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Cycles sédimentaires dans le système turbiditique du Congo : nature et origine ArchiMer
Picot, Marie.
Turbidite systems are huge submarine sedimentary fans located off rivers, at the foot of the continental slope. They constitute the most distal terrigeneous deposits of a fluvial system. Their internal structure, defined as a stacking of channel-levee systems, show architectural changes through time. Forcing factors of these architectural changesare still poorly understood, and the respective role of internal (related to the own functioning of the system) or external forcing factors (climate, seal-level variations, tectonics) remains debated. To better understand the role of these controlling factors, a detailed study of the Congo system architecture was carried out. This study was conducted as part of the Reprezaï research project (Ifremer/IUEM, since...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Système turbiditique; Congo; Quaternaire terminal; Cycles sédimentaires; Progradation et rétrogradation; Avulsion; Lobes; Paléoclimat; Sismique; Carottes sédimentaires; Turbidite system; Congo; Quaternary; Sedimentary cycles; Progradation; Retrogradation; Avulsion; Lobes; Paleoclimate; Geophysical data; Sedimentary cores Thèse.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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