Registros recuperados: 34 | |
Arzul, Isabelle; Chollet, Bruno; Michel, Justine; Robert, Maeva; Garcia, Celine; Joly, Jean-pierre; Francois, Cyrille; Miossec, Laurence. |
Although clam populations in France are known to be infected with protozoans of the genus Perkinsus, no molecular characterization was previously performed on these parasites. Considering that several members of this genus have been associated with mortalities of molluscs worldwide, a study was undertaken in order to characterize these parasites in France. For that purpose, clams, Ruditapes philippinarum and R. decussatus, collected from different production areas and found to be infected with Perkinsus sp. in thioglycolate culture medium, were selected for PCR-RFLP tests and sequencing. Perkinsus olseni was detected in all the investigated areas and results also suggested the presence of P. chesapeaki in Leucate, a lagoon on the Mediterranean coast and in... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Clam parasites; Perkinsus chesapeaki; Perkinsus olseni; Ruditapes philippinarum; Ruditapes decussatus; Ribosomal RNA; Actin; ISH. |
Ano: 2012 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00094/20542/18205.pdf |
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Plantecuny, M; Bodoy, Alain. |
In order to estimate energetic relationship, microphytic and benthic bivalve levels of a shallow (1.5 m), sandy ecosystem near Marseille (Gulf of Fos, Southern France) were sampled monthly during 1.5 year, in two sites differing by their wave exposure. In the sheltered area, the bivalve Ruditapes decussatus was the dominant species, while another bivalve, Donax trunculus , was found in the open, wave exposed site. Chlorophyll a and primary production of the phytoplankton and the microphytobenthos, as well as population dynamic, growth and biochemical composition of bivalves (lipids, proteins and carbohydrates) were monitored. |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Ruditapes decussatus; Bivalvia; Periphyton; Phytoplankton; Biochemical composition; Growth; Marine molluscs; Hydrodynamics; Seasonal variations; Primary production; Trophic relationships. |
Ano: 1984 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/1984/acte-1528.pdf |
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Matias, Domitilia; Joaquim, Sandra; Matias, Ana Margarete; Moura, Paula; Sousa, Joana; Sobral, Paula; Leitao, Alexandra. |
The reproductive cycle, as well as its nutrient storage and utilization, of two populations of Ruditapes decussatus from the main production areas of this species: Ria de Aveiro and Ria Formosa Lagoon (Portugal) were studied here over a 24 month period (May 2010-April 2012). The reproductive cycle of both populations of R. decussatus followed an annual cyclicality that comprised a ripe stage in spring followed by a spawning period that began in late spring and extended throughout summer until early autumn. This extended and continuous spawning period may be an advantageous strategy for this species by ensuring a continuous supply of gametes. Moreover, R. decussatus can adopt different reproductive strategies depending on the geographical origin. The... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: European clam; Ruditapes decussatus; Reproductive cycle; Portuguese populations; Biochemical composition; Seasonal variations. |
Ano: 2013 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00152/26292/25461.pdf |
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Almeida, Manuela. |
Le protozoaire parasite Perkinsus atlanticus (Azevedo, 1989) est une des causes des chutes de production de palourdes Ruditapes decussatus et R. philippinarum cultivées au Portugal, en Espagne et en Italie. Des modèles d'infection de Perkinsus ont été réalisés, par reproduction expérimentale de la maladie, pour étudier le rôle de la densité des palourdes, de la température et de la salinité sur le déroulement de la Perkinsiose. L'objectif de ce travail a été de développer une technique de diagnostic quantitative pour optimiser l'évaluation de l'intensité d'infection et détecter de faibles infections des palourdes par P. atlanticus. Le principe de cette technique consiste à cultiver tous les tissus de la palourde en milieu thioglycolate, suivi d'une lyse à... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Pathologie; Protozoaire; Parasite; Perkinsus atlanticus; Bivalvia; Ruditapes decussatus; Ruditapes philippinarum; Diagnostic. |
Ano: 1997 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00033/14416/11710.pdf |
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Guenn, Julien. |
La conchyliculture connaît depuis une trentaine d'années une progression régulière de ses productions à travers le monde. Elle représente une activité économique importante avec plus de 240 000 tonnes de coquillage produit annuellement en France. Cependant le développement de cette activité peut être limité par des mortalités parfois massives dues à des maladies infectieuses. L'augmentation des productions peut être expliquée par l'amélioration des méthodes d'élevage grâce à une meilleure connaissance de la biologie des bivalves et des processus physiologiques liés à leur reproduction : l'apparition de l'élevage larvaire en écloserie a permis de pallier le caractère aléatoire et souvent insuffisant du captage naturel. Ces nouvelles techniques ont permis... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Biologie cellulaire; Parasite; Perkinsus olseni; Culture cellulaire; Palourde; Ruditapes decussatus; Ruditapes philippinarum. |
Ano: 2006 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00033/14457/11759.pdf |
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Gerard, Andre; Naciri, Yamama; Noiret, Christophe; Ledu, Christophe; Peignon, Jean-marie. |
For the first time, effective treatments using cytochalasin B were developed to induce triploidy in the European clam, Ruditapes decussatus (L.). The percentage of triploid embrios was assessed by karyological or image analysis. Two treatments (O.5 or 1 mg of cytochasin B (CB per ml of dimethylsulfoxide in 1 l of sea water) were applied at different times after fertilization (10 to 25 mn), for two different periods (15 and 20 min). Best results were obtained for a CB concentration of 1 mg/l. When treatment was applied 15 min after fertilization for a 20 min period, 94% and 95% of triploid embryos were obtained in two repeated experiments. At metamorphosis, the treated larvae appeared to be no smaller than the control larvae in all experiments. Thowever, in... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Genetic; Ruditapes decussatus; Clam; Induced triploidy. |
Ano: 1994 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/1994/publication-3208.pdf |
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Beguier, Jeremy. |
A l'échelle nationale, la conchyliculture a connu des épizooties catastrophiques ; l'huître portugaise (Crassostrea angulata) a disparu des côtes françaises, suite à des infections impliquant des iridovirus. L'huître plate (Ostrea edulis) a vus sa production fortement réduite suite à l'introduction de deux maladies parasitaires, la bonamiose et la marteiliose. La maladie de l'anneau brun, maladie d'origine bactérienne due à Vibrio tapetis a engendré depuis 1987 en Europe des mortalité allant de 60 à 80% dans les élevages, écloseries et bancs naturels de palourdes japonaises Ruditapes philippinarum et de palourdes européennes R. decussatus, compromettant le développement de cette filière aquacole. Cette étude a pour but d'obtenir une image de la maladie de... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Palourdes; Ruditapes philippinarum; Ruditapes decussatus; Anneau brun; Vibrio tapetis; Biologie moléculaire. |
Ano: 2005 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00034/14480/11780.pdf |
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Deslous-paoli, Jean-marc. |
On the contrary to the U. S. where they represent but 4.6% of the total marine production , mollusc, principally bivalves, can no longer be considered as a marginal production. In France, 100 000 ton of oysters, 98% of which is represented by Crassostrea gigas (Héral & al., 1985) and 85 000 ton of mussels (Mytilus edulis, Mytilus edulis galloprovincialis) (Dardignac, 1985) are produced yeraly. Elsewhere, new rearings are being developed, such as pectinidae and Ruditapes philippinarum, on the Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts. The species presently cultured, some of which dependiing only on natural collections (Crassostrea gigas, Mytilus edulis, Mytilus galloprovincialis while others depend on hatchery production, either partially Crasssotrea gigas in... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Ruditapes decussatus; Ostrea edulis; Mytilus edulis; Crassostrea gigas; Bivalves; Physiology; Digestion; Feeding. |
Ano: 1986 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/1986/acte-7476.pdf |
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De Sousa, Joana Teixeira; Milan, Massimo; Pauletto, Marianna; Bargelloni, Luca; Joaquim, Sandra; Matias, Domitilia; Matias, Ana Margarete; Quillien, Virgile; Leitao, Alexandra; Huvet, Arnaud. |
A microarray-based analysis was performed with the objective of describing genomic features of oocytes and looking for potential markers of oocyte quality in the economically important European clam, Ruditapes decussatus. Oocytes of 25 females from Ria de Aveiro, Western coast of Portugal (40°42′N; 08°40′W) were selected for this study and oocyte quality was estimated by success of D-larval rate under controlled conditions, which appeared to vary from 0 to 95 %. By genome-wide expression profiling with a DNA microarray, 526 probes appeared differentially expressed between two groups representing the largest and smallest value of D larval rates, named good (represented by a mean D-larval yield of 57 ± 22%) and poor (9 ± 5%) quality oocytes. Enrichment... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Ruditapes decussatus; Oocyte; Developmental success; Gene expression; Marine bivalve; Transcriptomics. |
Ano: 2015 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00260/37147/35676.pdf |
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Bordeyne, François; Robert, Stephane; Le Moine, Olivier; Leaute, Jean-pierre. |
On French coast, Manila clam is a bivalve subject of a large activity recreational and professional hand harvest. Two species are represented in France, European Manila clam Ruditapes decussatus (native) and Japanese Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum (introduced). Predominance of this last species (more than 90 % of number and biomass), earn them the status of invasive species. Contrary to Arcachon bay, Pont l’Abbé River or Morbihan bay, an estimation campaign of Manila clams stock on Marennes-Oléron bay had never been carried out. The objective of this study: estimate, in number and biomass, the Manila clams stock of two areas. The first affect recreational hand harvest, on Saint-Trojan shore (0.8 km²) whereas the second scopes professional hand... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Palourde; Ruditapes philippinarum; Ruditapes decussatus; Estimation; Stock; Marennes–Oléron.; Manilla clam; Ruditapes philippinarum; Ruditapes decussatus; Estimation; Stock; Marennes–Oleron. |
Ano: 2017 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00415/52621/53459.pdf |
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Registros recuperados: 34 | |