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Microbiota bacteriana de ovos de jacaré-do-pantanal incubados naturalmente Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec.
Pulcherio,R.; Maruyama,F.H.; Dorado-Rodrigues,T.; Silveira,M.; Dutra,V.; Ferraz,R..
RESUMO A cadeia produtiva do Caiman yacare tem-se destacado no Mato Grosso com a exportação de 143.386 peles em 2015, cujo sistema de manejo (ranching) implica a incubação artificial dos ovos. Nesse processo, a contaminação bacteriana de ovos influencia a taxa de eclosão. O conhecimento da microbiota de ovos incubados naturalmente orienta o manejo sanitário adequado no incubatório. No presente estudo, são apresentadas informações sobre essa microbiota e sua correlação com a de outros crocodilianos, apontando-se as espécies com potencial patogênico. Amostras de 20 ninhos de C. yacare foram coletadas e semeadas em ágar sangue e ágar Mac Conckey. A colônia condizente com Salmonella sp. foi confirmada pela técnica de reação em cadeia de polimerase. Das 22...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Ranching; Criação comercial; Enterobactéria; Microbiota; Ninho.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Pastoralists’ Perception and Ecological Knowledge on Savanna Ecosystem Dynamics in Semi-arid Botswana Ecology and Society
Kgosikoma, Olaotswe; Department of Agricultural Research; University of Edinburgh;; Mojeremane, Witness; Botswana College of Agriculture;; Harvie, Barbra A.; University of Edinburgh;
We investigated vegetation dynamics in relation to livestock grazing as perceived by pastoral farmers in different regions of Botswana. A structured questionnaire was used to collect farmers’ understanding of vegetation changes and causes within three different grazing lands. The pastoral farmers’ description of dominant vegetation differed significantly both at the local and district level, which suggests that rangelands consist of patches dominated by different grasses and woody vegetation. Most pastoralists indicated that grass composition has undergone changes, and unpalatable grasses such as Aristida congesta and Megaloprotachne albescens are increasing. The different factors perceived by pastoral farmers to cause changes in...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Communal grazing; Indigenous ecological knowledge livestock; Ranching; Rangeland degradation.
Ano: 2012
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The Role of Rangelands in Diversified Farming Systems: Innovations, Obstacles, and Opportunities in the USA Ecology and Society
Sayre, Nathan F; Department of Geography University of California-Berkeley;; Carlisle, Liz; Department of Geography University of California-Berkeley;; Huntsinger, Lynn; Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management University of California-Berkeley;; Fisher, Gareth; Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management University of California-Berkeley;; Shattuck, Annie; Department of Geography University of California-Berkeley;.
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Synthesis Palavras-chave: Diversification; Ecosystem services; Ranching; Rangelands.
Ano: 2012
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Sensitivity of the Colorado Plateau to Change: Climate, Ecosystems, and Society Ecology and Society
Schwinning, Susan; ;; Belnap, Jayne; U.S. Geological Survey;; Bowling, David R; University of Utah;; Ehleringer, James R; University of Utah;
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Synthesis Palavras-chave: Biological crust; Climate change; Megadrought; Ranching.
Ano: 2008
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The Roles and Movements of Actors in the Deforestation of Brazilian Amazonia Ecology and Society
Fearnside, Philip M; National Institute for Research in the Amazon-INPA;
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Insight Palavras-chave: Deforestation; Migration; Population; Rainforest; Ranching.
Ano: 2008
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Programa de Manejo y Procedimientos – Programa de Rancheo OceanDocs
Nodarse A., G.; Meneses, A.; Manolis, S.Ch.; Webb, G.J.W.; Carrillo C., E.; Pelegrín, E..
La proposición de Cuba para el rancheo de E. imbricata ha sido y continuará siendo una vía cautelosa basada en la experimentación objetiva. Estudios piloto han establecido de forma inequívoca que las crías de E. imbricata de huevos silvestres pueden desarrollarse en cautiverio hasta alcanzar la talla comercial. Dichos estudios han indicado también una serie de variables que afectan la supervivencia, el crecimiento y la eficiencia de producción, todo lo cual está sujeto a investigaciones actuales.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Turtle fisheries; Ranching; Procedures; Ranching; Http://
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Open-Cycle Hatcheries, Tourism and Conservation of Sea Turtles: Economic and Ecological Analysis AgEcon
Tisdell, Clement A.; Wilson, Clevo.
Considers the role that tourism-based sea turtle-hatcheries can play in conserving populations of sea turtles by combining economic analysis of markets with ecological parameters. Background is provided on the nature and development of such hatcheries in developing countries, giving particular attention to Sri Lanka. The modelling provided helps with the assessment of the impacts of turtle hatcheries on the conservation of sea turtles and enables ecological consequences of tourism, based on such hatcheries, to be better appreciated than in the absence of such modelling. The results demonstrate that sea turtle hatcheries that operate for tourist purposes can make a positive contribution to sea turtle conservation, but this depends on the manner in which...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Ecological economics; Nature conservation; Sea turtles; Ranching; Developing countries; Sri Lanka; Sea turtle hatcheries; Tourism; Environmental Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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