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Manual of Fish Sclerochronology ArchiMer
Panfili, Jacques; De Pontual, Helene; Troadec, Herve; Wrigh, Peter J..
Sclerochronology, the study of calcified structures to reconstruct the past history of living organisms, is central to fish biology and fisheries management. This manual aims to provide an overview of the current theoretical and practical aspects of sclerochronological studies. By providing information on the nature of calcified structures (otoliths, scales, skeleton), their uses in fish research and methods for preparation and examination, the manual constitutes a comprehensive guide for researchers, technicians and students either new to the field or interested in expanding their range of expertise. The enclosed multimedia version (DVD) is supplemented by videos illustrating the main technical procedures with an alternative navigation mode based on...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Age; Age determination; Biological aging; Chemistry; Growth; Otolith reading; Otoliths; Scale reading; Scales; Skeleton.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Relation entre la densite des microstries et le rayon de l'otolithe compatible avec le modele de von Bertanlanffy: application a Lutjanus sebae (Cuvier, 1828) aux Seychelles OceanDocs
Chauvelon, P.; Bach, P..
The age study of fishes using daily growth increments DGI observations is made from: 1- either the exhaustive determination of increments, 2- or the calculation of daily growth increments density for different otolith zones between the nucleus and the margin edge of otolith, the width of increments being presumed constant for each zone. To apply the first method, increments may be readable individually from the nucleus to the margin edge of otolith. This is a very time consuming operation. It can cause miscalculation of increments and errors of the age estimation. The second method, called "DGI density method" is based on the decrease of the increment width in relation to the slowing down of the growth phenomena. The more used approach according to this...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: LUTJANUS SEBAE; Age determination; Growth; Methodology; Otolith reading; Age determination; Growth; Methodology; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1994 URL:
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Características poblacionales de la anchoíta (Engraulis anchoita)del Mar Argentino. Parte I. El largo medio al primer año de vida, crecimiento y mortalidad OceanDocs
Hansen, J.E.; Cousseau, M.B.; Gru, D.L..
A total of 7263 otoliths were collected from anchovy samples taken during two pelagic cruises which were carried out in the Spring of 1978. An statistical analysis of back calculated length distributions of one-year-old fish (L1)was made. The L1 mean values taken by geographical latitude form a cline, with higher values in the northern samples, and decreasing Southwards. Within this latitudinal gradient two main anchovy populations can be identified, one in the region of Buenos Aires Province and the other in Patagonian waters. The L1 of the females is significatively larger than that of the males for the former population, whereas in the Patagonian area differences between sexes are not significant. The parameters of the von Bertalanffy Growth curves, as...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Stock identification; Otolith reading; Growth curves; Mortality; Mortality; Http://
Ano: 1984 URL:
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Relation entre la densite des microstries et le rayon de l'otolithe compatible avec le modele de von Bertanlanffy: application a Lutjanus sebae (Cuvier, 1828) aux Seychelles OceanDocs
Bach, P.; Chauvelon, P..
The age study of fishes using daily growth increments DGI observations is made from: 1- either the exhaustive determination of increments, 2- or the calculation of daily growth increments density for different otolith zones between the nucleus and the margin edge of otolith, the width of increments being presumed constant for each zone. To apply the first method, increments may be readable individually from the nucleus to the margin edge of otolith. This is a very time consuming operation. It can cause miscalculation of increments and errors of the age estimation. The second method, called "DGI density method" is based on the decrease of the increment width in relation to the slowing down of the growth phenomena. The more used approach according to this...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: LUTJANUS SEBAE; Age determination; Growth; Methodology; Otolith reading; Age determination; Growth; Methodology.
Ano: 1994 URL:
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Relation entre la densité des microstries et le rayon de l'otolithe compatible avec le modèle de von Bertanlanffy: application à Lutjanus sebae (Cuvier, 1828) aux Seychelles OceanDocs
Bach, P.; Chauvelon, P..
Daily growth increments (DGI) density - otolith radius relationship according to the von Bertanlanffy's growth model: application to Lutjanus sebae (Cuvier, 1828) in Seychelles. Often, age determination of fishes is conducted from several parts (scales and otoliths for teleost fishes, vertebrae, spine, opercular bones, ...) displaying seasonal marks (annuli) associated with growth checks, which can be used for the estimation of individual age. Since Panella's (1971, 1974) discovery of the daily growth increments (DGI) in the teleost otoliths, age determination with DGI method has been used more and more on larval stages of both temperate and tropical species and juvenile and adult individuals of, principally, snapper and grouper species. The age study of...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Otolith reading; Age determination; Methodology; Growth; Lutjanus sebae.
Ano: 1993 URL:
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Lectura de edades en otolitos de peces teleosteos OceanDocs
Leta, Héctor R.; Keim, Albert.
In general, the increased exploitation of the natural organic resources of the world makes it more and more necessary to apply proper resource management procedures in order to avoid overexploitation. In the fisheries field, the managemente is, among other things often based on studies of fish ageing. Such studies have become an important tool, to be used in the elaboration of population dynamic models and of biological parameters like stock recruitment, growth and mortality. In age studies the otoliths and scales of the fish are of basic importance. The reason is that they reflect th occurrence of the biological changes, which take place in the fish during its lifespan. Such changes may derive from for instance the natural growth process of the fish or...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Otoliths; Marine fish; Age determination; Otolith reading.
Ano: 1982 URL:
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La croissance du rouget rouge (Mullus surmuletus, l, 1758) dans le golfe de Gabès OceanDocs
Jabeur, Ch.; Missaoui, H.; Gharbi, H.; El Abed, A..
L’étude de la croissance du rouget de roche Mullus surmuletus dans le golfe de Gabès, basée sur la lecture de 478 otolithes d’individus provenant essentiellement de la pêche côtière et partiellement du chalutage benthique , a permis d’estimer les paramètres de croissance de cette espèce selon le modèle de Von Bertalanffy. La clé âge-longueur a été établie et les courbes de croissance en longueur et pondérale ont été tracées séparément pour les mâles, les femelles et sexes confondus. Sans différenciation de sexe, la longueur asymptotique est estimée à 223 mm, le coefficient K à 0.344 an -1 et l’âge théorique T0 à –0.79. Les relations Longueur-Poids ont été également établies séparément pour les mâles et les femelles. Dans la gamme des tailles étudiées, la...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Otolith reading; Growth; Age determination; Mullet fisheries; Mullus surmuletus; Http://
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Microestructura de los otolitos Sagittae de larvas y juveniles de Merluccius hubbsi (Marini 1933): análisis comparativo entre las áreas de distribución bonaerense y norpatagónica OceanDocs
Buratti, C.C..
The life history of numerous aquatic organisms involves a pelagic larval stage, followed by a shift to a demersal or benthic existence (settlement) in the juvenile and adult stage. This transition and ecological, physiological and morphological changes frequently remain recorded like checks or marks in fish otoliths. As a contribution to the knowledge of hake (Merluccius hubbsi)life history, sagittae otoliths of larvae and juveniles with total length between 19 and 190 mm inhabiting North Patagonian and Bonaerensis waters in the Argentine sea (SW Atlantic)were analyzed. Using an image analysis system, otoliths microstructure was described and comparisons between left and right otoliths and between study areas in the following variables were realized:...
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: Fish larvae; Juveniles; Otolith reading; Otoliths; Larval settlement; Life history; Otoliths; Life history; Fish larvae; Juveniles.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Growth in the 0-group of Argentine hake (Merluccius hubbsi) from the Argentine-Uruguayan Common Fishing Zone OceanDocs
Santos, B.A.; Renzi, M.A..
Growth of hake (Merluccius hubbsi) in the 0-group from the Argentine-Uruguayan Common Fishing Zone was studied and spawning data were back-calculated by identifying daily growth rings in otoliths of specimens caught during research cruises performed in May 1997, May 1998 and June 1999. Total length (TL) range was 14-69 mm. Increments were read under microscope using an otolith daily ring measurement system (RATOC). Changes in the increment width data present a pattern that seemed to be similar, and independent from birth date of individuals. Data observed and back-calculated showed good accordance with the Laird-Gompertz model. Significant differences between coefficients were found in all comparisons of growth curves for observed and retrocalculated data....
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Growth curves; Fish larvae; Juveniles; Otolith reading; Fish larvae; Juveniles; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Estudios sobre la edad y crecimiento de la Palma Calamus brachysomus (Lockington) (Pisces: Sparidae) en aguas ecuatorianas OceanDocs
Martínez, J..
342 specimens of sparid Calamus brachysomus ”Palma”, collected during a demersal trawl survey by the R. V. Tohallí in April and May1983, were examined. The different techniques used to prepare scales and otoliths for ageing are described and analysed. The otoliths were determined to be the most reliable for ageing studies; 87% of otoliths were readable. The rings observed were assumed to be annual. The mean lengths at age were used to determine the parameters of the Von Bertalanffy growth formula, giving: Lt=50.13(1-e-0.1473(t+2.0704)). The growth curve obtained must be considered provisional due to possible biases in the interpretation of the otoliths, and also due to those arising from the selectivity of the fishing gear.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Demersal fisheries; Age; Growth; Growth curves; Otoliths; Otolith reading; Demersal fisheries; Growth; Otoliths; Age; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1985 URL:
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