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Testage de souches d'huîtres plates Ostrea edulis tolérantes à Bonamia ostreae: élevage contrôlé, écophysiologie et modélisation de la croissance ArchiMer
Haure, Joel.
Since the 1960's, breeding of the flat oyster Ostrea edulis has been under threat from two protozoan parasites, one of which is Bonamia ostrea. Several attempts have been made to introduce flat oysters of the Ostrea genus on the French coast, without much success. The IFREMER genetics laboratory. at Ronce les Bains has used selective pressure with Bonamia ostrea to obtain bonamiosis-resistant strains of the flat oyster, Ostrea edulis. The growth and physiology of these animaIs was studied in an intensive breeding system in which the algae Skeletonema costatum was used as fodder. The growth performance of the tolerant animals was compared with that of non-selected controls over a period of three years (1994,1995,1996). An analysis of the results showed the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ostrea edulis; Skeletonema costatum; Ecophysiologie; Modélisation; Elevage intensif; Bonamia ostreae; Ostrea edulis; Skeletonema costatum; Ecophysiology; Modelisation; Intensive culture; Bonamia ostreae.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Affinage contrôlé en bassin de l'huître creuse Crassostrea gigas ArchiMer
Baud, Jean-pierre; Brisset, Emmanuelle; Cardinal, Mireille.
Une étude d'affinage contrôlé en bassin de l'huître creuse Crassas/rea gigas a été réalisée en novembre 1991 par "IFREMER de Bouin (Vendée). Cinq tonnes d'huîtres ont été nourries avec la diatomée Skeletonema costatum produite sur eau salée souterraine à raison de 1,2 X 10(9) cellules/individus/jour. L'affinage a été réalisé dans un bassin bétonné de 500 m2 muni d'une rampe de bullage d'air à une densité de 11 kg/m2 de coquillages. L'influence de différents paramètres sur l'affinage a été testée à l'aide d'un plan factoriel incluant : La taille des huîtres (86,8g ± 3,8 ; 69,5g ± 3,2 ; 53,1g.± 2,3), la technique de stockage (au sol, en casier surélevé, en poche surélevée) et la situation des huîtres par rapport à l'injection du phytoplancton (alimentation,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Affinage contrôlé; Crassostrea gigas; Skeletonema costatum; Glycogène.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Premiers essais automnaux de culture de diatomées en masse (24m3) sur eau de mer fertilisée (N/P/Si) ArchiMer
Hussenot, Jerome; Brossard, Nicolas.
This report reviews CREMA experiments carried out in the field to improve semi-continuous mass culture of diatoms to feed oysters in refining ponds at the autumnal period. The growth rate is low, owing to low irradiance level.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Phytoplancton; Culture de masse; Diatomées; Skeletonema costatum; Fer; Aquacultue.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Effets de l'apport de phytoplancton (Skeletonema costatum) sur la croissance et les variations de la composition biochimique de la palourde japonaise Ruditapes philippinarum cultivée en marais ArchiMer
Baud, Jean-pierre; Haure, Joel; Garnier, Jacqueline.
A bulk production of phytoplankton (Skelelonema costatum) has been obtained in concrete tanks from saline groundwater. This was used in various concentrations to feed an intensive cultivation of the Manila clam (Ruditapes philippinarum) in ponds. No difference was observed in growth rates of molluscs, with food concentrations between 31 to 126 µg/l Chl a. However, the growth rates obtained from March to November with a food supplement were 1.5 times higher than those observed in the traditional, extensive cultivation. The biomass doubled and the increase in flesh dry weight was 2.5 times higher. The condition index reached a value of 100 in the intensive cultivation. During growth, the proximate composition analysis revealed that the lipid and carbohydrate...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ruditapes philippinarum; Skeletonema costatum; Elevage intensif; Claire; Croissance; Composition biochimique; Ruditapes philippinarum; Skeletonema costatum; Intensive rearing; Pond; Growth; Biochemical changes.
Ano: 1990 URL:
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Evaluation du potentiel nutritif des eaux de la baie de Vilaine pendant l'été 1987 ArchiMer
Le Dean, Loic; Truquet, Philippe; Lassus, Patrick.
The growth potential study of waters of the Vilaine bay was realized from march to september 1987 and for three sampling stations. The growth of depleted test cells of Skeletonema costatum was estimated and compared from existing nutrients pools for aIl water samples. As a first result it appears that inorganic nitrogen could stimulate the growth during spring while no clear relationship is observed between the algal growth and other hydrological parameters during spring or summer periods. Nevertheless these first results need further corroboration.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Potentiel nutritif; Baie de Vilaine; Skeletonema costatum; Test biologique; Growth potential; Vilaine Bay; S. costatum; Bioassay.
Ano: 1988 URL:
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Maitrise de la culture de masse de la diatomée Skeletonema costatum en système ouvert et continu sur un milieu en "eau de mer" ArchiMer
Brossard, Nicolas; Hussenot, Jerome.
Une culture extérieure en masse de la diatomée Skeletonema costatum, en système ouvert et continu, a été réalisée en automne 1996, au marais expérimental du CREMA I'Houmeau. Le but était d'apporter une nourriture complémentaire aux huîtres en période d'affinage.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Phytoplancton; Microalgues; Diatomées; Skeletonema costatum; Culture de masse; Culture continue; Affinage d'huîtres; Phytoplankton; Diatoms; Skeletonema costatum; Mass culture; Continuous culture; Oyster fattening.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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Modélisation de l'affinage de l'huître Crassostrea gigas alimentée avec la diatomée Skeletonema costatum ArchiMer
Meleder, Vona; Barille-boyer, Anne-laure; Baud, Jean-pierre; Barille, Laurent; Cognie, Bruno; Rosa, Philippe.
The traditional fattening of the oyster Crassostrea gigas in oyster ponds of the French Atlantic Coast is submitted to natural environmental fluctuations. In order to reduce the growth variability of the soft parts of the bivalve, an intensive fattening process was developed, where the conditions of temperature, particulate organic and inorganic matter (POM and PIM) are controlled. This process relies on the production of the diatom Skeletonema costatum, which is then distributed to the oysters at an average concentration of 4–5 mg POM·L–1. An ecophysiological model of the oyster C. gigas, which simulates the evolution of somatic and gonad–reserve compartments, was applied to these conditions in order to analyse the bivalve responses. Experimentation was...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Modélisation; Affinage; Ecophysiologie; Crassostrea gigas; Skeletonema costatum; Modelling; Oyster fattening; Ecophysiology; Crassostrea gigas; Skeletonema costatum.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Intensive rearing of juvenile oysters Crassostrea gigas in an upwelling system : optimization of biological production ArchiMer
Bacher, Cedric; Baud, Jean-pierre.
Seasonal growth of juvenile oysters (Crassostrea gigas) kept in an intensive upwelling system was studied from 1984 to 1986 in 60 to 90-day growth experiments. Saline ground water was used to produce Skeletonema costatum which was injected as food into the water supplying the upwelling system. Oyster density, water flow, phytoplankton concentration, temperature and frequency of food addition were controlled. Oyster growth was analysed with multidimensional contingency tables and correspondence analysis. The factors, in order of decreasing influence on growth, were temperature, food concentration and oyster density. A rearing strategy was deduced from the growth analysis for summer and winter. In summer, the density of 120,000 oysters/m2, the flow rate of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Nursery; Growth; Correspondence analysis; Multidimensional contingency table analysis; Economic efficiency; Skeletonema costatum; Crassotrea gigas; Nourriture; Croissance; Analyse des correspondances; Table de contingence multidimensionnelle; Rentabilité économique; Skeletonema costatum; Crassostrea gigas.
Ano: 1992 URL:
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Production en masse de Skeletonema costatum en bassins extérieurs par fertilisation minérale : étude d'un cycle estival ArchiMer
Gautier, Dominique; Ledu, Christophe; Hussenot, Jerome; Gerard, Andre.
La production en masse de Skeletonemca costatum par fertilisation minérale ((N, P, Si) a été étudiée à l'écloserie IFREMER de Ronce-les-Bains sur un bassin de 200 m3 à fond bâché endant un cycle de 11 jours en juillet 1992. (...)
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Phyoplancton; Nutriments; Production en masse; Skeletonema costatum; Diatomées.
Ano: 1993 URL:
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Mesure de la retention de Skeletonema costatum par Ruditapes philippinarum (Mollusque, Bivalve) en fonction de la longueur des colonies algales: Principes methodologiques ArchiMer
Sauriau, P; Baud, Jean-pierre.
Based on Coulter Counter data, a new method is proposed to study the influence of the polymorphous variability in size as well as in shape of the diatom species Skeletonema costatum on the physiological performances of the Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum . Three conditions are required in order to convert volumetric data determined with the Coulter Counter into metric data, i.e. (1) stability of the pervalvar diameter of the diatom chains, (2) statistical independence between length and pervalvar diameter of the diatom chains, and (3) negligible level of coincident passages through the aperture orifice. Under these three conditions, the mean length (l) of a S. costatum chain can be related to the mean pervalvar diameter (d) of diatom chains and to the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bivalvia; Skeletonema costatum; Bacillariophyceae; Algae; Physiology; Biopolymorphism; Counters; Size; Size distribution; Feeding; Nutrition.
Ano: 1991 URL:
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Sélection de paramètres physiques pour la régulation et la maîtrise de la distribution de nourriture (Skeletonema costatum) aux coquillages d'intérêt commercial ArchiMer
Haure, Joel; Palvadeau, Hubert; Nourry, Max; Penisson, Christian; Martin, Jean-louis.
A study was realized to automate the distribution of phytoplankton (Skeletonema costatum) in the extensive breedings of shells of commercial interest. Physical parameters were selected to define their domain of application for the realization of such a project The work was realized in spring (in June, 1999) and in autumn (in November, 1999) in different dilution of phytoplankton in a treated subterranean salt water. The results showed that the fluorescence gave a better sensibility to inter seasonal in the explanation of the distributed food, but lost as representation during the night-phases, On the other hand, the absorption ( optical density) presented less daily variability and with good correlations with the nourishing concentration of the environment...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fluorescence in vivo; Absorption in vivo; Automatisation; Skeletonema costatum; Fluorescence in vovo; Absorption in vivo; Automation; Skeletonema costatum.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Faisabilité biologique de l'élevage intensif en bassin de l'huître plate Ostrea edulis ArchiMer
Brault, Isabelle; Baud, Jean-pierre; Haure, Joel.
L'étude de faisabilité de l'élevage intensif de l'huître plate Ostrea edulis en bassin (enceinte contenant 8 niveaux de casiers d'élevage empilés) permet d'établir un premier bilan sur cette technique: Aspects positifs: - Obtention d'une croissance homogène quelque soit le niveau d'élevage dans la colonne d'eau durant les trois saisons étudiées (printemps, été, automne), - Adéquation entre la ration alimentaire de phytoplancton (Skeletonema costatum) et la densité de coquillages à trois tailles différentes (1.10(9) cellules de phytoplancton). Seule la densité de 400 individus par casier pour les juvéniles (P) pourrait être augmentée. Aspects négatifs: - Mise en évidence d'une relation décroissante entre le coefficient de croissance (G30) et la taille des...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Aquaculture intensive; Ostrea edulis; Skeletonema costatum.
Ano: 1994 URL:
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Digestibilité de l'algue Skeletonema costatum par la palourde japonaise Ruditapes philippinarum : éléments d'optimisation appliqués à la vénériculture intensive en marais ArchiMer
Sauriau, Pierre-guy; IFREMER - Laboratoire Ecosystèmes Conchylicoles (LEC) La Tremblade; ECOCEAN - Environnement Littoral & Marin La Rochelle.
Le présent rapport se scinde en trois volets. le premier expose la genèse de l'application à l'aquaculture intensive d'une technique employée en agriculture intensive. Le second volet s'attache à comparer les résultats des calculs de taux de digestibilité acquis, d'une part, in vitro sous des conditions de débit circulant et de type nourriture variables et, d'autre part, in situ par prélèvement des palourdes directement dans le système d'élevage. Enfin le dernier volet contient l'analyse des la distribution spatiales des colonies algales de Skeletonema costatum dans une claire ostréicole expérimentale.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Vénériculture; Marais; Algue; Skeletonema costatum; Digestion; Ruditapes philippinarum; Bivalvia.
Ano: 1991 URL:
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Intensive culture of the Manila clam (Ruditapes philippinarum) in marine ponds. The impact of rearing densities and feeding levels on growth rates and yields ArchiMer
Baud, Jean-pierre; Haure, Joel; Bodoy, Alain.
Intensive ongrowing (from 28 mm to the commercial size, 35 mm) of the Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum was studied in experimental raceways with a natural bottom of clay. The factors controlled were rearing density (100, 200, and 300 individuals/m2) and food concentration (34.0 and 68.1 µg.1-1 chlorophyll a). Food was produced from a batch culture of Skeletonema costatum in a large volume (50 m3), thanks to the fertile ground and saline water. Best results regarding final size were obtained in the vicinity of the inflow with a densilY of 100 individuals/m2. However it was a density of 300 individuals/m2 which appeared from the following results to be the optimal choice for intensive rearing: the survival rate was 84 %, the final biomass was 4 kg/m2 and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ruditapes philippinarum; Skeletonema costatum; Elevage intensif; Marais maritime; Croissance; Rendement; Ruditapes philippinarum; Skeletonema costatum; Intensive rearing; Marine pond; Growth rate; Yield.
Ano: 1992 URL:
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The effect of algae diets ( Skeletonema costatum and Rhodomonas baltica ) on the biochemical composition and sensory characteristics of Pacific cupped oysters ( Crassostrea gigas ) during land-based refinement ArchiMer
Van Houcke, Jasper; Medina, Isabel; Maehre, Hanne K.; Cornet, Josiane; Cardinal, Mireille; Linssen, Jozef; Luten, Joop.
Oyster refinement, a common practice in France, is aimed at increasing the weight of oyster tissue and influencing the taste properties of the refined oysters. Refinement usually takes place in land-based systems where the oysters are fed with relatively high concentrations of microalgae. In this study the impact of feeding Skeletonema costatum and Rhodomonas baltica on the biochemical composition and sensory characteristics of Pacific cupped oysters (Crassostrea gigas) from the Eastern Scheldt during land-based refinement was studied. After a feeding period of four and seven weeks market-sized oysters were sampled for the analysis of fatty acids, free amino acids and volatile organic compounds and for a sensory evaluation by consumers and an expert panel....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Crassostrea gigas; Skeletonema costatum; Rhodomonas baltica; Sensory properties; Free amino acids; Fatty acids.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Les métaux (Cd, Cu, Pb et Zn) dans la production des microalgues sur différents milieux de culture : biodisponibilité, bioaccumulation et impact physiologique ArchiMer
Gagneux-moreaux, Sindy.
The quality and the productivity of microalgal cultures depend on different physicochemical factors like salinity, pH, nutrient and trace element (including trace metals) concentration in the culture medium. During this doctoral study, the bioavailability of four metals for microalgae was tested in coastal seawater and several salt groundwaters. The bioavailability of a metal depends on its own total concentration as well as that of ligands in the medium, and on the relative affinity of each ligand towards the given metal. After a comparative study of the quality of algae grown in coastal seawater and salt groundwaters, the complexation capacities of these media were studied to allow a better understanding of the observed variations of metal...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Metal speciation; Artifical medium DAM; Salt groundwater; Coastal seawater; Tetraselmis suecica; Skeletonema costatum; Phaeodactylum tricornutum; Haslea ostrearia; Spéciation métallique; Milieu artificiel DAM; Eau souterraine salée; Eau de mer; Tetraselmis suecica; Skeletonema costatum; Phaeodactylum tricornutum; Haslea ostrearia.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Continuous fluorescence recording as a way to improve Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) models of paralytic shellfish toxin accumulation ArchiMer
Baron, Regis; Couedel, Marielle; Joret, Camille; Garen, Pierre; Truquet, Philippe; Masselin, Pierre; Bardouil, Michele; Lassus, Patrick.
A simple system was used to simulate the effect of alternating toxic (paralytic shellfish poisoning toxins) and non-toxic microalgal diets on oyster feeding behaviors and rates of toxin accumulation. These experimental conditions were meant to reflect, to some extent, the incoming and outgoing fluxes of toxic algae observed at the mouth of the Penze estuary (Northern Brittany, France). Physiological and toxicological parameters were estimated based oil fluorescence measurements recorded continuously at the outlet of each experimental tank, which contained a single oyster. Q(tox), this variable describes toxin uptake in oysters, it was used (instead of the toxin ingestion rate): i) in simple graphical analyses, ii) as well as in one- and two-compartment...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Skeletonema costatum; Alexandrium minutum; Fluorescence; Modeling; Kinetics; Toxin uptake; Shellfish toxin; PSP.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Oligotrophication and emergence of picocyanobacteria and a toxic dinoflagellate in Thau lagoon, southern France ArchiMer
Collos, Yves; Bec, Beatrice; Jauzein, Cecile; Abadie, Eric; Laugier, Thierry; Lautier, Jacques; Pastoureaud, Annie; Souchu, Philippe; Vaquer, Andre.
Time series data have been examined in Thau lagoon (Southern France) from 1972 to 2006 for water temperature, salinity, nutrients and from 1987 to 2006 for phytoplankton. A first main trend identified is an increase in mean annual water temperature (1.5 degrees C over 33 years or 0.045 degrees C/year) that was not evenly distributed among seasons. The highest rate of increase was in the spring (+ 3.0 degrees C over 33 years), followed by summer (+ 2.0 degrees C and fall (+ 1.7 degrees C. In winter, no significant increase over the 33 year period could be found. A second clear trend is a large decrease in soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) concentration over the same 33 year period (summer values decreased from 10 mu M to 1 mu M. while winter values...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Skeletonema costatum; Alexandrium catenella; Picocyanobacteria; Oligotrophication; Long term variability; Thau lagoon.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Optimisation de l'élevage intensif de la palourde japonaise Ruditapes philippinarum en marais ArchiMer
Breton, Gildas; Baud, Jean-pierre; Haure, Joel.
Après les études de mise au point de la technique intensive réalisées en 1988 et 1989 sur des bassins expérimentaux de 30 m2, une optimisation de cette méthode d'élevage a été faite sur deux claires de 200 m2 avec les normes zootechniques suivantes: densité = 300 palourdes x m-2, concentration d'eau de mer enrichie en Skeletonema costatum produit à partir d'eau salée souterraine = 300 cellules/µl ou 126 µg/l de chla, taux de renouvellement = 100 % du volume par jour. En 8 mois d'élevage, le poids moyen des palourdes est passé de 5,5 g à 19,3 g, soit un rendement de 4,53 kg/m2 pour une production finale de 1,86 tonne, avec une chair de qualité satisfaisante, riche en glycogène et ayant un indice de condition de 94. Aucune trace d'anneau brun n'a été...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Aquaculture intensive; Marais maritime; Ruditapes philippinarum; Skeletonema costatum; Eau salée souterraine; Asperseur.
Ano: 1991 URL:
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Etude de la croissance et de l'activité écophysiologique des huîtres creuses Crassostrea gigas, Crassostrea angulata et de leurs hybrides en système contrôlé ArchiMer
Haure, Joel; Huvet, Arnaud; Palvadeau, Hubert; Nourry, Max; Martin, Jean-louis; Boudry, Pierre; Penisson, Christian.
A comparative study of the growth of the oysters Crassostrea gigas, Crassostrea angulata and their hybrids was carried out in 1999 in system controlled with contribution of the micro alga Skeletonema costatum. The results showed significant differences of the pondéral growth of the four studied progenies. The animals C. gigas had growth rates 1.4 times greater than C. angulata oysters. The hybrid progenies were shown more powerful than Portuguese oysters but are not different from the Japanese oysters. The ecophysiologic study showed that the averages of filtration and oxygen uptake, obtained by means of a three hours recording, cannot differentiate the four studied progenies. On the other hand, the calculation of the FTA (Feeding Time Activity) allowed to...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Skeletonema costatum; Hybrids; Crassostrea angulata; Crassostrea gigas; Ecophysiology; Growth; Skeletonema costatum; Hybrides; Crassostrea angulata; Crassostrea gigas; Ecophysiologie; Croissance.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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