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Mapping and validation of molecular markers of genes Dt1 and Dt2 to determine the type of stem growth in soybean Agronomy
Vicente, Dorival; Schuster, Ivan; Lazzari, Fabiane; Paranzini, Jonas Pedro Dolfini; Oliveira, Marco Antonio Rott de; Prete, Cássio Egídio Cavenaghi.
The type of stem growth in soybean is a distinguishing feature of cultivars. The genes Dt1 and Dt2 affect the termination of the stem, and the types of growth are classified as determinate, semi-determinate and indeterminate. Phenotypic characterization of the type of growth is complex and is occasionally erroneously described. The objective of this study was to map and validate molecular markers to classify the type of soybean growth to facilitate the description of cultivars and genotypic selection. Two populations were used for mapping and validation of molecular markers F2:3: T 117 (semi-determinate growth type) x Igra RA 518 RR (indeterminate growth type) and CD 235RR (determinate growth type) x Igra RA 518 RR. The study demonstrates that the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Glycine max; Determinate growth; Semi-determinate growth; Indeterminate growth; SAM.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Matriz de contabilidad social 2004 para México Agrociencia
Barboza-Carrasco,Irene; Vázquez-Alvarado,Jorge M. P; Matus-Gardea,Jaime A.
La matriz de contabilidad social es la base fundamental para analizar políticas económicas, medir el impacto de choques externos y estudiar la dinámica de los mercados y la estructura de las instituciones. A pesar de su utilidad, no existe una matriz oficial para México, sino que cada investigador construye la suya. Con el fin de poner a disposición de los especialistas una matriz reciente, se construyó la Matriz de Contabilidad Social para México 2004 mediante el método Entropía Cruzada. La matriz obtenida es consistente con los principios de contabilidad nacional.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cuentas nacionales; Entropía cruzada; SAM.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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The long and successful journey of electrochemically active amino acids. From fundamental adsorption studies to potential surface engineering tools. Anais da ABC (AABC)
ABSTRACT Proteins have been the subject of electrochemical studies. It is possible to apply electrochemical techniques to obtain information about their structure due to the presence of five electroactive amino acids that can be oriented to the outside of the peptidic chain. These amino acids are L-Tryptophan (L-Trp), L-Tyrosine (L-Tyr), L-Histidine (L-His), L-Methionine (L-Met) and L-Cysteine (L-Cys); their electrochemical behavior being subject of extensive research, but it is still controversial. No spectroscopic investigations have been reported on L-Trp, and due to the short life time of the intermediates, ex situ techniques cannot be employed, leading to a never-ending discussion about possible intermediates. In the L-Tyr and L-His cases,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Protein electro-oxidation; Electrochemical active amino acids; L-Cysteine; SAM; Cu2O; Low index facets nanoparticles.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Contribución de sector agropecuario a la economía Colegio de Postgraduados
Barboza Carrasco, Irene.
Las mediciones tradicionales de la contribución del sector agropecuario a la economía se reducen básicamente al aporte que éste hace al Producto Interno Bruto (PIB), esto debido a las limitaciones estadísticas que impiden generar modelos y realizar análisis detallados. Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo generar una matriz de contabilidad social (SAM) actualizada al año 2004 para que a través de su análisis y el de multiplicadores contables se pudiera medir la contribución del sector a la economía. Además de lo anterior, ante los retos que enfrenta el gobierno en la coherencia de las políticas de apoyo para desarrollar al sector, se analiza el efecto que tiene una transferencia a los hogares contra el efecto generado si el recurso se destina a...
Tipo: Tesis Palavras-chave: SAM; Multiplicadores contables; Política agropecuaria; Doctorado; Economía; Accounting multipliers; Agricultural policy.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Relative Concentrations of Placental Lactogen II and PRL-Like Protein-A in Stressed Rats Placenta International Journal of Morphology
Romanini,M. C; Paz,D. A.; Rodríguez,N; Rolando,A. N.; Mugnaini,M. T.; Soñez,C. A.; Bozzo,A; Marioli,J. M.; Pastorino,I. C; Gauna,H. F..
The chronic stress induces functional adaptations in the hypothalamo-pituitary- adrenocortical (HPA) and in the sympathetic-medullary-adrenal axis (SAM). Both axis are considered vital regulators of the homeostasis in vertebrates (Seyle, 1936; Ostrandrer et al, 2006. On the other hand, the placenta provides highly specialized functions during gestation that are critical for the normal development of the embryo/fetus (Soares et al., 1991). We hypothesized that the chronic immobilization (IMO) stress in pregnancy rats produces alterations in prolactin concentrations in placental tissue and also changes in the response of SAM axis. Chronic stress by IMO was applied on days 12, 17 and 21 of pregnancy rats. Relative concentrations and localization of placental...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Chronic stress; Placental lactogen; Prolactin; Rat; SAM.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Robinson, Sherman; El-Said, Moataz.
This paper documents the computer code implementing the CE-SAM estimation technique in GAMS (General Algebraic Modeling System). It defines the estimation problem in a deterministic setting; extends the approach to include a stochastic treatment of errors in control totals; summarizes the equations describing CE technique for estimating a consistent SAM starting from an inconsistent data set estimated with error; and provides the GAMS code.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Entropy; Cross entropy; Social accounting matrices; SAM; GAMS; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Going micro: Analysing SAM multipliers for the dairy chain on Reunion Island AgEcon
D'Haese, Marijke F.C.; Lecomte, Philippe; Alary, Veronique; D'Haese, Luc; Schipper, Robert A..
This poster presents a study on the multiplier effects in the dairy chain on Reunion Island. This Indian Ocean island is one of the French overseas departments. However, it struggles with similar problems as the developing areas in its neighbourhood, high levels of unemployment especially being a major concern. The agricultural sector justifies the state support it receives by stressing its role in the creation of employment and economic activity. Our focus is on the dairy sector of the Island, which is relatively recent and highly organized. Local milk production has increased over the years and our aim is to calculate the economywide impact of this trend. We use a social accounting matrix with disaggregated accounts for the dairy sector to calculate the...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Dairy; SAM; La Reunion; Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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The Impact of Capital Intensive Farming in Thailand: A Computable General Equilibrium Approach AgEcon
Pue-on, Anuwat; Ward, Bert D.; Gan, Christopher E.C..
The aim of this study is to explore whether efforts to encourage producers to use agricultural machinery and equipment will significantly improve agricultural productivity, income distribution amongst social groups, as well as macroeconomic performance in Thailand. A 2000 Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) of Thailand was constructed as a data set, and then a 20 production-sector Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model was developed for the Thai economy. The CGE model is employed to simulate the impact of capital-intensive farming on the Thai economy under two different scenarios: technological change and free trade. Four simulations were conducted. Simulation 1 increased the share parameter of capital in the agricultural sector by 5%. Simulation 2 shows a...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Capital intensive farming; CGE; General equilibrium; SAM; Thailand; Agricultural and Food Policy; Crop Production/Industries; Environmental Economics and Policy; Farm Management; Productivity Analysis.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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El-Said, Moataz; Lofgren, Hans; Robinson, Sherman.
Addressing longer-term issues of economic development in Egypt, the paper employs a dynamically recursive computable general equilibrium (CGE) model to assess the outcomes associated with two types of development approaches over the period 1998-2012. One is a targeted sector development approach, and the second is a more broad-based development approach. Under the first development approach technological advancement is separately targeted to three sectors: agriculture, food processing, and textiles. Each sectoral choice is intended to represent alternative development strategies which we label (i) agricultural-demand- led industrialization (ADLI); (ii) food-processing-based (FOOD); and (iii) textile-based industrialization (TEXTILE). Under the second...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Atkinson inequality index; CGE; Egypt; Growth; Income distribution; SAM; Theil index; International Development; C68; D31; D33; D58; O47; O53.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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A 2004 Social Accounting Matrix for Israel: Documentation of an Economy-Wide Database with a Focus on Agriculture, the Labour Market, and Income Distribution AgEcon
Siddig, Khalid H.A.; Flaig, Dorothee; Luckmann, Jonas; Grethe, Harald.
This document describes the Israeli Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) for the year 2004, developed by the Agricultural and Food Policy Group at the University of Hohenheim. The SAM is a part of a larger research project which aims to analyse several economic, trade, and labour policies in the context of economic integration of agriculture between Israel and the West Bank. Data are obtained from various sources in Israel. Sources include the Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics (ICBS), the Central Bank of Israel (CBI), and the Israeli Tax Authority (ITA). Data from sources outside of Israel are used to fill-in some gaps in the domestic reports. External sources include the World Trade Organization (WTO), the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: SAM; IO Table; CGE; Database; Israel.; Agricultural and Food Policy; Consumer/Household Economics; Labor and Human Capital; C6; C8; D1; D3; D5; D6; E2; E6; F1; F2; H2.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Importance of Agro-food Industry for Small and Medium-sized Towns in EU Countries; An Inter-regional SAM Analysis AgEcon
van Leeuwen, Myrna.
This paper examines the importance of the agro-food industry for the local economy of thirty selected small and medium-sized towns in the EU. Calculations are based on interregional SAM analysis, which were constructed for each town. On the whole, it can be said that the higher the degree of integration of the agro-food sector in the local economy, the larger its role for the rural town and its hinterland. In addition, the SAM analyses show the impact of a demand change in the agro-food sector located in one zone of the town on the other zone of the town. It helps policy makers to understand the economic and social strengths and weaknesses of the agro-food industry in their towns.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: SAM; Agro-food industry; EU small and medium-sized towns; Agribusiness.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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