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Perceptions of PDO Beef: The Portuguese Consumer AgEcon
Marreiros, Cristina; Ness, Mitchell.
The objectives of this paper are to examine consumers' perceptions of Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) beef on the basis of a survey of consumers and buyers of beef. The paper identifies a profile of PDO beef consumers, examines their behaviour and perceptions on PDO beef, derives the dimensions of perceptions of PDO beef, and establishes segments based upon those dimensions. The results reveal that PDO consumers are representative of all geographical regions, age and profession groups, are lighter consumers of beef and shop for food mainly in the butchers. Consumers' perceptions on PDO beef emphasises quality, safety, and control. However, underlying those perceptions are six main dimensions and it is possible to identify three segments of PDO beef...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Protected designations of origin; Beef; Perceptions; Factor analysis; Cluster analysis; Consumer/Household Economics.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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