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Таксономический состав и количественное развитие мейобентоса рыхлых грунтов в условиях марикультуры Mytilus galloprovincialis Lam., 1819 IBSS Repository
Лысых, Н. М..
Изучена сезонная динамика таксономического состава и плотности поселений мейобентоса рыхлых грунтов в условиях мидийного хозяйства в б. Казачья (район г. Севастополя, Черное море). Отмечены представители 16 крупных таксонов при доминировании Nematoda, Harpacticoida и Foraminifera. Обнаружены пики плотности поселения мейобентоса для исследованных станций под мидийной фермой в летний, осенний и зимний периоды, в контрольной точке - в весенне-летний период. Отличия в таксономическом составе мейобентоса района мидийной фермы и контрольной станции не наблюдались. Полученные данные по таксономической структуре, количественному развитию мейобентоса в целом и его лидирующих групп, показателей соотношения численности нематод и копепод (N/C ratio) свидетельствуют об...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Мейобентос; Нематодно-копеподное соотношение; Мидия; Марикультура; Meiobenthos; Nematode / copepod ratio; Mussel; Mariculture Mussel culture Meiobenthos Meiobenthos
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Мейобентос Балаклавской бухты (Чёрное море) IBSS Repository
Гусева, Е. В..
Приведены данные по плотности и групповому разнообразию мейобентосного населения Балаклавской бухты по материалам съёмки в июле 2005 г. Рассмотрено пространственное распределение мейобентоса по бухте, а также по градиенту концентрации в донных осадках хлороформ-растворимых веществ (Ахл).
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Meiobenthos; Population density; Meiobenthos; Population density; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Таксономический состав и сезонная динамика мягкораковинных фораминифер в Севастопольской бухте (Чёрное море) IBSS Repository
Аникеева, О. В..
Рассмотрены состав и особенности распределения мягкораковинных фораминифер на исследуемых станциях в Севастопольской бухте в течение года. Вычислена их доля в общем количестве мейобентоса. Впервые получены данные по сезонной динамике черноморских мягкораковинных фораминифер.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Meiobenthos; Seasonal variations; Meiobenthos; Http://
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Мейобентосное население прибрежных наносов региона Севастополя (Чёрное море) IBSS Repository
Гусева, Е. В..
Рассмотрены состав и численность мейобентосного сообщества прибрежных наносов на полигонах в акватории Севастополя в летние сезоны 2001 – 2003 гг. Качественно-количественные характеристики мейобентоса наносов урезной зоны б. Круглая в 2003 г. сопоставлены с таковыми в пробах донных осадках с глубин 1,5 – 2 м за этот же период.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Meiobenthos; Population density; Population structure; Population structure; Meiobenthos; Population density; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Есть ли животная жизнь на больших глубинах Чёрного моря? IBSS Repository
Заика, В. Е..
Обсуждаются находки представителей эукариот микро- и мейобентоса на дне континентальных склонов и ложа Чёрного моря. Эти находки необычны для заражённой сероводородом зоны и противоречат укоренившимся представлениям: 1) об отсутствии жизни, кроме бактериальной, на глубинах Чёрного моря, и 2) о невозможности жизни в среде, содержащей сероводород. Приведена краткая история изучения глубин Чёрного моря. Даётся комментарий к находкам Н. Г. Сергеевой. Приводятся доводы, почему эти находки не могут быть трупами, занесёнными из верхней, аэрируемой части моря. Дан обзор литературы по находкам эукариот в других аноксических биотопах, содержащих сероводород, а также сведения о стратегиях животных мейобентоса по детоксикации сероводорода.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Бентос склона и ложа; Микробентос; Мейобентос; Чёрное море; Benthos of bottom bed and slope; Microbenthos; Meiobenthos; Black Sea; Бентос схилу та ложа; Мікробентос; Чорне море.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Мейобентос восточной части Азовского моря в весенний период 2001г. IBSS Repository
Сергеева, Н. Г.; Буркацкий, О. Н..
Рассмотрены особенности современной структуры мейобентоса восточной части Азовского моря. В весенний период мейобентос представлен животными 13 крупных таксонов. Из двух компонентов мейобентоса - эвмейобентоса и псевдомейобентоса - на всей исследованной акватории Азовского моря преобладал первый, как по численности, так и биомассе. Приведенные данные свидетельствует о значимой роли этой компоненты донных биоценозов в продуктивности Азовского моря.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Meiobenthos; Meiobenthos; Http://
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Tubeworm-associated permanent meiobenthic communities from two chemically different hydrothermal vent sites on the East Pacific Rise ArchiMer
Gollner, Sabine; Zekely, Julia; Govenar, Breea; Le Bris, Nadine; Nemeschkal, Hans L.; Fisher, Charles R.; Bright, Monika.
The permanent meiobenthic community associated with aggregations of the tubeworm Riftia pachyptila was characterized at 2 different hydrothermal vent sites, Tica and Riftia Field, on the East Pacific Rise near 9 degrees 50'N. The maximum effluent temperatures were similar at both sites, but the chemistry of the hydrothermal fluids differed between sites. The abundance of meiobenthos was very low in 5 out of 6 samples (<61 ind. 10 cm(-2)) and was higher at Tica (20 to 976 ind. 10 cm(-2)) than at Riftia Field (< 1 to 12 ind. 10 cm(-2)). Meiobenthos abundance was positively correlated with the volume of sediment within the tubeworm aggregations. Sediment consisted mainly of particulate organic material and contained only a few mineral grains. A total of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Riftia pachyptila; Community study; Copepods; Nematodes; East Pacific Rise; Hydrothermal vent; Meiofauna; Meiobenthos.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Metazoan meiofaunal communities at cold seeps along the Norwegian margin: Influence of habitat heterogeneity and evidence for connection with shallow-water habitats ArchiMer
Van Gaever, Saskia; Olu, Karine; Derycke, Sofie; Vanreusel, Ann.
Cold-seep environments and their associated symbiont-bearing megafaunal communities create islands of primary production for macro- and meiofauna in the otherwise monotonous and nutrient-poor deep-sea environment. To examine the spatial variation and distribution patterns of metazoan meiobenthos in different seepage-related habitats, samples were collected in two regions off Norway: several pockmarks associated with the Storegga Slide including the Nyegga pockmark area (730 m: 64 degrees N), and the active, methane-venting Hakon Mosby Mud Volcano (HMMV) west of the Barents Sea (1280 m: 72 degrees N). Based on sediment geochemistry and associated epifauna, three different habitat types were distinguished across the two regions: (1) reduced sediment with...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Terschellingia longicaudata; Halomonhystera disjuncta; Cryptic species; Nematodes; Meiobenthos; Cold seeps.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Observations préliminaires recueillies dans l'exécution des programmes entrepris par la station biologique de Roscoff ArchiMer
Bergerard, S..
We have tried to expose here the first observations on the basis of , previous knowledge and studies in progress when the wreck arrived, in particulary of benthic Populations Dynamics by the workers of the Biological Station. These results, still very fragmentary, allow never the less to definite the programs required for the second phase, essentially on the populations of fine deposits of the Morlaix and Lannion bays.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pollution; Hydrocarbures; Amoco Cadiz; Sédiments; Phytoplancton; Macrobenthos; Meiobenthos; Microbenthos; Baie de Morlaix; Baie de Lannion; Pollution; Hydrocarbons; Amoco Cadiz; Sediments; Phytoplancton; Macrobenthos; Meiobenthos; Microbenthos; Morlaix Bay; Lannion Bay.
Ano: 1978 URL:
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Nematode communities associated with tubeworm and mussel aggregations on the East Pacific Rise ArchiMer
Zekely, J; Gollner, S; Van Dover, C; Govenar, B; Le Bris, Nadine; Nemeschkal, H; Bright, M.
The meiobenthic nematode community of three different vent sites at the East Pacific Rise was studied in order to determine whether the abundance, species richness, diversity and trophic structure were similar. The sites Tica and Riftia Field were dominated by the tubeworm, Riftia pachyptila, and the Buckfield site was dominated by the mussel Bathymodiolus thermophilus. The nematode communities of all three sites were low in abundance (< 1 up to 46 ind. 10 cm(-2)), except one sample from Tica with almost 1000 ind. 10 cm(-2). The communities at all sites consisted entirely of primary consumers, mostly deposit feeders. Species richness and Shannon-Wiener diversity indices were low and similar at both tubeworm sites and slightly but significantly higher at...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: East Pacific Rise; Bathymodiolus thermophilus; Riftia pachyptila; Nematodes; Meiobenthos; Hydrothermal vent.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Meiofauna Community in Soft Sediments at TAG and Snake Pit Hydrothermal Vent Fields ArchiMer
Spedicato, Adriana; Sánchez, Nuria; Pastor, Lucie; Menot, Lenaick; Zeppilli, Daniela.
The risk assessment of seafloor massive sulfide (SMS) mining on meiobenthic organisms, specifically on soft-sediment meiofauna, is impeded by a lack of knowledge on the biology and ecology of these communities. In this study, we investigated sediment samples taken in proximity of active vents at Trans-Atlantic Geotraverse (TAG) and Snake Pit, two hydrothermal vent fields of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, in order to explore metazoan meiofauna, particularly nematode community, and its relation to organic carbon, total nitrogen, total sulfur, and dissolved oxygen. Organic carbon and nitrogen contents were low at both sites. High concentrations of total sulfur and low oxygen penetration were found at Snake Pit compared to TAG. Snake Pit showed approximately four...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Meiobenthos; Nematoda; Mid-Atlantic Ridge; Seafloor massive sulfides; Biodiversity.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Nueva distribución de moluscos meiobentónicos (Gasterópoda: Familia Caecidae), en la costa ecuatoriana, 2006 OceanDocs
Cruz, M..
El propósito de este trabajo tiene como finalidad reportar por primera vez, la presencia de esta familia Caecidae, los géneros Caecum y Elephantanellum, y siete especies para aguas ecuatorianas ampliando la distribución de estos micromoluscos desde el norte y centro América hasta Ecuador.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Meiobenthos; Marine molluscs; Geographical distribution; Species diversity; New records; Geographical distribution; Meiobenthos; Species diversity; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Meiofauna del Golfo de Guayaquil, Ecuador (Río Guayas, Canal Cascajal y Estero Salado), obtenida en abril de 1997 OceanDocs
Cruz, M..
El presente trabajo es la segunda contribución en el Ecuador, al mejor conocimiento de la meiofauna bentónica del Golfo de Guayaquil.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Meiobenthos; Invertebrate zoology; Species diversity; Marshes; Rivers; Environmental factors; Rivers; Environmental factors; Species diversity; Marshes; Meiobenthos; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Estructura de las comunidades de la meiofauna de la Bahía de Nipe, Cuba OceanDocs
Cuervo, Z.; Armenteros, M.; Capetillo, N.; Arencibia, G.; Pérez, I.; González, G..
The structure of meiofaunal communities was surveyed in 17 stations in Nipe Bay, Cuba in July, 2001. Levels of Nickel (all stations) are higher than in several bays in Cuba, probably due to natural causes. The levels of Copper, Zinc, Fe and Manganese indicate a relative low pollution, likely related to the presence of urban settlements. There is decrease in the total density and number of taxa of meiofauna in the stations with higher levels of metals; the copepods appear to be particularly sensitivity to metal pollution. The stations located at the mouth of the bay have the lowest levels of contamination and the highest total density of organisms and taxa richness, probably due to a more intense turnover of the waters in this area and consequent lower...
Tipo: Proceedings Paper Palavras-chave: Heavy metals; Meiofauna; Meiobenthos; Heavy metals; Meiobenthos.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Estudio del meiobentos en el Golfo de Guayaquil, (Río Guayas, Canal Cascajal y Estero Salado), Ecuador, en agosto de 1996 OceanDocs
Cruz, M..
Con este aporte al conocimiento de la meiofauna del Golfo de Guayaquil, se pretende comenzar a difundir los diferentes grupos de organismos que antes de este trabajo no se conocían que existían en nuestro país, esperando que se incentiven nuevos trabajos de investigación en el campo de la meiofauna, para llegar a saber realmente las especies que tenemos en el ecosistema más "rico y/o productivo" del Ecuador y del Pacífico Sud-este.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Meiobenthos; Sediments; Rivers; Marshes; Estuaries; Rivers; Estuaries; Meiobenthos; Marshes; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Distribution quantitative de la meiofaune dans un milieu fortement anthropise : le vieux port de Bizerte (Tunisie) OceanDocs
Essid, N.; Mahmoudi, E.; Beyrem, H.; Aissa, P.; Hedfi, A..
The survey of sediment and hydrological parameters in the old harbor of Bizerte has revealed that this ecosystem knows a high anthropogenic pressure. In this area waters were characterized by weak contents in dissolved oxygen and sediments, rich in fine fraction, were loaded in hydrocarbons and in organic matter. The free-living nematodes, predominant taxa, responded to these disturbances by a significant decrease in their densities and their biomasses and had tendency, notably at the most isolated sites, to penetrate deeply to escape surface sediments highly loaded in hydrocarbons and in organic matter.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Hydrocarbons; Pollution effects; Pollution indicators; Meiobenthos; Harbours; Man-induced effects; Bioindicators; Hydrocarbons; Http://
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Réponse des différents taxons méiofaunistiques à la contamination par un antibiotique (la Penicilline G) : étude microcosmique. OceanDocs
Nasri, A.; Boufahja, F.; Hedfi, A.; Mahmoudi, E.; Aissa, P.; Essid, N..
Une étude microcosmique a été réalisée pour déterminer l’effet d’un antibiotique (la Pénicilline G) sur une communauté méiofaunistique prélevée au niveau des sédiments de la lagune de Bizerte (Nord de la Tunisie).Cinq doses croissantes de ce contaminant émergent (D1 : 3 mg.L-1, D2 : 30 mg. L-1, D3 : 300 mg. L-1, D4 : 600 mg. L-1 et D5 : 700 mg. L-1), ont été mises en examen pendant 30 jours d’exposition. Les densités méiofaunistiques moyennes ont été très fluctuantes en comparant les microcosmes témoins avec ceux traités. Les microcosmes témoins ont été associés à une densité moyenne de 91 ± 22 ind. mic-1. Une prolifération numérique de la méiofaune a été observée lors de son exposition aux doses les plus faibles du contaminant. Ainsi, une valeur moyenne...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Meiobenthos; Density; Microcosms; Sediments.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Observations on the feeding ecology of estuarine nematodes OMA
Moens, T.; Vincx, M..
Observations on living estuarine nematodes show that previous feeding type classifications do not accurately represent the trophic structure of an intertidal mudflat in the Westerschelde Estuary (Netherlands). A new scheme with six major nematode feeding guilds is proposed: (1) microvores; (2) ciliate feeders; and (3) deposit feeders sensu stricto are all nematodes without a distinct buccal armature. In the first two groups bacteria and protozoa, respectively are the major particulate food sources, while other items are included in the diet of the third. The three other categories are recognized among the nematodes with a buccal armature: (4) epigrowth feeders; (5) facultative predators; and (6) predators. Diatoms and other microalgae are an important...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Biology; Biomass; Carbon; Habits; Habits; Meiobenthos; Water.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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Nematodes as indicators pollution: a case study from the Swartkops River system, South Africa OMA
Gyedu-Ababio, T.; Furstenberg, J.P.; Baird, D.J.; Vanreusel, A..
Nematodes from the sediments of the Swartkops estuary in Port Elizabeth, South Africa were investigated at 10 selected sites along a salinity gradient in the subtidal region at neap tide. The relation between nematode density, genera, community structure and environmental parameters including concentrations of seven heavy metals, Mn, Ti, Cr, Pb, Fe, Sn and Zn in the sediment were investigated. The nematode community structure was significantly influenced by the chlorophyll a concentration and sediment particle-size distribution. The number of genera had significant negative correlation with chlorophyll a and two heavy metals, Fe and Zn in the sediment. The habitat preferences of the genera were also assessed. A combination of the Shannon-Wiener Diversity...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Check lists; Density; Diversity; Ecology; Meiobenthos; Pollution; Sediment; Sediments; Nematoda [Nematodes].
Ano: 1999 URL:
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A model of nematode dynamics in the Westerschelde Estuary OMA
Li, J.; Vincx, M.; Herman, P.M.J..
We developed a time dynamic model to investigate the temporal dynamics of nematode community in the brackish zone of the Westerschelde Estuary. The biomass of four nematode feeding groups observed from March 1991 to February 1992 is used to calibrate the model. Using environmental data as the input, the model predicts the temporal modification and interrelation of four nematode feeding groups. Nematodes achieve a dominant position in the community because of their lower loss rate (in respiration, excretion and natural death). Predators which are deposit-feeding macrobenthos control the variations of dominant nematodes, such as omnivores and non-selective deposit feeders. Food availability causes modification only for rare nematodes such as epigrowth...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Diatoms; Ecology; Food; Light; Marine nematodes; Meiobenthos; Population dynamics; Predation; Respiration; Temperature; Nematoda [Nematodes].
Ano: 1996 URL:
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