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Study of a haplosporidian (Ascetospora), parasitizing the Australian flat oyster Ostrea angasi ArchiMer
Bachere, Evelyne; Chagot, Dominique; Tige, Gilbert; Grizel, Henri.
Considering the epizootics which affect the French stock of flat oysters, Ostrea edulis (Grizel, 1985), trials to introduce an Australian oyster, Ostrea angasi, have been undertaken. The spat produced in a hatchery from breeders imported from Australia were reared in the south ofBrittany and in Normandy (Bougrier et al., 1986). Following mass mortalities (65% of individuals) a haplosporidian was observed in this species. Sporogenesis of the parasite was studied using Iight and electron microscopy.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Haplosporidian; Parasitology; Pathology; Ostrea angasi; Oysters.
Ano: 1986 URL:
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Molecular characterisation of an Australian isolate of Bonamia exitiosa ArchiMer
Corbeil, Serge; Arzul, Isabelle; Robert, Maeva; Berthe, Franck; Cochennec, Nathalie; Crane M, Mark.
An Australian (New South Wales) isolate of Bonamia was characterised at the molecular level by sequencing the 18S-ITS-1 region of the small subunit rRNA operon obtained from flat oysters Ostrea angasi shown to be infected by histological examination. Sequence data alignment with homologous genes from 2 other isolates of Bonamia (New Zealand and France) revealed high levels of nucleotide identity with both isolates. However, the Australian Bonamia is shown to be more closely related to the New Zealand isolate, suggesting the existence of an oceanic subgroup of Bonamia.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Small subunit rRNA operon; Flat oyster; Ostrea angasi; Bonamia species.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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The Australian mariculture industry: Finfish, molluscs and crustaceans. ArchiMer
Baker, J; Kenway, M.
Australia's interest in mariculture has been comparatively recent when compared with the developments in many other Pacific countries. Two exceptions are native oysters, cultivated for food since the late 1880's, and pearl oysters which have been cultured, particularly in the northern part of Australia, following the initial work of Saville-Kent.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Australia Coasts; Crustacea; Tridacna gigas; Mytilus edulis planulatus; Pinctada maxima; Ostrea angasi; Crassostrea gigas; Saccostrea commercialis; Mollusca; Coryphaena hippurus; Lates calcarifer; Pisces; Marketing; Economics; Research programmes; Aquaculture development.
Ano: 1989 URL:
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