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Improving the Reproductive Efficiency of the Goat: Vaginal Cytology and Vulvar Biometry as Predictors of Synchronized Estrus/Breeding Time in West African Dwarf Goat International Journal of Morphology
Leigh,Olufisayo Oluwadamilare; Raheem,Ayobami Kabir; Oluwadamilare Olugbuyiro,Joseph Adebisi.
The characteristics of exfoliated vaginal cells and vulvar biometry following estrus synchronization via two injections of 5mg Lutalyse® administered 7 days apart were investigated with the aim of their possible use to predict estrus in six adult WAD does. Four adult WAD bucks recently passed as satisfactory potential breeders were also involved in the study. The animals were maintained on 12% crude protein concentrate, greens and fresh water ad libitum. All measurements in the does were taken at an interval of 24 hours for six days beginning with the day of 2nd Lutalyse® injection. The does were introduced to the bucks 48 hours after the 2nd dose of Lutalyse® and separated from them after the 6th day. The 72-96 and 96-120 hours vaginal smears of 5 does...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Vaginal cytology; Vulva biometry; Synchronization; Lutalyse®; Predict; Estrus; Doe.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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predict and adjust with logistic regression AgEcon
Buis, Maarten L..
Within Stata there are two ways of getting average predicted values for different groups after an estimation command: adjust and predict. After OLS regression (regress), these two ways give the same answer. However, after logistic regression, the average predicted probabilities differ. This article discusses where that difference comes from and the consequent subtle difference in interpretation.
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Adjust; Predict; Logistic regression; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Modeling of the cure fraction in survival studies AgEcon
Lambert, Paul C..
Cure models are a special type of survival analysis model where it is assumed that there are a proportion of subjects who will never experience the event and thus the survival curve will eventually reach a plateau. In population-based cancer studies, cure is said to occur when the mortality (hazard) rate in the diseased group of individuals returns to the same level as that expected in the general population. The cure fraction is of interest to patients and a useful measure to monitor trends and differences in survival of curable disease. I will describe the strsmix and strsnmix commands, which t the two main types of cure fraction model, namely, the mixture and nonmixture cure fraction models. These models allow incorporation of the expected background...
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Strsmix; Strsnmix; Predict; Relative survival; Cure models; Split population models; Postestimation; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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