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Evolution of the Toxoglossa Venom Apparatus as Inferred by Molecular Phylogeny of the Terebridae ArchiMer
Holford, Mande; Puillandre, Nicolas; Terryn, Yves; Cruaud, Corinne; Olivera, Baldomero; Bouchet, Philippe.
Toxoglossate marine gastropods, traditionally assigned to the families Conidae, Terebridae, and Turridae, are one of the most populous animal groups that use venom to capture their prey. These marine animals are generally characterized by a venom apparatus that consists of a muscular venom bulb and a tubular venom gland. The toxoglossan radula, often compared with a hypodermic needle for its use as a conduit to inject toxins into prey, is considered a major anatomical breakthrough that assisted in the successful initial radiation of these animals in the Cretaceous and early Tertiary. The pharmacological success of toxins from cone snails has made this group a star among biochemists and neuroscientists, but very little is known about toxins from the other...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Life history similarities; Similar proboscis type; Morphology; Biology; Peptides; Radula.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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