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Méthodes d’estimation des surfaces développées de coraux scléractiniaires à l’échelle d’une colonie ou d’un peuplement ArchiMer
Chancerelle, Y.
This study presents an original method for the determination of the actual surface area of Scleractinian corals at colony-scale and at the scale of a whole reef. Firstly, at colony-scale, the technique consists of dipping coral colonies in a liquid paraffin bath and measuring the weight of the coral before and after the dipping. It is based on the relationship between the weight and the surface area of paraffin deposited and allows one to obtain the actual surface area of coral colonies in the laboratory. The main advantages of this method compared to others is that it uses easily obtainable materials and it is adaptable to all colony shapes. It was used on coral colonies representing the six most frequently seen colony shapes on the reefs of the island of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Surface développée; Colonie corallienne; Récif corallien; Actual surface area; Coral colony; Coral reef.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Cartographie des biocénoses marines de Guadeloupe à partir de données SPOT (récifs coralliens, phanérogames marines, mangroves) ArchiMer
Chauvaud, S; Bouchon, C; Maniere, R.
In the framework of a comprehensive study of the coastal marine ecosystems of Guadeloupe Island (French West Indies), a remote sensing survey of marine communities was conducted in the Bay of the Grand Cul-de-Sac Marin. Pictures of SPOT satellite were used. At first sight, XS data from SPOT did not seem to be well adapted to extract information from deepest underwater areas. In the present study, a method for analysis of XS data was developed, which increases tenuous spectral differences associated to very low intensity signals. This technique led to a better distinction of objects, even the deepest ones. Reference surfaces were then identified in the field and a reliable supervised classification was conducted, which reflected the high diversity of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Télédétection; Cartographie; Récif corallien; Phanérogame marine; Mangrove; Remote sensing; Mapping; Coral reef; Seagrass; Mangrove.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Algal food processing by Stegastes nigricans, an herbivorous damselfish: differences between an undisturbed and a disturbed coral reef site (La Reunion, Indian Ocean) ArchiMer
Lison De Loma, Thierry; Harmelin-vivien, Mireille; Naim, Odile; Fontaine, Marie France.
There has, as yet, been little study of nutrient disturbance and its consequences on the functional biology of primary consumers in coral reefs. The processing of epilithic algal communities by the damselfish Stegastes nigricans was investigated at La Reunion, at two sites of a fringing reef, oligotrophic for one and eutrophic for the other. Differences between sites were analyzed in quantifying organic matter, organic carbon, nitrogen, and organic 'nutrients' (carbohydrate, lipid and protein) in the algal food, the digestive contents and the faeces of S. nigricans. In the disturbed site, algal turfs and digestive contents presented significantly higher organic matter, organic carbon, nitrogen and organic nutrient values. Absorption efficiency of total...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Régime herbivore; Stegastes; Récif corallien; Eutrophisation; La Réunion; Herbivory; Stegastes; Coral reef; Eutrophication; La Reunion.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Fascicule technique pour la mise en oeuvre du suivi "Benthos de substrats durs " du réseau de contrôle de surveillance DCE à La Réunion. Projet Bon Etat II, réactualisation de l’état des lieux du SDAGE Réunion et Assistance technique au Bassin La Réunion ArchiMer
GT DCE Réunion "Benthos de substrats durs".
De 2010 à 2012, le projet " Bon Etat : Actualisation de l’état des lieux du SDAGE, volet eaux côtières réunionnaises " (DEAL de La Réunion/Ifremer) a permis la mise en place de 4 groupes de travail DCE experts dont les travaux ont été synthétisés à travers 4 fascicules techniques définissant les conditions de mise en oeuvre des différents suivis du réseau de contrôle de surveillance (RCS) DCE en milieu marin à la Réunion. Une première version du fascicule "Benthos de substrats durs", a été produite en 2012 et validée au niveau national par les référents DCE (Cellule REBENT de l'Ifremer, Coordination nationale DCE milieu Marin, responsable projet Quadrige). Une mise à jour a été proposée en 2014 (Office de l'eau Réunion/Ifremer) dans la double perspective...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: DCE; La Réunion; Réseau DCE; Contrôle de surveillance; Récif corallien; Macroalgues; Réseau GCRMN; Base de données Récifs OI.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Analyse des données de pêches à pied traditionnelles et de chasse sous-marine, pratiquées en 2008 et 2009 dans la Réserve Naturelle Marine de La Réunion ArchiMer
Fleury, Pierre-gildas; Cadet, Christophe.
The Réserve Naturelle Marine (Natural Marine Reserve) of La Réunion island has been created recently (2007) for managing the coral reef of La Réunion West coast. In this area, traditional shore fisheries and spear-fishing are now regulated, controlled and under scientific survey in order to optimize the management of these fisheries, mainly leisure activities. This report draws up a first evaluation of the Reserve eco-guards monitoring in 2008-2009 over these fisheries, with double aim of : - improving the methodology : sampling strategy, terminology standardization ; data base setting up ; - collecting a data series for future evolution survey and comparisons with previous data (before creation of the Reserve). According to the collected data, the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pêches traditionnelles; Pêche à pied; Pêche sous-marine; CPUE; Récif corallien; Réserve Naturelle Marine; La Réunion.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Suivi des pêches à pied traditionnelles et de la chasse sous-marine de 2008 à 2011 dans la Réserve Naturelle Marine de La Réunion ArchiMer
Fleury, Pierre-gildas; Cadet, Christophe; Turban, Stéphanie; Le Bonniec, Stephanie.
The recent creation of the Réserve Naturelle Marine (Natural Marine Reserve) of La Réunion (RNMR) island in 2007 has provided a legal status to the traditional coastal fisheries and to the spear-fishing operating on the coral reef habitat. This legal frame implies fisheries surveillance and patrolling along with scientific surveys and monitoring, such as the "PechTrad" collaborative project, lead jointly by the RNMR and the French Research Institute for Exploration of the Sea (Ifremer). Four types of fisheries are allowed with specific regulation on the coral reef ecosystem and are analysed here after a 4-year survey (2008-2011): the beach seine targeting the yellowstripe goatfish (Mulloidichthys flavolineatus), the octopus shallow water collecting, the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pêches traditionnelles; Pêche à pied; Pêche sous-marine; CPUE; Récif corallien; Réserve Naturelle Marine; La Réunion.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Commercial fish assemblages on New Caledonian fringing reefs submitted to different levels of ground erosion ArchiMer
Letourneur, Y; Labrosse, Pierre; Kulbicki, M.
A comparative study was conducted in two zones of the Northern Province of New Caledonia, one located windward (east coast) and the other located leeward (west coast). In each zone, three major sectors were investigated: fringing reefs close to areas of important mining activities, fringing reefs close to areas of moderate mining activities, and fringing reefs close to areas free of mining activities. In addition, on the west coast, fringing reefs close to areas of high natural ground erosion were also studied. Only commercial fish species sensus late were censused on a total of 163 stations, concerning 165 fish species. Substrate characteristics were not different between zones and sectors. However, significant differences were observed for living...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ichtyofaune; Récif corallien; Activité minière; Apport terrigène; Océan Pacifique; Ichthyofauna; Fringing reefs; Mining activities; Terrigeneous runoff; Pacific Ocean.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Seasonal variations of downward particle fluxes in front of a reef pass (Moorea Island, French Polynesia) ArchiMer
Schrimm, M; Heussner, S; Buscail, R.
Downward particle fluxes off the Taotoi Pass, a typical Polynesian lagoon pass, have been measured over an annual cycle by means of an array of three mooring lines deployed at 40 m depth on the external sandy plain seawards of the Tiahura reef. Each line was equipped with two hand-operated sediment traps located 1.5 and 10 m above the bottom. During the 1-year survey, the traps were deployed for seven periods of 2-3 weeks. One line equipped with an automated trap was further deployed at 400 m depth on the deep fore-reef slope to collect deep settling particles over two consecutive 6-month periods. For all periods investigated, fluxes on the external plain were highest in front of the pass, and decreased by half on either side (up- and downstream with...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Flux particulaire; Exportation de carbone; Récif corallien; Carbone organique; Carbonate; Particle flux; Carbon export; Coral reefs; Organic carbon; Carbonate.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Caractéristiques du feutrage algal des récifs coralliens de Polynésie française soumis à différentes intensités de bioérosion ArchiMer
Le Bris, S; Le Campion-alsumard, T; Romano, Jc.
This study deals with the colonisation of experimental Porites blocks by epilithic and endolithic algal community in two atoll lagoons and two high-island lagoons in French Polynesia, exposed to different environmental conditions during a 5-year period. A qualitative analysis of the community (cyanobacteria and micro-algae) was carried out, and the relationship between the epilithic and endolithic strata observed. HPLC analysis of chlorophyll pigments was used to quantitatively determine the plant biomass, which was then compared to that of the algal turf of neighbouring reefs. The results show that these blocks are colonised according to two factors: the reef structure (atoll or high-island) and the degree of human disturbance. The epilithic and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Récif corallien; Feutrage algal épilithe et endolithe; Biomasse; Bioérosion; Eutrophisation; Coral reef; Epilithic and endolothic algal community biomass; Bioerosion; Eutrophication.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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