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Do Environmental Interventions Impact Elementary School Students’ Lunchtime Milk Selection? AgEcon
Waite, Alexandra; Goto, Keiko; Chan, Kenny; Giovanni, Maria; Wolff, Cindy.
This research examines whether environmentally based intervention strategies increase elementary students’ selection of white milk. At intervention school one, white milk was easily accessible, but students had to ask for chocolate milk. As an outcome, students increased their selection of white milk compared to control school students (p≤0.001). At intervention school two, the visual cue of a threefold greater quantity of white compared to chocolate milk did not significantly alter selection patterns. This research indicates that requiring students to ask for an item rather than self-serve can help modify food selections and serve as a tool for obesity prevention.
Tipo: Presentation Palavras-chave: Milk consumption; School lunch; Behavioral economics; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; A12; I10.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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America's Eating Habits: Changes and Consequences AgEcon
Individual chapters in this book provide different perspectives on the nutrition problems in the United States: what are the economic costs associated with unhealthy eating patterns; how do dietary patterns compare with dietary recommendations; how do national income and prices, advertising, health claims, and trends in eating away from home affect nutrient intake; how much do people know about nutrition and how does nutrition knowledge and attitudes affect intake of fats and cholesterol; how do different government programs and regulations influence food expenditures and consumption; what are some public and private efforts to improve healthy eating; and what are potential impacts of healthier eating on domestic agriculture.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Diet; Nutrition; Health; Eating patterns; Nutrition education; Nutrition knowledge; Dietary guidelines; Food guide pyramid; Food supply; Food consumption; Food assistance programs; School lunch; Food away from home; Advertising; Health claims; Nutrition labeling; Agriculture; Economic costs; Healthy Eating Index; Healthy People 2000; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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The Role of Variety in Increasing the Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables Among Children AgEcon
Just, David R.; Lund, Jesse; Price, Joseph.
We use observational data from 22 elementary schools and over 48,000 child-day observations to examine the relationship between the number of fruit and vegetable items and the consumption patterns of children during school lunch. We find that each additional fruit or vegetable item that is offered increases the fraction of children who eat at least one serving of fruits and vegetables by 12 percent. We also use our observational data to provide practical information about which items are most likely to be eaten by children during lunch and compare this to the cost and nutritional quality of these items.
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Variety; Fruits and vegetables; School lunch; Children; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Health Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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