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Models of general community assembly mechanisms simulating the spatial and temporal dynamics of benthic biodiversity 5
Alexandridis, Nikolaos.
Benthic macroinvertebrates are part of a complex network of interactions. The spatial and temporal scales of the processes that form the basis for these interactions have traditionally restricted their empirical investigation. The first chapter of the manuscript attempts a review of the modelling tools that have been employed for the study of the marine benthos. The implementation of a mechanistic modelling framework seems fitting, but it requires the derivation of a few model entities with a clear functional role. The second chapter of the manuscript employs the emergent group hypothesis to do that in a way that is objective and testable. The resulting grouping is tested against theoretical expectations and the results support its ability to represent...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Assemblage des communautés; Estuaire de la Rance; Groupes fonctionnels; Macrofaune benthique; Modélisation de la biodiversité; Modélisation orientée agent; Modélisation qualitative; Trade-offs fonctionnels; Traits biologiques; Agent-based modelling; Benthic macrofauna; Biodiversity model; Biological traits; Community assembly; Functional groups; Functional trade-offs; Qualitative modelling; Rance estuary.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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