm. Second, the mosaic is created from these estimated positions. The proposed...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Enhancement; Warping; Fusion; Motion estimation; Gyro doppler system; Position estimation; Underwater image; Mosaic; Localization; Amélioration; Déformation; Fusion; Estimation du mouvement; Estimation de position; Mise en correspondance; Système gyro doppler; Image sous marine; Mosaïque; Localisation.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Micro-séismicité et processus de fond de mer dans la partie ouest de la Mer de Marmara : nouveaux résultats fondés sur l'analyse des données de sismographes et hydrophones sous-marins ArchiMer
Batsi, Evangelia.
Since the devastating earthquakes of 1999, east of Istanbul, the submerged section of the North Anatolian Fault (NAF), in the Sea of Marmara (SoM) has been intensively monitored, mainly using land stations. Still, the micro-seismicity remains poorly understood. In addition, although the connection of the SoM with the hydrocarbon gas system from the Thrace Basin is now well established, along with the presence of widespread gas within the sedimentary layers, the role of gas on seismicity is still not recognized.Here, we have analyzed Ocean Bottom Seismometer (OBS) data from two deployments (April-July 2011 and September-November 2014) in the western SoM. Based on a high-resolution, 3D-velocity model, and on non-linear methods (NonLinLoc), our location...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Localisation; Micro-séismicité; Sismomètres de fond de mer; Sismicité induite par le gaz; Micro-seismicity; Earthquake location; Ocean bottom seismometers; Gas-related seismicity.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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