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A review of the introduced forest pests in Brazil PAB
Schühli,Guilherme Schnell e; Penteado,Susete Chiarello; Barbosa,Leonardo Rodrigues; Reis Filho,Wilson; Iede,Edson Tadeu.
Abstract: Special attention should be given to forest plantings in order to minimize the probability of exotic pest introduction and, consequently, of production losses. The objective of this review was to present, under a historic perspective, the main exotic insects that harm the Brazilian forest sector. Therefore, to better describe the phytosanitary context of introduced forest pests in Brazil, the main information regarding these insects was gathered here. Introduced species and species with a risk of introduction were listed. The following species were registered: 12 exotic introduced species related to eucalyptus, non-quarantine; 9 species related to pine, one quarantine; and 1 species related to teak, quarantine. Overall, the core problems for 57...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Exotic pest; Forest pest; Forest sector; Invasive species; Pest resistance; Quarantine..
Ano: 2016 URL:
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