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Morphometry of megakaryocytes in the liver of New Zealand White rabbits during intrauterine and postnatal development Ciência Rural
Pacheco,Maria Rita; Ferreira,Nilson; Melo,Válder Rodrigues; Baraldi-Artoni,Silvana Martinez; Orsi,Antonio Marcos; Machado,Márcia Rita Fernandes; Oliveira,Fabrício Singaretti de.
The hepatic megakaryocytic cells of New Zealand White rabbit in the intrauterine phase and in the immediate postnatal period were studied. Statistical analysis of the data concerning the cytoplasm and nucleus of those cells, i.e., area, perimeter, maximum diameter, minimum diameter, volume and shape factor, presented significant differences (p<0.01) for F values concerning the life phases studied on15th, 22nd and 29th day of intrauterine life and 10th day of postnatal life, and for F values for animal within each phase. The Tukey’s test showed that most of the parameters studied in the cytoplasm and nucleus of these megakaryocytic cells presented the lowest values on the 15th day of intrauterine life and the highest on the 22nd day of the same phase.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Liver; Megakaryocytes; Morphometry; Rabbits.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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PAK1 Regulates MEC-17 Acetyltransferase Activity and Microtubule Acetylation during Proplatelet Extension ArchiMer
Van Dijk, Juliette; Bompard, Guillaume; Rabeharivelo, Gabriel; Cau, Julien; Delsert, Claude; Morin, Nathalie.
Mature megakaryocytes extend long processes called proplatelets from which platelets are released in the blood stream. The Rho GTPases Cdc42 and Rac as well as their downstream target, p21-activated kinase 2 (PAK2), have been demonstrated to be important for platelet formation. Here we address the role, during platelet formation, of PAK1, another target of the Rho GTPases. PAK1 decorates the bundled microtubules (MTs) of megakaryocyte proplatelets. Using a validated cell model which recapitulates proplatelet formation, elongation and platelet release, we show that lack of PAK1 activity increases the number of proplatelets but restrains their elongation. Moreover, in the absence of PAK1 activity, cells have hyperacetylated MTs and lose their MT network...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Microtubules; Acetylation; Megakaryocytes; Proplatelet; P21-activated kinase 1 PAK1; Acetyltransferase MEC-17.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Microtubule polyglutamylation and acetylation drive microtubule dynamics critical for platelet formation ArchiMer
Van Dijk, Juliette; Bompard, Guillaume; Cau, Julien; Kunishima, Shinji; Rabeharivelo, Gabriel; Mateos-langerak, Julio; Cazevieille, Chantal; Cavelier, Patricia; Boizet-bonhoure, Brigitte; Delsert, Claude; Morin, Nathalie.
Background Upon maturation in the bone marrow, polyploid megakaryocytes elongate very long and thin cytoplasmic branches called proplatelets. Proplatelets enter the sinusoids blood vessels in which platelets are ultimately released. Microtubule dynamics, bundling, sliding, and coiling, drive these dramatic morphological changes whose regulation remains poorly understood. Microtubule properties are defined by tubulin isotype composition and post-translational modification patterns. It remains unknown whether microtubule post-translational modifications occur in proplatelets and if so, whether they contribute to platelet formation. Results Here, we show that in proplatelets from mouse megakaryocytes, microtubules are both acetylated and polyglutamylated. To...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Microtubules; Acetylation; Polyglutamylation; Tubulin isotype; Platelets; Megakaryocytes; IIb3 integrin; CHO cells.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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