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Impact of water potential on growth and germination of Fusarium solani soilborne pathogen of peanut BJM
Palacios,Sofia; Casasnovas,Francisco; Ramirez,María L.; Reynoso,María. M.; Torres,Adriana M..
Studies were conducted to determine the effect of osmotic and matric stress on germination and growth of two Fusarium solani strains, the etiological agent responsible of peanut brown root rot. Both strains had similar osmotic and matric potential ranges that allowed growth, being the latter one narrower. F. solani showed the ability to grow down to -14 MPa at 25 °C in non-ionic modified osmotic medium, while under matric stress this was limited to -8.4 MPa at 25 °C. However, both strains were seen to respond differently to decreasing osmotic and matric potentials, during early stages of germination. One strain (RC 338) showed to be more sensitive to matric than osmotic (non ionic) and the other one (RC 386) showed to be more sensitive to osmotic than...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Fusarium solani; Germination; Growth; Matric potential; Osmotic potential; Peanut brown root rot; Soilborne pathogen.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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