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The Impact of Biofuels on the Propensity of Land-Use Conversion among Non-Industrial Private Forest Landowners in Florida AgEcon
Pancholy, Nishita; Thomas, Michael H.; Solis, Daniel; Stratis, Nicholas.
A hypothetical market for renting and converting forested land into row cropping for biofuel production revealed that nearly half of the 1,060 non-industrial landowners sampled in Florida are willing to accept payments for land type conversion and the resulting supply function is inelastic and positive. While respondent’s previous involvement with forest management cost-share program increased their probability of accepting payments for forest type conversion, those who indicated forest aesthetics as the primary reason for the land ownership were less likely to participate in this hypothetical market.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: NIPF landowners; Probit regression; Land-use conversion; United States; Environmental Economics and Policy; Land Economics/Use.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Farmers Perception and Adaptation to Climate Change: An Estimation of Willingness to Pay AgEcon
Acquah, H. de-Graft; Onumah, Edward E..
This paper assesses farmers’ perception and adaptation to climate change to enhance policy towards tackling the challenges climate change poses to the farmers in Ghana. With regards to farmers’ perception and methods of adaptation, majority of the farmers perceived increase in temperature and decrease in rainfall pattern. Farmers’ level of adaptation was found to be relatively high with majority of the farmers using changing planting dates, different crop varieties, soil conservation and water harvesting as the major adaptation measures to climate change impacts. However, access to water, high cost of adaptation, lack of information, lack of knowledge on adaptation, insecure property rights, insufficient access to inputs and lack of credits were identified...
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Perception; Adaptation; Climate change; Willingnessto pay; Probit regression; Agricultural and Food Policy; Farm Management; Production Economics; Productivity Analysis; GA; IN.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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