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Effets directs et indirects de la pêche sur des groupes trophiques de poissons démersaux, définis par une approche écomorphologique ArchiMer
Reecht, Yves.
Functional groups dynamics in marine communities help understanding how perturbations impact the functioning of an ecosystem. It is notably expected that functional groups respond differently to fishing pressure owing to their direct exposure to fishing and interactions between groups (indirect effects). A method was developed, based on an ecomorphological approach focusing on predation functions, to define size- and taxonomy-driven functional groups in demersal fish communities from the Celtic Sea and the North Sea. Eleven functional traits were used to define 12 functional groups in Celtic Sea (based on measurements on 930 individuals from 33 species) and seven groups in North Sea (710 individuals from 22 species). In the Celtic Sea, the functional...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fonctions trophiques; Prédation; Écomorphologie; Groupes fonctionnels; Effets de la pêche; Approche écosystémique; Poissons; Communautés démersales; Trophic functions; Predation; Ecomorphology; Functional groups; Fishing effects; Ecosystem approach; Fish; Demersal communities.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Analyse technico-économique de projets d'élevage d'ombrine (Sciaenops ocellata) en cages flottantes à la Martinique ArchiMer
Houel, S; Falguiere, Jean-claude; Paquotte, Philippe.
The availability in interesting sites and the zootechnical performances of tropical fish are two impo rt ant assets in favor of the development of fish farming in the Caribbean islands. This repor presents a technical and financial analysis of red drum farming projects in floating cages in Martinique(French West Indies). This project analysis makes it possible to compare the economic feasability of a small-scale production system with that of a semi-industrial one submitted to different technical constraints. The main criteria of the project analysis are the profitability of the funded capital, the financial feasability during the buildup period, the profitability at a steady state and the cost price. Production costs are hi gher in the the small-scale...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Caribbean; French West Indies; Martinique; Financial analysis; Production costs; Finfish; Aquaculture; Sciaenops ocellata; SEM; Caraïbes; Antilles Françaises; Martinique; Analyse économique; Coûts de production; Poissons; Aquaculture; Sciaenops ocellata.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Poissons et invertébrés au large des côtes de France. Indicateurs issus des pêches scientifiques. Bilan 2004 ArchiMer
Bertrand, Jacques; Cochard, Marie-laure; Coppin, Franck; Leaute, Jean-pierre; Lobry, Jeremy; Mahe, Jean-claude; Morin, Jocelyne; Poulard, Jean-charles; Rochet, Marie-joelle; Schlaich, Ivan; Souplet, Arnauld; Trenkel, Verena; Verin, Yves; SIH-C.
The integration of fishing management into the ecosystemic approach has been recommended for many years by international consultative bodies; it is also written into international conventions and agreements. The implementation of the ecosystemic approach involves the development of programmes for monitoring exploited ecosystems in order to measure the effects of management steps. Plotting the results of these observations for operational reasons requires formalizing summary performance indicators. IFREMER has carried out halieutic observation campaigns for some twenty years along the coasts of France from oceanographic ships and chartered ships. The objective of these campaigns is to produce abundance indices of species that are of halieutic interest....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ecosystem; Indicating; Scientific survey; Scientific research; Fishing; English Channel; Bay of Biscay; France; Shellfish; Fish; Invertébrés; Poissons; Ecosystème; Indicateur; Campagne océanographique; Recherche scientifique; Pêche halieutique; Pêche; Mer du nord; Golfe de gascogne; Manche; France.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Variabilité génétique de la réponse aux organismes pathogènes : un outil pour améliorer la santé des mollusques et poissons d'élevage ArchiMer
Quillet, Edwige; Boudry, Pierre; Lapegue, Sylvie.
Controlling health of livestock has become of considerable importance to the aquaculture industry. Selective breeding of animals with increased resistance to pathogens is likely to complete efficiently the use of drugs, vaccines or prophylactic approaches that may be difficult to implement. A review of the scientific literature shows that the prospect of selecting for increased resistance is quite hopeful in both molluscs and fish. Yet, selecting for disease resistance is hampered by the difficulty to measure the resistance of individuals. Prospects for the development of «markers» that would predict the genetic merit of individuals without pathogen challenge are presented. The breeding schemes that may be implemented for fish and molluscs in the French...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Marqueurs phénotypiques; Marqueurs génétiques; Poissons; Mollusques; Agents pathogènes; Variabilité génétique.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Fish as bioindicators of brackish ecosystem health: integrating biomarker responses and target pollutant concentrations ArchiMer
Corsi, I; Mariottini, M; Sensini, C; Lancini, L; Focardi, S.
Biological responses and contaminant levels in biological tissues were investigated in fish specimens of grass goby (Zosterisessor ophiocephalus) collected in spring 2000 in a moderately polluted brackish ecosystem, the Orbetello lagoon (southern coast of Tuscany, Italy). The complexity of harmful effects that contaminants may cause in fish over time was assessed. General condition indices (somatic liver index, and gonadal somatic index), cytochrome P450 enzymes, acetylcholinesterase activity and ovarian morphology were integrated with the content of organochlorines (OCs-hexachlorobenzene, DDTs and polychlorinated biphenyls) in liver and ovaries and p-nonylphenol (NP) and lower ethoxylate (NPE(1-2)) content in muscle and ovaries as well. Samples collected...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Biomarqueurs; Lagunes; Poissons; Histologie des ovaires; Organochlorés; Biomarkers; Lagoon; Fish; Ovarian histology; Organochlorines; Nonylphenols.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Impacts des substances chimiques sur l’écosystème. Sous-région marine Méditerranée occidentale. Evaluation initiale DCSMM. ArchiMer
Knoery, Joel.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Méditerranée; Substances chimiques; Impacts; Contamination; Poissons; Bioindication.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Guide de la mensuration des poissons, mollusques, crustacés et mammifères marins en halieutique ArchiMer
Badts, Vincent; Bertrand, Jacques.
This guide presents the rules of measurement of fishes, mollusks, shellfishes and marine mammals applicable to the halieutic observations coordinated by lfremer, including the actions driven within the framework of control networks coordinated at the international level, in particular within the European regulation on the data collection regulation (OCR).
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mensuration; Taille; Poissons; Mollusques; Crustacés; Mammifères marins; Halieutique; Protocoles; Measurement; Size; Fishes; Mollusks; Shellfishes; Marine mammals; Halieutic; Protocols.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Bases scientifiques et techniques d’un observatoire du changement global en mer ArchiMer
Andral, Bruno.
La Méditerranée constitue un des pôles mondiaux de biodiversité et un lieu clé des changements climatiques globaux, avec des taux de réchauffement constatés en surface parmi les plus élevés de la planète (~+ 0.06°C/an). Nous pouvons en constater aujourd’hui les premiers symptômes : transformation des écosystèmes et habitats, augmentation de la température de l’eau et son cortège d’espèces exotiques, espèces invasives animales et végétales et leurs impacts sur les espèces indigènes. Les îles, par leur taille, et du fait qu’elles sont moins soumises aux pressions anthropiques directes, sont des laboratoires idéaux pour suivre l’impact des changements globaux sur la biodiversité, sans être perturbé par des effets locaux. Dans le cadre de l'initiative "Petites...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Changement global; Biodiversité; Communautés benthiques; Poissons; Phytoplancton..
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Journées du Département RA - Compte-rendu de la revue du thème "santé des cheptels" ArchiMer
Grizel, Henri; Berthe, Franck.
Les 21 et 22 juin 2000, le Département des Ressources Aquacoles a consacré ses journées annuelles à une revue du thème "santé des cheptels" et du dispositif de recherche en pathologie sur les filières poissons, crustacés et mollusques, domaine très stratégique pour l'aquaculture marine française. Les objectifs des ces journées, rappelés par Yves Harache, Directeur du Département, étaient les suivante : • Dresser le bilan des actions de recherche menées par l'Ifremer en pathologie des espèces aquacoles, • Repréciser la stratégie (objectifs/moyens) du Département des Ressources Aquacoles sur le thème "santé des cheptels", • Programmer les actions de recherche à venir, • Stimuler les interactions entre groupes de recherche et laboratoires impliqués. Le...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pathologie; Ecotoxicologie; Mortalités; Ecopathologie; Poissons; Crustacés; Mollusques; Nacres.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Evolution du peuplement halieutique de la baie de Vilaine au cours des décennies 1980 et 1990 ArchiMer
Desaunay, Yves; Guerault, Daniel.
A beam trawl survey of the Bay of Vilaine was conducted from 1981 to 1997. Changes in the commercial fish community were analyzed by comparing the characteristics at the year and decadal scales. The community structure and nursery function of the Bay were steady during the period. However, specific richness, assiduity and distribution indices demonstrated a reduction in the second decade. The global abundance fell from 105.8 ind.ha-1 to 31.3 ind.ha-1. This trend was less marked for the external more marine stratum, which exhibited the lowest densities. The results are discussed in terms of ecological meaning of such a community, compared with the overall demersal fish community. The reasons of the decrease are questioned regarding nursery habitat, local...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Habitat; Survey; Bay of Vilaine; Fish community; Habitat; Suivi; Baie de Vilaine; Poissons; Peuplement.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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La variabilité des tailles individuelles à l'intérieur des cohortes et des bancs de poissons I : Observations et interprétation ArchiMer
Freon, Pierre.
Body length variability bas been studied in fish schools and eohorts of two tropical pelagie species. The data, and simulations associated with them allow the variations in standard deviation of cohorts to be followed, and hypotheses on spawning duration or population structure ean thus be tested. As the fish grow, the variability increases more rapidly in young eohorts than in schools with the same mean length. For older fish, the inverse phenomenon is observed: while the standard deviation of individual lengths deereases in a cohort as it gets older, this parameter continued to inerease in sehools as the mean length increases. This shows that schools of young fish eannot be eonsidered as representative of the cohort length frequency distribution, whereas...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Poissons; Pélagiques côtiers:; Variabilité des tailles; Cohortes; Bancs; Fish; Coastal pelagic; Length variability; Cohorts; Schools.
Ano: 1984 URL:
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Contamination chimique du milieu marin : de la mesure à l'évaluation des risques ArchiMer
Abarnou, Alain.
This activity report entitled (“Chemical contamination of the marine environment: from measurement to risk assessment”) summarizes the main stages my career at Ifremer from November 1975 to june 2013. The first chapter deals with the seawater chlorination and chlorinated waters released into the sea, the identification and the conditions of the formation of various by-product of these processes. The second chapter concerns PCBs, their nature, their chemical analysis in environmental matrices. PCBs are considered as the best examples of persistant and bioaccumulable compounds and therefore, in all this report they are flagship contaminants to which other groups of studied substances are compared. The third chapter refers to studies performed within marine...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Chlore; Chloration de l’eau de mer; Oxydant; Bromoforme; Impact environnemental; Mécanismes réactionnels; Désinfection; Polluants organiques persistants (POP); PCB; Dioxines; HAP; PBDE; Chlordécone; Baie de Seine; Organismes marins; Moules; Poissons; Surveillance environnementale; Analyse; Bioaccumulation; Chlorine; Seawater chlorination; Oxidizing agent; Bromoform; Environmental impact; Reaction mechanisms; Disinfection; Persitsent organic pollutants (POPs); PCBs; Dioxins; PAHs; PBDEs; Chlordecone (kepone); Baie de Seine; Marine organisms; Mussel; Fish; Environmental monitoring; Chemical analysis; Bioaccumulation.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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