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Successful crosses between fungal-resistant wild species of Arachis (section Arachis) and Arachis hypogaea Genet. Mol. Biol.
Fávero,Alessandra Pereira; Santos,Rodrigo Furtado dos; Simpson,Charles E.; Valls,José Francisco Montenegro; Vello,Natal Antonio.
Peanut (Arachis hypogaea) is the fifth most produced oil crop worldwide. Besides lack of water, fungal diseases are the most limiting factors for the crop. Several species of Arachis are resistant to certain pests and diseases. This study aimed to successfully cross the A-genome with B-K-A genome wild species previously selected for fungal disease resistance, but that are still untested. We also aimed to polyplodize the amphihaploid chromosomes; cross the synthetic amphidiploids and A. hypogaea to introgress disease resistance genes into the cultivated peanut; and analyze pollen viability and morphological descriptors for all progenies and their parents. We selected 12 A-genome accessions as male parents and three B-genome species, one K-genome species,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Peanut; Interspecific hybrids; Polyploidization; Colchicine; Pollen viability.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Research and development for the genetic improvement of the Pacific oyster in France : present and prospects ArchiMer
Boudry, Pierre; Haffray, Pierrick.
The most significant genetic improvement for the production of Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) in France to date has been through the breeding of triploids, especially since the development of tetraploids. Triploid oysters commonly resist summer mortality better than diploids. This is most probably because reproductive allocation is so important in this phenomenon. Quantitative genetics studies strongly suggest that a significant gain in resistance to summer mortality, or other traits of interest, could be obtained by selective breeding. Practical difficulties however, and the high cost of breeding large numbers of families under common conditions over many generations remain major constraints to family-based selective breeding in oysters. In the last...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Polyploidization; Selective breeding; Genetic; Crassostrea gigas; Pacific oysters.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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First insights into the evolutionary history of the Davallia repens complex Naturalis
Chen, C.-W.; Ngan, L.T.; Hidayat, A.; Evangelista, L.; Nooteboom, H.P.; Chiou, W.-L..
Davallia repens and its close relatives have been identified as a species complex in this study because of the existence of continuously morphological variation. To decipher its evolutionary history, integrated methodologies were applied in this study including morphology, cytology, reproductive biology and molecular phylogeny. Analysis of morphological characters reveals several important discriminating characteristics, such as the shape of stipe scales, frond and indusium. Both diploid and polyploid forms are present in the complex and reproduce sexually and by apogamy, respectively. The incongruence between cpDNA and nDNA phylogeny indicates a hybrid origin for most polyploid individuals. Based on the present results, we hypothesize that there were at...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Apogamy; Davallia repens; Hybridization; Polyploidization.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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