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Genome prediction accuracy of common bean via Bayesian models Ciência Rural
Barili,Leiri Daiane; Vale,Naine Martins do; Silva,Fabyano Fonseca e; Carneiro,José Eustáquio de Souza; Oliveira,Hinayah Rojas de; Vianello,Rosana Pereira; Valdisser,Paula Arielle Mendes Ribeiro; Nascimento,Moyses.
ABSTRACT: We aimed to apply genomic information based on SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) markers for the genetic evaluation of the traits “stay-green” (SG), plant architecture (PA), grain aspect (GA) and grain yield (GY) in common bean through Bayesian models. These models were compared in terms of prediction accuracy and ability for heritability estimation for each one of the mentioned traits. A total of 80 cultivars were genotyped for 377 SNP markers, whose effects were estimated by five different Bayesian models: Bayes A (BA), B (BB), C (BC), LASSO (BL) e Ridge regression (BRR). Although, prediction accuracies calculated by means of cross-validation have been similar within each trait, the BB model stood out for the trait SG, whereas the BRR was...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Phaseolus vulgaris; SNP markers; Cross-validation.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Apport des informations moléculaires et cellulaires pour la caractérisation de la résistance de l'huître plate européenne vis-à-vis de la bonamiose, et pour la détection de signatures de la sélection naturelle ArchiMer
Harrang, Estelle.
The European flat oyster, an endemic species from European coasts, has been classified in the category of "endangered and/or declining species" since 2003. Indeed, the natural beds of this oyster, consumed since ancient times, have gradually been decimated by over-exploitation and by successive emergence of parasitic diseases. The parasite that causes the disease called bonamiosis has contributed to drastically reduce the French and European aquacultural production of flat oyster. Marine bivalve molluscs display two specificities that restrict possibilities to fight against diseases: they are grown in an open environment, and possess an innate immune system lacking in adaptive response. In this context, the selection of animaIs naturally resistant to...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Huître plate Européenne; Ostre edulis; Bonamiose; Bonamia ostreae; Marqueurs SNP; Expression génique; Activité hémocytaire; Cartographie de liaison; QTL; EQTL; Populations naturelles; Diversité génétique; Sélection naturelle; European flat oyster; Ostrea edulis; Bonamiosis; Bonamia ostreae; SNP markers; Gene expression; Haemocytic activity; Linkage map; QTL; EQTL; Natural populations; Genetic diversity; Genetic structure; Natural selection.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Detection and evaluation of selection signatures in sheep PAB
Paim,Tiago do Prado; Ianella,Patrícia; Paiva,Samuel Rezende; Caetano,Alexandre Rodrigues; Pimentel,Concepta Margaret McManus.
Abstract: The recent development of genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) arrays made it possible to carry out several studies with different species. The selection process can increase or reduce allelic (or genic) frequencies at specific loci in the genome, besides dragging neighboring alleles in the chromosome. This way, genomic regions with increased frequencies of specific alleles are formed, caracterizing selection signatures or selective sweeps. The detection of these signatures is important to characterize genetic resources, as well as to identify genes or regions involved in the control and expression of important production and economic traits. Sheep are an important species for theses studies as they are dispersed worldwide and have...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Ovis aries; Analysis software; Animal genetic resources; Genetic improvement; Genomics; Molecular genetics; SNP markers.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Genome association study through nonlinear mixed models revealed new candidate genes for pig growth curves Scientia Agricola
Silva,Fabyano Fonseca e; Zambrano,Maria Fernanda Betancur; Varona,Luis; Glória,Leonardo Siqueira; Lopes,Paulo Sávio; Silva,Marcos Vinícius Gualberto Barbosa; Arbex,Wagner; Lázaro,Sirlene Fernandes; Resende,Marcos Deon Vilela de; Guimarães,Simone Eliza Facioni.
ABSTRACT: Genome association analyses have been successful in identifying quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for pig body weights measured at a single age. However, when considering the whole weight trajectories over time in the context of genome association analyses, it is important to look at the markers that affect growth curve parameters. The easiest way to consider them is via the two-step method, in which the growth curve parameters and marker effects are estimated separately, thereby resulting in a reduction of the statistical power and the precision of estimates. One efficient solution is to adopt nonlinear mixed models (NMM), which enables a joint modeling of the individual growth curves and marker effects. Our aim was to propose a genome association...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: SNP markers; Body weight; Longitudinal data.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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