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Organic matter budget in the Southeast Atlantic continental margin close to the Congo Canyon: In situ measurements of sediment oxygen consumption ArchiMer
Rabouille, C.; Caprais, Jean-claude; Lansard, B.; Crassous, Philippe; Dedieu, K.; Reyss, J. L.; Khripounoff, Alexis.
A study of organic carbon mineralization from the Congo continental shelf to the abyssal plain through the Congo submarine channel and Angola Margin was undertaken using in situ measurements of sediment oxygen demand as a tracer of benthic carbon recycling. Two measurement techniques were coupled on a single autonomous platform: in situ benthic chambers and microelectrodes, which provided total and diffusive oxygen uptake as well as oxygen microdistributions in porewaters. In addition, sediment trap fluxes, sediment composition (Org-C, Tot-N, CaCO3, porosity) and radionuclide profiles provided measurements of, respectively input fluxes and burial rate of organic and inorganic compounds. The in situ results show that the oxygen consumption on this margin...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sediment carbon budget; Organic carbon burial; Congo Submarine Canyon; Organic carbon recycling in sediments; In situ oxygen demand.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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