Registros recuperados: 22 | |
Cusminsky,Gabriela; García,Adriana; Herbst,Rafael. |
Se describen e ilustran los ostrácodos y carófitos de la Formación Desencuentro, provincia de La Rioja, Argentina. La asociación muestra baja diversidad con seis taxones de ostrácodos: Eucypris sp., Darwinula sp., Cyamocytheridea sp., Cyprideis salebrosa hartmanni Ramírez, Limnocythere aff. L. reticulata Sharpe, Limnocythere sp., y dos especies de carófitos: Chara zeylanica s. l. Klein ex Willdenow y Chara musacchioi García sp. nov. El hallazgo de veinte girogonites bien preservados de Chara musacchioi permitió evaluar su variabilidad morfológica, establecer su relación con la especie actual Chara hornemannii Wallman, y arribar a la conclusión de que se trata de una nueva especie. Estos taxones indican un ambiente acuático de aguas tranquilas oligohalinas... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Ostracoda; Charales; Paleolimnología; Mioceno Superior; Argentina. |
Ano: 2006 |
URL: http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0002-70142006000200006 |
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Feijó Ramos,Maria Inês; Coimbra,João Carlos; Whatley,Robin. |
Of a total fauna of 95 species of benthic Ostracoda recovered from dry sediments from the southern Brazilian continental shelf, 8% belong to the Family Thaerocytheridae. Six species assigned to this family are discussed and figured in this paper; four of these, Bradleya pseudonormani, B. kaesleri, Muellerina cribrosa and Quadracythere nealei are described as new, while Brasilicythere reticulispinosa and Quadracythere eichlerae were described for the first time from the Quaternary of Pelotas Basin, in southern Brazil. Most of these species are restricted to the southern part of the Southwest Atlantic Ocean, and their geographical distribution ranges from the southern Brazilian continental shelf, in Rio de Janeiro State (21ºS), to the Argentinian continental... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Ostracoda; Thaerocytheridae; Recent; Brazilian Continental Shelf. |
Ano: 2009 |
URL: http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0002-70142009000200007 |
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Prámparo,Mercedes B.; Ballent,Sara C.; Gallego,Oscar F.; Milana,Juan P.. |
Se presentan los primeros registros paleontológicos de la Formación Lagarcito (Albiano) provenientes de la sección La Yesera Sur, sobre la ladera oriental de la sierra de Guayaguas, en el sudeste de la provincia de San Juan, en el centro-oeste de Argentina. Varios episodios lacustres se detectaron a lo largo del perfil, pero sólo en tres de ellos el contenido paleontológico y palinológico resultó abundante. Se describen e ilustran ocho especies de algas clorofíceas, tres de conchóstracos y once de ostrácodos no marinos. La asociación es indicadora de un ambiente lacustre somero, con buena disponibilidad de nutrientes en una primera etapa y alta evaporación, demostrado por la presencia de yeso interestratificado hacia la parte superior de cada episodio... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Algas clorofíceas; Conchostraca; Ostracoda; Cretácico inferior; San Juan; Argentina. |
Ano: 2005 |
URL: http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0002-70142005000100006 |
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Ferrero,Laura. |
Sobre la base del estudio de foraminíferos y ostrácodos, se describe la evolución de ambientes marino- costeros al sudeste de la provincia de Buenos Aires afectados por las variaciones del nivel del mar durante el Pleistoceno tardío. Fueron estudiadas dos perforaciones realizadas al sur de la laguna Mar Chiquita. En las secciones inferiores de las perforaciones (A y B) se registran ambientes marinos marginales que pueden ser asignados a la Formación Canal 5 correlacionable con el último máximo interglacial (subestadio isotópico 5e). En los niveles fértiles inferiores de la perforadión A y en toda la sección B las asociaciones de foraminíferos, dominadas por Ammonia beccarii (Linné), permiten inferir ambientes marinos litorales a lagunas costeras. Las... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Foraminifera; Ostracoda; Pleistoceno tardío; Transgresión marina; Paleoambientes. |
Ano: 2009 |
URL: http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0002-70142009000400005 |
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Utida,Giselle; Petri,Setembrino; Oliveira,Emiliano C.; Boggiani,Paulo C.. |
Microfossils present in Quaternary micrites from Serra da Bodoquena, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil, are here described for the first time. The studied taxa are: a) ostracods: Candona sp., Candonopsis sp., Cyclocypris sp., Cypria sp., Cypridopsis sp., Notodromas sp., Ilyocypris sp., Cyprideis sp., Wolburgiopsis cf. chinamuertensis (Musacchio 1970), Darwinula sp. and 5 morphotypes; b) microgastropod Acrobis sp., and c) Characeae remains and gyrogonites Chara sp.. The presence of these microfossils suggests clear-water shallow lacustrine paleoenvironments and the presence of aquatic vegetation. Similarities between microfossils and the living taxa suggest possible Holocene ages for these deposits, which is in accordance with previous C14 dates. |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Micrite; Characeae; Lacustrine sediments; Ostracoda; Serra da Bodoquena. |
Ano: 2012 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0001-37652012000200003 |
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Мордухай-Болтовский, Ф. Д. (ред.). |
Определитель обеспечивает возможность точного установления научного названия и систематического положения всех встречаемых в море организмов. Для каждой группы приводятся анатомо-морфологический обзор, определительные таблицы отрядов, семейств и родов с их краткими характеристиками и таблицы для определения видов. Рисунки приводятся для всех видов. Определитель выпущен в трех томах. В первый том включены простейшие, губки, кишечнополостные, черви, щупальцевые. Второй том охватывает всех свободноживущих представителей класса ракообразных, включая виды, населяющие опресненные солоноватоводные районы (с соленостью не менее 2-3%). Третий том посвящен группам свободноживущих беспозвоночных, не вошедшим в первые два тома, а именно: членистоногим (кроме... |
Tipo: Book |
Palavras-chave: Crustacea; Branchiopoda; Copepoda; Ostracoda; Cirripedia; Malacostraca. |
Ano: 1969 |
URL: http://repository.ibss.org.ua/dspace/handle/99011/1079 |
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Coimbra,João C.; Carreño,Ana L.; Geraque,Eduardo A.; Eichler,Beatriz B.. |
The ostracode assemblages from Cananéia-Iguape estuarine/lagoon system (southernmost State of São Paulo) are here discussed in detail for the first time. Thirty-four sites, approximately 1 km equidistant, were sampled along the system, including the Cananéia Sea, Pequeno Sea, Cubatão Sea, Ribeira de Iguape River and Itapitangui River. The ostracodes throughout this area have poor assemblages, with a total of 662 specimens of dead and living organisms. The majority of the ostracode fauna is composed of euryhaline species, as follows: Cyprideis multidentata Hartmann, 1955 (174 specimens), Minicythere heinii Ornellas, 1974 (54 specimens), Tanella gracilis Kingma, 1948 (96 specimens) and Whatleyella sanguinettiae Coimbra, Carreño & Ferron, 1994 (226... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Ostracoda; Geographical distribution; Ecology; Marginal environments; Brazil. |
Ano: 2007 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0073-47212007000300010 |
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Angue Minto’o, Charlie Morelle; Bassetti, Maria-angela; Toucanne, Samuel; Jouet, Gwenael. |
The study of Quaternary sediments covering the last 550 kyr from the borehole GDEC-4-2, East-Corsica basin, was performed through the study of benthic meiofaunal assemblages (ostracoda and benthic foraminifera) whose distribution responds to climate changes, and glacial–interglacial variability in particular. The interglacial ostracod group is mainly composed of the Argilloecia acuminata, Cytheropteron alatum, Henryhowella sp., Polycope sp. and Cytherella sp., which indicate an enhanced surface productivity and possibly high bottom water temperature during these warm intervals. Benthic foraminifera, such as Hoeglundina elegans, Sigmoilopsis schlumbergeri, Bigenerina nodosaria and Hyalinea balthica are predominant during interglacial periods and also show... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Est-Corse; Ostracode; Foraminifère benthique; Groupe allochtone; East-Corsica; Ostracoda; Benthic foraminifera; Allochthonous group. |
Ano: 2016 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00313/42426/42030.pdf |
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Vann, Cd; Cronin, Tm; Dwyer, Gs. |
Population ecology and shell chemistry were studied in the phytal ostracode Loxoconcha matagordensis (Swain 1955) collected from Zostera marina seagrass beds in the Chesapeake Bay to provide seasonal constraints on shell secretion time for paleothermometry. Population density and age structure were defined by two main breeding cycles that occurred between 01 to 15 June and 02 to 16 August 2001. The time interval between breeding cycles was similar to2 months and total juvenile standing crop increased almost three-fold between the first and second breeding cycles. Dark brown over-wintered adults comprised the majority of the population between March and April 2001, while newly secreted translucent adults were predominant between June and September. Seasonal... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Ostracoda; Paleoclimatology; Ecology; Minor elements; Holocene; Seagrass. |
Ano: 2004 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00229/33995/32356.pdf |
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Boomer, Ian; Guichard, Francois; Lericolais, Gilles. |
During the last glacial phase the Black Sea basin was isolated from the world's oceans due to the lowering of global sea-levels. As sea-levels rose during the latest glacial and early Holocene period, the Black Sea was once again connected to the eastern Mediterranean via the Dardanelles-Marmara-Bosporus seaway. In recent years, trace element and stable isotope analyses of ostracod assemblages have yielded important details regarding the hydrological evolution of the Black Sea during these events. Despite this focus on the geochemical signatures of the ostracods, little if any attention has been paid to the taxonomic composition of the ostracod assemblages themselves and there are notably few publications on the sub-littoral fauna of this important water... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Ponto-Caspian; Black Sea; Ostracoda; Pleistocene; Holocene. |
Ano: 2010 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00025/13646/10887.pdf |
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Fanget, Anne-sophie; Bassetti, Maria Angela; Berne, Serge; Arnaud, Mireille. |
Since the Last Glacial Maximum, the Rhone River, which is the most important source of freshwater and sediment to the western Mediterranean Sea, migrated in a north-westward direction during the rapid Deglacial and Early Holocene sea-level rise. During the phase of global high sea-level (Middle and Late Holocene), an overall eastward migration of the Rhone outlet, under natural and/or human influence, is recorded through several sediment accumulations confined along the inner shelf in the form of deltaic lobes. These lobes that make up the whole Rhone subaqueous delta represent very expanded sedimentary archives of the Rhone Holocene history. In this paper, using three long piston cores retrieved from the most recent Bras de Fer (RHS-KS55) and Roustan... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Ostracodes; Delta sous-marin; Paléoécologie; Holocène; Méditerranée occidentale; Ostracoda; Subaqueous delta; Palaeoecology; Holocene; Western Mediterranean.. |
Ano: 2013 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00217/32810/31253.pdf |
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Karanovic, I.. |
Strandesia kimberleyi n. sp. is described from subterranean waters of the Kimberley Region (Western Australia). It belongs to the group of relatively elongated Strandesia Stuhlmann, 1888 species, with no projection on the carapace and with a finely serrated posterior margin of the CR and its claws. The new species is characterized by the asymmetrical valves, elongated terminal segment of the maxillular palp, and the presence of a sensory organ antero-proximally on the first segment of the antennula. This is the first time that this organ is reported in the genus Strandesia. Strandesia purpurascens (Brady, 1886) is redescribed, while for S. variegata (Sars, 1901) and S. obliqua (Brady, 1868) some additional notes on the morphology are provided. A key to... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: Taxonomy; Ostracoda; Cyprididae; Strandesia; Key; 42.74. |
Ano: 2005 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/214342 |
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Karanovic, Ivana; Marmonier, Pierre. |
Three new ostracod genera: Humphreyscandona n. gen., Pilbaracandona n. gen., and Notacandona n. gen., and nine new species are described from subterranean waters of the Pilbara Region, Western Australia. They belong to the subfamily Candoninae of the order Podocopida, and are characterized by a 5-segmented antennula and ornamented carapace. Humphreyscandona n. gen. contains five species, all with reduced posterior furcal claw and prominent external lobe on hemipenis. The other new genera each contain two species. Pilbaracandona n. gen. is also characterized by a reduced posterior furcal claw, but can be separated from the previous genus by the chaetotaxy of the antennula, mandibula, and general appearance of the hemipenis. Notacandona n. gen. is separated... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: Taxonomy; Ostracoda; Candoninae; Australia; Taxonomie; Ostracoda; Candoninae; Australie. |
Ano: 2003 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/505207 |
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Sepkoski Jr., J. John. |
Approximately 2,600 genera of marine crustaceans have been recognized in the fossil record, and crustaceans constitute the major component of marine arthropod diversity from the mid-Paleozoic to the Recent. Despite problems of sporadic fossil preservation and/or taxonomic ambiguity, some general statements can be made about the history of crustacean biodiversity, based on global taxonomic data bases. Ostracodes were the first major group to radiate, attaining high diversity during the Ordovician Period with other members of the Paleozoic evolutionary fauna; rates of extinction and responses to mass extinctions were also similar to those of groups within the Paleozoic fauna. Malacostracans and barnacles (cirripedes), the two other crustacean groups with... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: Crustacean biodiversity; Marine fossil record; Extinction rates; Ostracoda; Malacostraca; Cirripedia. |
Ano: 2000 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/534399 |
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Vanhove, S.; Beghyn, M.; Van Gansbeke, D.; Bullough, L.W.; Vincx, M.. |
Under the typical high-latitude conditions of temperature, productivity and settlement of chlorophyll and phaeophytin to the sediment, many benthic organisms in the Antarctic show strong seasonal variation. Although meiofauna comprise an important component of the southpolar benthic ecosystem, our knowledge of them is limited. The metazoan meiofauna and the surrounding sediments were studied fortnightly for 18 mo in a shallow bay at Signy Island (Factory Cove, South Orkneys, Antarctica) to test whether and how the temporal variability of the environment influenced meiobenthos dynamics. By examination of the distribution of the abundance and biomass of the total community, the density of higher taxonomic groups, and of individual dominant nematode genera... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Benthos; Biomass; Population density; Seasonal variations; Sediment analysis; Trophic relationships; Copepoda [copepods]; Nematoda [Nematodes]; Ostracoda. |
Ano: 2000 |
URL: http://www.vliz.be/nl/open-marien-archief?module=ref&refid=6138 |
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Registros recuperados: 22 | |