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Characterization and stability of extracellular alkaline proteases from halophilic and alkaliphilic bacteria isolated from saline habitat of coastal Gujarat, India BJM
Dodia,Mital S.; Joshi,Rupal H.; Patel,Rajesh K.; Singh,Satya P..
The present study deals with the isolation and characterization of the moderately halophilic-alkaliphilic bacteria from a saline habitat in western India. Eight different bacterial strains were isolated using enrichment techniques at 20% (w/v) NaCl and pH 10. The isolates exhibited diversity towards gram's reaction, colony and cell morphology. They were able to grow and produce alkaline protease over a broad range of NaCl, 5-20% (w/v) and pH, 8-10. None of the isolates could grow at pH 7, and one could not grow even at pH 8. Crude and partially purified proteases from strain S5 were subjected to characterization with reference to pH, salt stability and protein folding. Optimum protease activity and stability was recorded at 10% salt and pH 9-9.5....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Halophiles; Alkaliphiles; Alkaline protease; Protease stability; Protein folding; Extremophiles.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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