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Coastal Lagoons and Climate Change: Ecological and Social Ramifications in U.S. Atlantic and Gulf Coast Ecosystems Ecology and Society
Anthony, Abigail; University of Rhode Island;; Atwood, Joshua; University of Rhode Island;; August, Peter; University of Rhode Island;; Byron, Carrie; University of Rhode Island;; Cobb, Stanley; University of Rhode Island;; Foster, Cheryl; University of Rhode Island;; Fry, Crystal; University of Rhode Island;; Gold, Arthur; University of Rhode Island;; Hagos, Kifle; University of Rhode Island;; Heffner, Leanna; University of Rhode Island;; Kellogg, D. Q; University of Rhode Island;; Lellis-Dibble, Kimberly; University of Rhode Island;; Opaluch, James J; University of Rhode Island; JimO@URI.Edu; Oviatt, Candace; University of Rhode Island;; Pfeiffer-Herbert, Anna; University of Rhode Island;; Rohr, Nicole; University of Rhode Island;; Smith, Leslie; University of Rhode Island;; Smythe, Tiffany; ;; Swift, Judith; University of Rhode Island;; Vinhateiro, Nathan; University of Rhode Island;
Lagoons are highly productive coastal features that provide a range of natural services that society values. Their setting within the coastal landscape leaves them especially vulnerable to profound physical, ecological, and associated societal disturbance from global climate change. Expected shifts in physical and ecological characteristics range from changes in flushing regime, freshwater inputs, and water chemistry to complete inundation and loss and the concomitant loss of natural and human communities. Therefore, managing coastal lagoons in the context of global climate change is critical. Although management approaches will vary depending on local conditions and cultural norms, all management scenarios will need to be nimble and to make full use of...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Synthesis Palavras-chave: Climate change; Coastal lagoons; Ecosystems; Social values.
Ano: 2009
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Improving ecosystem service frameworks to address wicked problems Ecology and Society
Davies, Kathryn K.; National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research;; Fisher, Karen T.; The University of Auckland;; Dickson, Mark E.; The University of Auckland;; Thrush, Simon F.; Institute of Marine Science; The University of Auckland;; Le Heron, Richard; The University of Auckland;
Complex problems often result from the multiple interactions between human activities and ecosystems. The interconnected nature of ecological and social systems should be considered if these “wicked problems” are to be addressed. Ecosystem service approaches provide an opportunity to link ecosystem function with social values, but in practice the essential role that social dynamics play in the delivery of outcomes remains largely unexplored. Social factors such as management regimes, power relationships, skills, and values, can dramatically affect the definition and delivery of ecosystem services. Input from a diverse group of stakeholders improves the capacity of ecosystem service approaches to address wicked problems by acknowledging...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Insight Palavras-chave: Ecosystem services; Participatory modeling; Social capital; Social values; Wicked problems.
Ano: 2015
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Getting a Purchase on Social Values: Further Commentary on Sustainability, A Marketing Perspective Ecology and Society
Bromley, Peter; Pacific Institute for Social Change and Economic Sustainability (PISCES);
Successful marketing of sustainability will proceed apace when we confront, and deal directly with, our social values. The tools are at hand.
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Advertising; Environmental responsibility; Social change; Social values.
Ano: 2002
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Social and Ethical Considerations of Nuclear Power Development AgEcon
Parkins, John R.; Haluza-DeLay, Randolph.
A new urgency is emerging around nuclear power development and this urgency is accentuated by the post-tsunami events at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Japan. This urgency extends beyond these dramatic events in Japan, however, to many other regions of the world and situations where nuclear power development is receiving renewed attention as an alternative to carbon-based energy sources. As a contribution to the growing public debate about nuclear power development, this paper offers a set of insights into the social and ethical aspects of nuclear power development by drawing from published literature in the humanities and social sciences. We offer insights into public risk perception of nuclear power at individual and national levels, the...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Nuclear power; Risk perception; Social context; Megaprojects; Energy production; Applied ethics; Social values; Social movements; Complexity; Hazards; Disaster response; Environmental Economics and Policy; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; Risk and Uncertainty; Q40; Z00.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Sustainable Decision-making: The State of the Art from an Economics Perspective AgEcon
Toman, Michael.
Government, corporate and other decision makers are more and more often being urged to 'act sustainably' and to pursue policy paths toward 'sustainable development.' However, application of these concepts is hampered by serious interdisciplinary disagreements about the interactions of humans with their environment. Moreover, reducing disagreements about sustainability cannot be achieved solely through an improvement in scientific knowledge. These observations lead me to express skepticism about the capacity of any more or less mechanistic rule, economic, scientific or otherwise, to provide definitive and reliable answers about sustainable policies or conduct. However, there are processes and procedures that can help guide decision-making. I underscore the...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Sustainable development; Cost-benefit analysis; Intergenerational equity; Multicriteria analysis; Social values; Institutional and Behavioral Economics; A12; A13; B41; D61; D63; H43; Q28.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Ecological theory and values in the determination of conservation goals: examples from temperate regions of Germany, United States of America, and Chile RChHN
Jax,Kurt; Rozzi,Ricardo.
The definition of conservation goals is a complex task, which involves both ecological sciences and social values. A brief history of conservation strategies in Germany (protection of cultural landscapes), United States (wilderness ideal), and southern Chile (preservation paradigm and the more recent interest in ecotourism) illustrates a broad range of conservation goals. To encompass such an array of conservation dimensions and goals, the ecosystem approach adopted by the Conference of the Parties of the Convention on Biological Diversity represents a good approach. However, to become effective, this kind of approach requires clarifying and agreeing upon basic concepts, such as ecosystem. To serve that purpose, we present a scheme that considers the...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Conservation; Comparative approach; Ecological theory; Chile; Ecotourism; Ecosystem management; Germany; Images of nature; Magellan region; Social values; Yellowstone; Yellowstone.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Distrust of the State and observance of the law among peasants in the San Nicolas Valley Rev. Econ. Sociol. Rural
Durán-Palacio,Nicolasa María; Cogollo-Ospina,Sonia Natalia; Moreno-Carmona,Norman Darío.
Abstract In Colombia, political decisions related to the countryside preserve an unjust social order, maintaining inequities and obstacles to the well-being and life quality of farmers. In this scenario the Territorial Arrangement Planning of the San Nicolas Valley, in the East of the department of Antioquia, has generated a series of rural conflicts that accentuate the vulnerabilities of rural residents, threatening the agricultural tradition in this subregion. Thus, this study inquired about the perceptions of legality in the peasant population of the area. A descriptive-correlational study with non-probabilistic sampling was carried out, including 380 peasants, members of civic-rural associations of the San Nicolas Valley, evaluating in four scales:...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Perception; Social justice; Peasants; Beliefs; Social values.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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