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Biomonitoring of Pb and Cd in two impacted watersheds in Southeast Brazil, using the freshwater mussel Anodontites trapesialis (Lamarck, 1819) (Bivalvia : Mycetopodidae) as a biological monitor BABT
Tomazelli,Andréa C.; Martinelli,Luiz A.; Avelar,Wagner E. P.; Camargo,Plínio B. de; Fostier,Anne-Helene; Ferraz,Epaminondas S. B.; Krug,Francisco J.; Santos Júnior,Dário.
Studies were carried out to investigate the contamination of Piracicaba and Mogi-Guaçu River basins (São Paulo State, Southeastern, Brazil) for heavy metals (Cd and Pb), using the limnic bivalve Anodontites trapesialis as a biological monitor. The results showed that the concentrations of Pb were higher than the control group in both basins, showing the bioavailability of this non-essential element in the basins. The concentrations were higher in the Mogi-Guaçu than in the Piracicaba basin, and in the slightly contaminated sites in both basins. There was no correlation between the degree of human impact and Cd and Pb concentrations, it was not possible to infer about concentrations of these heavy metals in the bivalves based only in a broad evaluation of...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Biomonitoring; Heavy metals; Mussels; Piracicaba; Mogi-Guaçu; Brazil.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Gill tissues of the mussel Mytilus edulis chilensis: A new source for antimicrobial peptides Electron. J. Biotechnol.
Mercado,Luis; Schmitt,Paulina; Marshall,Sergio H; Arenas,Gloria.
Antimicrobial peptides are small-sized, cationic and amphipathic molecules able to neutralize pathogenic microorganisms. Their antimicrobial effects tie them to mechanisms of immune defense, which is why they have been normally purified from immune cells. We describe an apparently new group of antimicrobial peptides from gill tissues of the mussel Mytilus edulis chilensis. 20 specimens yielded 40 g of gills which produced 16 mg of an enriched fraction with antimicrobial activity as low as 0.045 µg/µl over reference strains. Considering the chemical nature of these molecules we used an acid extraction procedure followed by consecutive cationic exchange and hydrophobic interaction chromatography steps for peptide enrichment. The resulting...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Antimicrobial peptides; Biochemical characterization; Gill tissues; In vitro activity; Mussels.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Концентрация ртути в воде, донных отложениях и мидии Mytilus galloprovincialis Lam. на шельфе Крыма (Черное море) IBSS Repository
Рябушко, В. И.; Козинцев, А. Ф.; Костова, С. К.; Парчевская, Д. С.; Шинкаренко, В. К..
Исследовано содержание ртути в мягких тканях и раковинах мидий Mytilus galhprovinciulis Lam. в зависимо­сти от индивидуального возраста моллюсков из акваторий мыса Тарханкут, Карадагского природного запо­ведника, г. Ялты, в т.ч. глубоководного выброса хозяйственно-бытовых и сточных вод. Линейные размеры раковины мидии в зависимости от их возраста хорошо апроксимируются степенной функцией, а концентра­ция ртути в теле и раковине - квадратичной параболой. Акватория г. Ялты характеризуется высоким уровнем загрязнения мидий ртутью (выше предельно-допустимой концентрации, установленной требованиями сани­тарных норм для пищевых продуктов), начиная с самых мелких животных. Фоновые значения содержания Hg в воде во всех районах исследований ниже ПДК для природных...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Ртуть; Вода; Донные отложения; Мидия; Черное море; Mercury; Water; Bottom sediment; Mussels; Black Sea Mercury Bottom water Sediments Mercury
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Результаты гидролого-гидрохимического мониторинга мидийной фермы в прибрежной зоне южного берега Крыма (бухта Ласпи) IBSS Repository
Куфтаркова, Е. А.; Щуров, С. В.; Родионова, Н. Ю..
Results of the hydrological-hydrochemical monitoring carried out in 2007–2009 at the mytilus farm are given. The lowered salinity, nutrients and the raised pH in comparison with the period 1983–1987 are caused by prevalence of downwelling circulation and insufficient dynamic activity of waters.
Tipo: Book Section Palavras-chave: Mussels; Hydrochemical structure; Circulation of waters.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Межгодовая изменчивость возрастной структуры популяции мидий Mytilus galloprovincialis в северо-западной части Черного моря IBSS Repository
Шурова, Н. М..
Проведен анализ многолетней изменчивости размерно-возрастной структуры поселений мидий в северо-западной части Черного моря. Выявленные межгодовые различия свидетельствуют о том, что в современных экологических условиях на северо-западном шельфе Черного моря продолжаются негативные процессы, которые увеличивают смертность моллюсков и приводят к неуклонному омоложению возрастной структуры их поселений. Это вызывает уменьшение продолжительности жизни черноморской мидии и снижение ее репродукционного потенциала.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Population; Mussels; Long-term changes; The Black Sea; Популяция; Мидии; Черное море Population structure Population structure
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Активность ферментов пероксидного комплекса тканей мидии Mytilus galloprovincialis Lam в норме и в условиях естественного окислительного стресса IBSS Repository
Гостюхина, О. Л.; Солдатов, А. А.; Головина, И. В..
Исследовано содержание продуктов перекисного окисления липидов (ПОЛ) и состояние ферментативного пероксидного комплекса (ПК) (глутатионпероксидазы (ГП), каталазы и пероксидазы) в гепатопанкреасе, жабрах и ноге черноморского моллюска Mytilus galloprovincialis Lam. в условиях физиологического покоя и нереста. Последнее рассматривали как модель естественного окислительного стресса. Изучали особей двух цветовых морф - черной и коричневой. Выявлена тканевая специфика активностей ферментов и распределения продуктов ПОЛ в состоянии нормы, а также особенности ответных реакций тканей моллюсков обеих морф при действии окислительной нагрузки. Наиболее чувствительной к действию перекисных продуктов в условиях естественного окислительного стресса оказались особи черной...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Ферменты; Каталаза; Пероксидаза; Глутатионпероксидаза; Перекисное окисление липидов; Окислительный стресс; Мидии; Цветовые морфы; Нерест; Enzymes; Catalase; Peroxidase; Glutathione peroxidase; Lipid peroxidation; Spawning; Oxidative stress; Mussels; Color morphs Spawning Enzymes Lipids Spawning Enzymes Lipids
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Вертикальное распределение моллюсков Mytilus Galloprovincialis Lam. и Mytilaster lineatus Gmel. на каменной наброске гидротехнического сооружения IBSS Repository
Соловьёва, О. В..
The number and size of mussels Mitilus Galloprovincialis Lam. and Mytilaster Lineatus Gmel. on the riprap of a hydraulic structure (southern pier of Sevastopol bay) was analyzed. It is shown that at this riprap, the distribution of mussels over depth is more determined by abundance of mytilidae larva in the water column, and less – by hydrodynamic effects.
Tipo: Book Section Palavras-chave: Mussels; Mytilidae; Hydrotechnical buildings; Hydraulic engineering.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Сравнительная оценка степени загрязнения мидий и донных осадков акваторий Карадагских и Севастопольских бухт хлорорганическими соединениями IBSS Repository
Жерко, Н. В.; Малахова, Л. В.; Бочко, О. Ю..
В 1981-1991 годах проводили экологические исследования в заповедной зоне Карадага и Севастопольских бухтах. Изучали степень загрязнения мидий (Mytilus galloprovincialis) и донных осадков полихлорированными бифенилами и хлорорганическими пестицидами. Полученные данные свидетельствуют о различной степени загрязнения этими соединениями исследуемых бухт. Наблюдения за содержанием хлорорганических соединений, проведенные в последние годы, показали тенденцию к снижению концентраций ПХБ и пестицидов в изучаемых объектах.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Черное море; Хлорорганические пестициды; Полихлорированные бифенилы; Донные осадки; Мидии; The Black Sea; Chlororganic pesticides; Mussels; Polychlorated biphenils.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Потоки нефтяных углеводородов через поселение мидий, обитающих на южном молу Севастопольской бухты (Чёрное море). IBSS Repository
Соловьёва, О. В..
На южном молу Севастопольской бухты численность мидии на бетонных тетраподах 380±99 экз./м2, на каменной наброске – 128±71 экз./м2. Объём воды, фильтруемой мидиями, обитающими на подводной части исследуемого мола составляет 53 тыс.м3/сут, что позволяет за сутки отфильтровать 3.3 кг нефти.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Мидии; Биофильтр; Гидротехнические сооружения; Нефтяные углеводороды; Чёрное море; Mussels; Biofilter; Hydraulic engineering structures; Petrol hydrocarbons; Black Sea; Мідії; Біофільтр; Гідротехнічні спорудження; Нафтові вуглеводні; Чорне море.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Сезонная динамика личинок двустворок и их вертикальное распределение в прибрежном планктоне внешнего рейда Севастопольской бухты (Черное море) IBSS Repository
Казанкова, И. И..
Проанализирована сезонная динамика численности личинок массовых видов Bivalvia, в том числе Anadara inaequivalvis - недавнего вселенца в Черное море. Весной отмечена высокая концентрация велигеров мидий. Пик численности поздних великонх мидий наблюдали в декабре - вблизи берега и в марте - в удалении от берега в горизонте 10 - 25 м. Выявлена неравномерность в вертикальном распределении личинок Bivalvia, благодаря чему возможно их использования в качестве идентификаторов водных масс.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Сезонная динамика; Мидии; Seasonal dynamics; Mussels.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Autécologie et éthologie de l' Annélide Polychète Polydora ciliata (Johnston, 1928). Synthèse bibliographique ArchiMer
Cheramy, Julien; Lefebvre, Alain.
The annelid polychaete Polydora ciliata (Johnston, 1828) regulary colonizes the shores of Picardie (France), covering the musse! band of mud and causing their death by asphyxia. This report is a preliminary study which aim is to settle a program of supervision and prevention against this colonization. This report is a bibliographie review about the bentho-pelagic !ife cycle of Polydora ciliata.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Annélide; Polydora ciliata; Moules; Picardie; Cycle bentho-pélagique; Annelids; Polydora ciliata; Mussels; Picardie; Review; Bentho-pelagic life cycle.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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La Reproduction naturelle et contrôlée des bivalves cultivés en France. -Rapport de Groupe de Travail- IFREMER/Nantes/France, 14 et 15 novembre 1995 ArchiMer
Devauchelle, Nicole; Barret, Jean; Salaun, Gilles.
This report compiles 17 short and illustrated syntheses concerning the natural strategies of reproduction and the artificial control of the reproductive process for the flat oyster, Ostrea edulis, the japanese oyster, Crassostrea gigas, the mussels, Mytilus edulis and My ti/us galloprovincialis, the scallop, Pecten maximus. An additional syntheses is presented, as a comparison within molluscs, which are the main research topics at IFREMER concerning the artificial control of the reproductive processes in Marine Fish. Three main subjects are documented : 1. the ecophysiology of the natural period of reproduction in the wild, 2. the methods developed in the hatcheries for the artificial control of the reproductive periods, the gametes collection and the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bivalves; Stratégie de reproduction; Contrôle artificiel; Gonades; Gamètes; Coquille St Jacques; Moules; Huîtres; Nourriture; Photopériode; Température; Biologie; Physiologie; Biochimie.; Bivalves; Reproductive strategy; Artificial induction of reproduction; Gonads; Gametes; Scallop; Mussels; Oysters; Food; Light; Temperature; Biology; Physiology; Biochemistry..
Ano: 1997 URL:
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Les activités de production - conchyliculture ArchiMer
Deschamps, Gerard; Miossec, Dominique; Pannier, Thierry; Huet, Jerome; Lorance, Pascal.
These studies of halieutic ecology produced at the request of Electricité de France by the French Institute of Research for Exploitation of the Sea in the Normand Breton Gulf must constitute one of the elements making it possible to come to a conclusion or not on the feasibility of the tidal power plant construction project; these studies have three parts: The first part discusses halieutic zooplankton. In the first place, the main species that constitute the exploitable living resources are considered, observed from the first stages of their life, in the egg or at different larval stages preceding the juvenile state. Also of interest are certain holoplanktonic groups. The whole of these observations establishes the status of zooplanktonic populations...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Whelk; Mussels; Oysters; Shellfish farming; Professional fishing; Holoplankton; Zooplankton; France; Conchyliculture; Buccin; Pêche professionnelle; Usine marémotrice; Zooplancton; Holoplancton; Ecologie Halieutique.
Ano: 1986 URL:
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Effects of increasing temperatures on biomarker responses and accumulation of hazardous substances in rope mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) from Bizerte lagoon ArchiMer
Kamel, Naouel; Burgeot, Thierry; Banni, Mohamed; Chalghaf, Mohamed; Devin, Simon; Minier, Christophe; Boussetta, Hamadi.
This study examined the influence of increasing temperatures in spring and summer on biochemical biomarkers in Mytilus galloprovincialis mussels sampled from Bizerte lagoon (northern Tunisia). Spatial and seasonal variations in a battery of seven biomarkers were analyzed in relation to environmental parameters (temperature, salinity and pH), physiological status (condition and gonad indexes), stress on stress (SoS) and chemical contaminant levels (heavy metals, PAHs and PCBs) in digestive glands. Integrated Biological Response (IBR) was calculated using seven biomarkers (AChE, BPH, MXR, GST, CAT, MDA and MT). Seasonal variations in biological response were determined during a critical period between spring and summer at two sites, where chemical...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Biomarkers; Mussels; Lagoon biomonitoring; Integrated biomarker response.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Characterization of ten microsatellite loci in the blue mussel Mytilus edulis ArchiMer
Lallias, Delphine; Stockdale, Ruth; Boudry, Pierre; Lapegue, Sylvie; Beaumont, Andy R..
Mussels of the genus Mytilus are ecologically and commercially important worldwide, and they form hybrid complexes where their distributions overlap. Allozyme and nuclear markers have bee It Used to investigate their genetics over many years, but successful development of reliable highly valuable microsatellite markers has lagged be hind other shellfish species. We have developed and characterized tell novel microsatellite loci that amplify reliably for the blue mussel Mytilus edulis. The number of alleles among 30 individuals from a wild population (Menai Strait, North Wales UK) ranged between 9 and 29 and the observed heterozygosity between 0.300 and 0.954. Significant heterozygote deficiencies against the Hardy-Weinberg model were observed at 6 out of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mytilus edulis; Microsatellites; Universal tailed-primer labeling; Null alleles; Mussels.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Antagonistic interactions between benzo[a]pyrene and C60 in toxicological response of Marine Mussels ArchiMer
Barranger, Audrey; Langan, Laura M; Sharma, Vikram; Rance, Graham A; Aminot, Yann; Weston, Nicola J; Akcha, Farida; Moore, Michael N; Arlt, Volker M; Kholbystov, Andrei N; Readman, James W; Jha, Awadhesh N..
This study aimed to assess the ecotoxicological effects of the interaction of fullerene (C60) and benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P) on the marine mussel, Mytilus galloprovincialis. The uptake of nC60, B[a]P and mixtures of nC60 and B[a]P into tissues was confirmed by GC-MS, LC-HRMS and ICP-MS. Biomarkers of DNA damage as well as proteomics analysis were applied to unravel the toxic effect of B[a]P and C60. Antagonistic responses were observed at the genotoxic and proteomic level. Differentially expressed proteins (DEPs) were only identified in the B[a]P single exposure and the B[a]P mixture exposure groups containing 1 mg/L of C60, the majority of which were down-regulated (~52%). No DEPs were identified at any of the concentrations of nC60 (p < 0.05, 1% FDR)....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Trojan Horse effect; B[a]P; NC60; Co-exposure; Mussels; DNA damage; Proteomics.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Rapid enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of the algal toxin domoic acid ArchiMer
Litaker, R. Wayne; Stewart, Thomas N.; Eberhart, Bich-thuy L.; Wekell, John C.; Trainer, Vera L.; Kudela, Raphael M.; Miller, Peter E.; Roberts, Alice; Hertz, Cassandra; Johnson, Tyler A.; Frankfurter, Greg; Smith, G. Jason; Schnetzer, Astrid; Schumacker, Joe; Bastian, Jonnette L.; Odell, Anthony; Gentien, Patrick; Le Gal, Dominique; Hardison, I. Ransom; Tester, Patricia A..
Domoic acid (DA) is a potent toxin produced by bloom-forming phytoplankton in the genus which is responsible for causing amnesic shellfish poisoning (ASP) in humans. ASP symptoms include vomiting. diarrhea, and in more severe cases confusion. loss of memory. disorientation. and even coma or death. This paper describes the development and validation of a rapid. sensitive. enzyme linked immunosorbent assay test kit for detecting DA using a monoclonal antibody. The assay gives equivalent results to those obtained using standard high performance liquid chromatography. fluorenylmetbox-yearbonyl high performance liquid chromatography, or liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry methods. It has a linear range from 1.1-3 ppb and was used successfully to measure DA...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Test kit; Razor clams; Scallops; Mussels; ELISA; Domoic acid poisoning; ASP.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Episodes de mortalité massive de moules bleues observés en 2014 dans les Pertuis charentais ArchiMer
Bechemin, Christian; Soletchnik, Patrick; Polsenaere, Pierre; Le Moine, Olivier; Pernet, Fabrice; Protat, Martin; Fuhrmann, Marine; Quere, Claudie; Goulitquer, Sophie; Corporeau, Charlotte; Lapegue, Sylvie; Travers, Marie-agnes; Morga, Benjamin; Garrigues, Manon; Garcia, Celine; Haffner, Philippe; Dubreuil, Christine; Faury, Nicole; Baillon, Laury; Baud, Jean-pierre; Renault, Tristan.
Mass mortality outbreaks (90-100%) in both juvenile and adult blue mussels were reported in 2014 along the Pertuis Charentais area of the French Atlantic coast. A series of studies were carried out to learn more about the phenomenon through detecting pathogens, describing environmental conditions and establishing the physiological status of the animals. Bacteria identif ied as belonging to the V. splendidus species were detected in dying mussels and seem able to cause mortality in blue mussels in the laboratory. Unusual environmental conditions (large amounts of fresh water, re-suspension of sediments during a series of storms, and a high renewal rate of specific water masses in Brittany’s Pertuis area) may be partially responsible for sparking the phenomen
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mortalités; Moules; Pertuis Charentais; Vibrio splendidus; Environnement; Mortality; Mussels; Pertuis Charentais; Vibrio splendidus; Environment.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Recruitment of mussels in the Pertuis Breston (France) in these last years. A preliminary analysis on the influence of temperature and sunshine ArchiMer
Prou, Jean; Dardignac, Marie-jose.
Since 1979, the IFREMER Laboratory follows mussel recruitement in the Pertuis Breton. Gametogenesis generally begins in September or October and ends in Décember. Spawning may begin in Februrary and continues up ta the end of April, but it usually occurs in the second fortnigh of March. The most important settlement generaly runs after the middle of May up to the middle of June. Duririg the study period, four years are noticeable by lack of settlement : 1982, 1989, 1990 and 1991. This failure thraughout these three last years resulted in a breakdown of the cultivated biomass. The present paper outlines a preliminary analysis on the influence of temperature and sunshine.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mussels; Recruitment; Temperature; Sunshine; Pertuis Breton.
Ano: 1993 URL:
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Etudes sanitaires pour le classement de zones conchylicoles en Charente Maritime : Rivière de la Seudre (coquillages fouisseurs), Banc de Ronce-Perquis (coquillages fouisseurs), Bouchots des Saumonards (coquillages filtreurs) ArchiMer
Auger, Christian; Noinin, Michel; Roësberg, Didier; Bouquet, Jean-paul.
Trois études de zones ont été conduites en 1997/1998 dans le bassin de Marennes-Oléron (Charente-Maritime). Deux concernaient la contamination des coquillages fouisseurs de la Seudre et du banc de Ronce-Perquis. La troisième concernait la contamination des coquillages filtreurs des bouchots à moules des Saumonards (Ile d'Oléron). Ces études avaient pour objet d'évaluer les niveaux de contamination microbiologique et chimique de ces zones de production de coquillages afin que l'Administration puisse en effectuer le classement sanitaire conformément à l'arrêté du 21 juillet 1995. La Seudre, à l'aval de la rivière, a montré, pour les fouisseurs, une qualité microbiologique de catégorie B et une qualité microbiologique de catégorie C pour la partie amont. De...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Etude de zones; Marennes-Oléron; Charente-Maritime; Coliformes fécaux; Qualité chimique; Qualité microbiologique; Palourdes; Coques; Moules .; Sanitary studies; Marennes-Oléron; Charente-Maritime (France); Faecal coliforms; Chemical quality; Microbiologie quality; Chemical content; Clams; Cockles; Mussels; Burrowing and filter-feeder shell ..
Ano: 1999 URL:
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