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Grazing of particle-associated bacteria-an elimination of the non-viable fraction BJM
Gonsalves,Maria-Judith; Fernandes,Sheryl Oliveira; Priya,Madasamy Lakshmi; LokaBharathi,Ponnapakkam Adikesavan.
Abstract Quantification of bacteria being grazed by microzooplankton is gaining importance since they serve as energy subsidies for higher trophic levels which consequently influence fish production. Hence, grazing pressure on viable and non-viable fraction of free and particle-associated bacteria in a tropical estuary controlled mainly by protist grazers was estimated using the seawater dilution technique. In vitro incubations over a period of 42 h showed that at the end of 24 h, growth coefficient (k) of particle-associated bacteria was 9 times higher at 0.546 than that of free forms. Further, ‘k’ value of viable cells on particles was double that of free forms at 0.016 and 0.007, respectively. While bacteria associated with particles were grazed...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bacteria; Ciliates; Grazing; Particle; Protists; Viable.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Contribution of electroactive humic substances to the iron-binding ligands released during microbial remineralisation of sinking particles ArchiMer
Whitby, Hannah; Bressac, Matthieu; Sarthou, Geraldine; Ellwood, Michael J.; Guieu, Cécile; Boyd, Philip W..
Iron is a key micronutrient in seawater, but concentrations would be negligible without the presence of organic ligands. The processes influencing the ligand pool composition are poorly constrained, limiting our understanding of the controls on dissolved iron distributions. To address this, the release of iron and iron‐binding ligands during the microbial remineralisation of sinking particles was investigated by deploying in situ particle interceptor/incubator devices at subsurface sites in the Mediterranean Sea and Subantarctic. Analyses revealed the pool of released ligands was largely dominated by electroactive humic substances (74 ± 28%). The release of ligands during remineralisation ensured that concurrently released iron remained in solution, which...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Iron; Ligand; Humic; Remineralisation; Particle; Degradation.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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