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Evaluation of the importance of the porta-renal system in parrots (Amazona aestiva) MV&Z
Cruz, Mariângela Lozano; Luna, Stelio Pacca Loureiro; Castro, Gladys Bastos; Massone, Flávio; Teixeira Neto, Francisco José.
When injected in the thigh muscles of a bird, the local capillaries absorb the drug and the blood flow goes to the external iliac vein that has a porta-renal valve close to the kidney. Controlled by the autonomous nervous system, this valve can be opened or closed by the sympathetic or parasympathetic stimuli respectively. When opened, the blood flow goes to the renal vein then to the vena cava and reaches the systemic circulation. However, when the valve is closed, the blood flow goes to the renal parenchyma where it is mixed with the arterial blood. Thus, the kidney can excrete the drug that was given before it reaches the systemic circulation. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of ketamine when injected into the thigh or breast...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Psittacidae; Parrot; Porta-renal system; Ketamine psitacídeo; Papagaio; Sistema porta renal; Quetamina.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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