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A pesca demersal de profundidade e os bancos de corais azooxantelados do sul do Brasil Biota Neotropica
Kitahara,Marcelo Visentini.
A pesca demersal voltada as espécies de peixes (i.e. Lophius gastrophisus, Urophisys brasiliensis, Genipterus brasiliensis) e crustáceos (Chaceon ramosae e Chaceon sp.), com grande valor comercial no talude continental superior do sul do Brasil aumentou significativamente nas últimas décadas. A compilação de todos os dados até então publicados acerca dos pontos de ocorrência dos corais escleractíneos azooxantelados em águas sul-brasileiras entre 24° e 35° S, sobrepostos com as principais áreas de atuação das quatro modalidades de pesca demersais (arrasto de profundidade, emalhe e espinhel de fundo e covos), demonstrou que as frotas em questão vêm utilizando as áreas com ocorrência de corais, como principais áreas de esforço, indicando que os recifes de...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Brasil; Pesca demersal; Corais de profundidade; Scleractinia; Talude continental; Arrasto de profundidade.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Lattig,Patricia; Reyes,Javier.
Durante los Cruceros INVEMAR-MACROFAUNA (1998 - 1999), realizados sobre la franja superior del talud continental del Caribe colombiano, se colectaron 26 especies de corales, de las cuales nueve son registrados por primera vez para el área. El ámbito de distribución de Polymyces fragilis y Fungiacyathus crispus se amplia hasta la costa norte de Colombia. La distribución de Schizocyathus fissilis, Balanophyllia cyathoides, B. palifera y B. bayeri se amplia hasta el Caribe sur. Se presenta un listado de las especies de corales azooxantelados del Caribe colombiano.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Scleractinia; Anthozoa; Caribe; Talud continental.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Análise comparativa da abundância do coral invasor Tubastraea spp: (Cnidaria, Anthozoa) em substratos naturais e artificiais na Ilha Grande, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil Iheringia, Sér. Zool.
Mangelli,Tárcio Santos; Creed,Joel Christopher.
Os corais exóticos coral-sol (Tubastraea coccinea Lesson, 1829 e T. tagusensis Wells, 1982) invadiram as comunidades biológicas sésseis dos costões rochosos da Baía da Ilha Grande, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Estruturas artificiais (piers, decks ou cais) foram selecionadas em quatro locais na Ilha Grande, e comparadas com substratos naturais adjacentes através de quantificação da densidade de cada espécie de Tubastraea, além da porcentagem de cobertura da biota bêntica. A densidade média geral de Tubastraea tagusensis foi de 80,3 indivíduos.m-2, aproximadamente o dobro encontrado para T. coccinea. Tendo em vista que sua presença alterou as abundâncias relativas e a riqueza de espécies, ambas as espécies invasoras modificaram a estrutura das comunidades...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bioinvasão; Competição; Comunidade; Densidade; Scleractinia.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Distribuição das espécies de corais azooxantelados na plataforma e talude continental superior do sul do Brasil Iheringia, Sér. Zool.
Kitahara,Marcelo V.; Capítoli,Ricardo R.; Horn Filho,Norberto O..
Dentre os organismos registrados para águas profundas (> 100 m) no sul do Brasil, podemos destacar os corais azooxantelados pertencentes a ordem Scleractinia. Através de análises estatísticas, identificação de espécimes depositados em coleções científicas, e compilação de todos os registros pretéritos destes cnidarios ocorrentes no sul e parte do sudeste do Brasil, foi possível constatar que as coordenadas abrangidas no presente estudo representam uma área de transição entre os corais azooxantelados ocorrentes ao norte e as espécies mais características das zonas polares, principalmente em relação às espécies solitárias. Com a análise da distribuição batimétrica, foi observado um significativo aumento no número de espécies entre o setor de plataforma...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Atlântico sul; Mar profundo; Análise latitudinal; Análise batimétrica; Análise de agrupamento; Scleractinia.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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The distribution of scleractinian corals in the Bay of Biscay, NE Atlantic ArchiMer
Reveillaud, J; Freiwald, A; Van Rooij, D; Le Guilloux, Erwan; Altuna, A; Foubert, A; Vanreusel, A; Olu, Karine; Henriet, J.
Studies on the distribution of scleractinian corals in the Bay of Biscay were relatively numerous during the nineteenth and the first half of the twentieth century. Yet, recent reports are scattered, sometimes unpublished, and therefore knowledge about the current coral occurrence in the area is limited. This study aims at compiling the available historical and more recently collected information on the occurrence of scleractinian corals in the Bay of Biscay. Data from two recent cruises are included and compared with previous explored coral sites from as early as 1830 up to 1995. A database of 347 records including 34 described species of scleractinians highlights that the slope of the Bay of Biscay is an important habitat for scleractinians. This could...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Biodiversity; Bay of Biscay; Slope; Scleractinia; Cold water corals.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Habitat suitability and environmental niche comparison of cold-water coral species along the Brazilian continental margin ArchiMer
Barbosa, Romina; Davies, A. J.; Sumida, P. Y. G..
In face of increasing anthropogenic disturbance in the deep sea, it is a priority to better understand the regional distribution of cold-water corals (CWC). These organisms create some of the most species-rich habitats in the deep sea and, for this reason, they must be properly protected and managed. In this study, we aimed to identify suitable habitat for multiple CWC taxa off the Brazilian continental margin and compare their environmental niches. Habitat suitability models were developed using the Maxent approach, which allowed for the prediction of species distribution and for the identification of potential 'hot spot' areas that may be important for biodiversity conservation. Ecological niches were determined by a PCA-env approach, and niche...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Deep-sea corals; Habitat suitability modelling; Lophelia pertusa; Environmental niche; Southwestern Atlantic; Octocorallia; Scleractinia.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Protists Within Corals: The Hidden Diversity ArchiMer
Clerissi, Camille; Brunet, Sebastien; Vidal-dupiol, Jeremie; Adjeroud, Mehdi; Lepage, Pierre; Guillou, Laure; Escoubas, Jean Michel; Toulza, Eve.
Previous observations suggested that microbial communities contribute to coral health and the ecological resilience of coral reefs. However, most studies of coral microbiology focused on prokaryotes and the endosymbiotic algae Symbiodinium. In contrast, knowledge concerning diversity of other protists is still lacking, possibly due to methodological constraints. As most eukaryotic DNA in coral samples was derived from hosts, protist diversity was missed in metagenome analyses. To tackle this issue, we designed blocking primers for Scleractinia sequences amplified with two primer sets that targeted variable loops of the 18S rRNA gene (18SV1V2 and 18SV4). These blocking primers were used on environmental colonies of Pocillopora damicornis sensu lato from two...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Holobiont; Protists; Symbiosis; Metabarcoding; Blocking primer; Scleractinia; Pocillopora damicornis.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Scleractinian corals (Fungiidae, Agariciidae and Euphylliidae) of Pulau Layang-Layang, Spratly Islands, with a note on Pavona maldivensis (Gardiner, 1905) ArchiMer
Waheed, Zarinah; Benzoni, Francesca; Van Der Meij, Sancia E. T.; Terraneo, Tullia I.; Hoeksema, Bert W..
Layang-Layang is a small island part of an oceanic atoll in the Spratly Islands off Sabah, Malaysia. As the reef coral fauna in this part of the South China Sea is poorly known, a survey was carried out in 2013 to study the species composition of the scleractinian coral families Fungiidae, Agariciidae and Euphylliidae. A total of 56 species was recorded. The addition of three previously reported coral species brings the total to 59, consisting of 32 Fungiidae, 22 Agariciidae, and five Euphylliidae. Of these, 32 species are new records for Layang-Layang, which include five rarely reported species, i.e., the fungiids Lithophyllon ranjithi, Podabacia sinai, Sandalolitha boucheti, and the agariciids Leptoseris kalayaanensis and L. troglodyta. The coral fauna...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Scleractinia; South China Sea; Malaysia; Atoll; Distribution ranges; New records; Species richness.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Composition and biological activities of the aqueous extracts of three scleractinian corals from the Mexican Caribbean: Pseudodiploria strigosa, Porites astreoides and Siderastrea siderea J. Venom. Anim. Toxins incl. Trop. Dis.
García-Arredondo,Alejandro; Rojas-Molina,Alejandra; Ibarra-Alvarado,César; Lazcano-Pérez,Fernando; Arreguín-Espinosa,Roberto; Sánchez-Rodríguez,Judith.
Abstract Background: Scleractinian corals (stony corals) are the most abundant reef-forming cnidarians found in coral reefs throughout the world. Despite their abundance and ecological importance, information about the diversity of their toxins and their biological activities is very scarce. In this study, the chemical composition and the biological activities of the aqueous extracts of Pseudodiploria strigosa, Porites astreoides and Siderastrea siderea, three scleractinian corals from the Mexican Caribbean, have been assessed for the first time. Methods: Toxicity of the extracts was assessed in crickets; the presence of cytolysins was detected by the hemolysis assay; the vasoconstrictor activity was determined by the isolated rat aortic ring assay; the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Scleractinia; Pseudodiploria strigosa; Porites astreoides; Siderastrea siderea; Toxicity; Hemolysis; Vasoconstriction; Nociceptive response.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Species diversity of stony corals and mushroom coral sizes Naturalis
Hoeksema, B.W..
Tipo: Part of book or chapter of book Palavras-chave: Scleractinia; Millepora; Heliopora; Tubipora; Fungiidae; Seychelles; 42.72.
Ano: 1994 URL:
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Habitat preferences of coral-associated wentletrap snails (Gastropoda: Epitoniidae) Naturalis
Gittenberger, A.; Hoeksema, B.W..
Examination of about 60,000 scleractinian corals of the families Dendrophylliidae, Euphylliidae and Fungiidae for the presence of associated wentletrap snails (Gastropoda: Epitoniidae) revealed various ectoparasitic life history strategies. Twenty Indo-Pacific wentletrap species were found, which were either host-specific or generalist. Most species were associated with mushroom corals, especially free-living species belonging to the Fungiidae. Snails showed different preferences with regard to their position relative to mushroom corals, the host’s size and its substrate. No preferences for depth were found. Infestation rates of mushroom corals in multi-species assemblages were negatively correlated with coral densities, which indicates that epitoniid...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Coral-mollusc associations; Fungiidae; Indo-Pacific; Parasitic snails; Scleractinia; 42.73.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Types and originals of fossil Porifera and Cnidaria of Indonesia in Naturalis Naturalis
Leloux, J.; Renema, W..
The collection of Naturalis contains a significant collection of fossil corals and sponges. Within the framework of the 'NWO Groot' digitalisation projects the typespecimens, mainly from Indonesia, of Gerth, Umbgrove and related researchers were catalogued. 3920 lots containing 3479 typespecimens related to 676 taxa are concerned.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Gerth; Martin; Umbgrove; Foraminifera; Hydrozoa; Scleractinia; Rugosa; Tabulata; Octocorallia; Bivalvia; Ammonoidea; Echinodermata; Rhodophyta; Tertiary; Permian; 38.22.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Long-term changes in coral assemblages under natural and anthropogenic stress in Jakarta Bay (1920–2005) Naturalis
Meij, S.E.T. van der; Suharsono; Hoeksema, B.W..
Coral reefs in Jakarta Bay have been subjected to scientific studies since the 1920s. Also from that time on biological collections were made. The reefs in the Jakarta Bay have been under long-term natural and anthropogenic stress. With the biological collections and historical documents the coral species richness in Jakarta Bay around 1920 was reconstructed. New data from this bay and the adjacent offshore Thousand Islands archipelago were obtained during a 2005 research expedition. A comparison of the coral assemblages between 1920 and 2005 reveals a clear decline in species numbers. The most prominent results include the near-shore disappearance of species belonging to the families Acroporidae, Milleporidae, and to a lesser extent Poritidae. The overall...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Biodiversity change; Global change; Kepulauan Seribu; Reef degradation; Scientific collections; Scleractinia.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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New records of Fungiacava eilatensis Goreau et al., 1968 (Bivalvia, Mytilidae) boring into Indonesian mushroom corals (Scleractinia, Fungiidae) Naturalis
Hoeksema, B.W.; Kleemann, K..
New observations on endoparasites in mushroom corals at South Sulawesi and Bali resulted in eight coral host records of the mytilid bivalve Fungiacava eilatensis Goreau et al., 1968, bringing the total to 14. The host corals were observed in various habitats, most frequently on sandy substrates. The largest numbers of parasitic bivalves (>10 individuals) were found in large attached mushroom coral hosts of the genus Podabacia.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Bivalvia; Mytilidae; Fungiacava; Scleractinia; Fungiidae; Indonesia; South Sulawesi; Bali; Endoparasitism; 42.72; 42.73.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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New observations on scleractinian corals from Indonesia: 2. Sipunculan-associated species belonging to the genera Heterocyathus and Heteropsammia Naturalis
Hoeksema, B.W.; Best, M.B..
Three Indonesian species of Heterocyathus and two of Heteropsammia are briefly diagnosed. Remarks are given on their synonymy, phenotypic variation, and ecology. All five species are found on soft substrata in the proximity of coral reefs and live in association with a sipunculan worm. This interspecific assocation is discussed with regard to whether it is mutualistic or parasitic.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Scleractinia; Free-living reef corals; Mutualism; Parasitism; Sipunculan worm; Indonesia; 42.72.
Ano: 1991 URL:
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Cantharellus noumeae (gen. nov., spec. nov.), a new scleractinian coral (Fungiidae) from new Caledonia Naturalis
Hoeksema, B.W.; Borel Best, M..
A new monospecific genus in the coral family Fungiidae (Scleractinia) is described. Its affinities with two other genera are discussed.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Scleractinia; Fungiidae; New genus; New species; New Caledonia; 42.72.
Ano: 1984 URL:
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Historical biogeography of Fungia (Pleuractis) spp. (Scleractinia: Fungiidae), including a new species from the Seychelles Naturalis
Hoeksema, B.W..
An update of the phylogeny and biogeography of mushroom coral species belonging to Fungia (Pleuractis) is presented. Among the five species of this monophyletic group, one is described as new to science. This species, Fungia seychellensis spec, nov., was discovered during the Netherlands Seychelles Expedition (1992-1993) in the framework of the Netherlands Indian Ocean Programme 1990/1995.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Scleractinia; Fungiidae; Fungia; Pleuractis; Mushroom corals; New species; Phylogeny; Biogeography; Seychelles; 42.72.
Ano: 1993 URL:
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Reef-building corals (Cnidaria: Scleractinia) from the Watamu Marine National Reserve, Kenya; an annotated species list Naturalis
Lemmens, J.W.T.J..
The scleractinian fauna of the Watamu Marine National Reserve, Kenya, was surveyed between November 1982 and April 1983. The survey yielded 276 specimens representing 113 species in 45 genera, which are presented in an annotated checklist. Four genera and 43 species are added to the the list of previously known Scleractinia for East-Africa, bringing the number of species recorded for this region to 169. This substantial increase, as well as the high coral diversity of nearby communities, suggests that further additions can be expected.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Scleractinia; East Africa; Kenya; Coral diversity; Checklist; 42.74.
Ano: 1993 URL:
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Mesophotic mushroom coral records at Brunei Darussalam support westward extension of the Coral Triangle to the South China Sea waters of Northwest Borneo Naturalis
Lane, D.J.W.; Hoeksema, B.W..
This communication reports the discovery of two additional fungiid coral species, Cycloseris hexagonalis and Lithophyllon spinifer, from a relatively deep shelf reef in Brunei waters. These new records plus two earlier excluded ones, Cycloseris explanulata and C. wellsi, raise the known number of mushroom coral species at this Northwest Borneo location to 37 which is comparable to the number (n=35) reported for reefs of the nearby Tungku Abdul Rahman Park/Kota Kinabalu area, outside but close to the currently recognized northwest boundary of the zone of maximum marine biodiversity, the Coral Triangle (CT). The fungiid species richness at Brunei is compared with those of other sites in this eastern part of the South China Sea (SCS), and the adjacent...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Scleractinia; Fungiidae; Spratly; Coral reefs; Species richness.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Notes on the genus Polycyathus Duncan, 1876 and a description of three new Scleractinian corals from the Indo-Pacific Naturalis
Verheij, E.; Borel Best, M..
Three new Polycyathus species are described. Their affinities with other Polycyathus species and the affinities of the genus Polycyathus with other genera are discussed.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Scleractinia; Polycyathus; New species; Indo-Pacific; 42.72.
Ano: 1987 URL:
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